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2013-01-15 20:13:33| 人氣1,844| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(二十五)Don`t Forget To Remember

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Bee Gees



欣賞音樂其實是很主觀的,喜歡就是喜歡,不喜歡的通常聽不到十秒就會「Cut」了,像我對西洋爵士、靈魂、龐克、重金屬、雷鬼、饒舌以及大部份的抒情歌曲就興趣缺缺。而且聽歌和當時的心情也非常有關,像我們那時有一首《Beautiful Sunday》,還真的在禮拜天要放假時聽起來特別的爽,也有在老是交不到女朋友或失戀時,對聽哀怨的情歌特別有感覺。


也不過就是幾年前,有一次我曾連續聽這首《Don`t Forget To Remember》好幾遍,竟然聽到熱淚盈眶,現在想起來還覺得莫名其妙不知為何會這樣。


Bee Gees(比吉斯)的好歌也是一大堆,這次就先來聽這一首吧。


Oh my heart won't believe that you have left me
I keep telling my self that it's true
I can get over anything you want my love
But I can't get myself over you

Don't forget to remember me
And the love that used to be
I still remember you
I love you
In my heart lies a memory to tell the stars above
Don't forget to remember me my love

On my wall lies a photograph of you girl
Though I try to forget you somehow
You're the mirror of my soul so take me out of my hole
Let me try to go on living right now

Don't forget to remember me
And the love that used to be
I still remember you
I love you
In my heart lies a memory to tell the stars above
Don't forget to remember me my love


台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(二十六)The Young Ones
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(二十四)Killer Joe

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