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老歌亂談(329)Let's Dance

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這首歌是美國歌手Chris Montez在1962年推出的單曲,獲告示牌熱門百大第4名及英國單曲排行榜第2名。1973年,此曲搭配The Shirelles的《Will You Love Me Tomorrow》以「老歌」名義再於歐洲發行,由於《Let's Dance》早前即已為該區域的熱門曲,當地電台當然較喜播放此曲,基於此種需求,唱片公司緊急將Shirelles的歌抽換成原單曲的B面歌曲《You're the One》,結果《Let's Dance》在睽違11年後再度進榜,在英、德兩國都得到第5名。

歌詞中的一句「We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too」,mashed potato也曾出現在《Dancing on the Moon》( 亂談149 ) 中,當時還不知是何意思?原來這也是一種舞步 ( 腳內外開合,再一隻腳側後楊起。) 而Stomp則是所謂的跺腳舞,至於twist眾所周知是扭扭舞了。

其實我覺得瑞典樂隊Ola & the Janglers在1968翻唱的版本較不錯聽,但原唱中的許多「老舞」,也值得一看,就一併貼上了。

One, two
One, two, three, four

Hey baby, won't you take a chance?
Say that you'll let me have this dance

Well, let's dance, well, let's dance
We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too
Any old dance that you wanna do
But let's dance, well, let's dance

Hey baby, yeah, you thrill me so
Hold me tight, don't you let me go

But let's dance, well, let's dance
We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too
Any old dance that you wanna do
But let's dance, well let's dance

Okay, wail now
Oh, yeah

Hey baby, if you're all alone
Maybe you'll let me walk you home

But let's dance, well, let's dance
We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too
Any old dance that you wanna do
But let's dance, well, let's dance

Hey baby, things are swingin' right
Yes, I know that this is the night

Well, let's dance, well, let's dance
We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too
Any old dance that you wanna do
But let's dance, well, let's dance

But let's dance
But let's dance
But let's dance

台長: 流浪阿狗
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