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老歌亂談(336)He Stopped Loving Her Today

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在這個世界上可能真的有許多癡情漢,雖然愛人已經離去,但他還是痴痴的等,冀望愛人某天會回來,直等到他死的那一天,對她的愛才終止。也就是所謂的「愛到至死方休」吧!這首《He Stopped Loving Her Today》就是述說著這樣的一個令人傷感的愛情故事。

其實George Jones起初並不喜歡這首歌,甚至還飆罵出:Nobody'll buy that morbid son of bitch ( 沒人會買這種病態的狗娘養的兒子 )。但這首歌卻讓他在沉寂了六年之後,又重返鄉村歌曲的冠軍寶座,也獲得1980年葛萊美最佳鄉村歌曲男歌手獎,以及美國鄉村音樂學院之年度最佳單曲等獎項。這時,George Jones改口了,除了肯定這首歌,並說:一首三分鐘的歌,竟然挽救了他第四個十年的歌唱事業

George Jones由於有酗酒的問題,曾經在好幾次的演唱會搞失蹤,而得到了個「No Show Jones」的綽號。他曾因酒癮難耐,但車鑰匙被老婆給藏了起來,突發奇想的開著自家時速約5英哩的割草機,到離家8英哩處去買酒喝。也曾發生過酒醉駕車肇事等事件,但這位老兄似乎並未被酒精給立即擊垮,直至2013年才死於「低氧性呼吸衰竭」,享年81歲。George Jones的死訊立刻成為了世界各地的頭條新聞,許多播放鄉村歌曲的電台因此更換播放清單,改播他的歌曲。在他過世的一週後,這首歌又再度的進入鄉村榜,成績為第21名。

這首《He Stopped Loving Her Today》於2003被美國鄉村音樂電視台 ( CMT ) 選為歷年來最佳鄉村歌曲的第2名,而榮獲第1名的則是他的前妻---美國鄉村音樂第一夫人Tammy Wynette的《Stand by Your Man》。

He said, "I'll love you 'til I die"
She told him, "You'll forget in time"
As the years went slowly by
She still preyed upon his mind
He kept her picture on his wall
Went half crazy now and then
He still loved her through it all
Hoping she'd come back again
Kept some letters by his bed
Dated 1962
He had underlined in red
Every single I love you
I went to see him just today
Oh, but I didn't see no tears
All dressed up to go away
First time I'd seen him smile in years
He stopped loving her today
They placed a wreath upon his door
And soon they'll carry him away
He stopped loving her today
You know, she came to see him one last time
Ohh, and we all wondered if she would
And it kept running through my mind
This time, he's over her for good
He stopped loving her today
They placed a wreath upon his door
And soon they'll carry him away
He stopped loving her today

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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