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格拉納達 Granada

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這是一首 Domingo 很喜歡唱的歌,通常做為 encore 曲。曲調很美,節奏明快,氣勢不凡。2006年到訪 Granada 時,我只知這首曲子,也會哼,卻不知其歌詞的含意。原來是一首讚頌 Granada 女子的歌。

歌詞中 Granada 的女子有迷一般的吉普賽魅力且熱情。至於 mujer de sangre (woman of blood) 是要說其富有感情,還是說其性情剛烈呢?!

tu tierra está llena de lindas mujeres de sangre y de sol
(literally, your land is filled with sweet women of blood and of sun.)

Granada, Spain   by Frank 2006.1.9

Music and lyrics by Agustín Lara
Translation by Coby Lubliner

Granada, tierra soñada por mí,
mi cantar se vuelve gitano
cuando es para ti;
mi cantar, hecho de fantasía,
mi cantar, flor de melancolía,
que yo te vengo a dar.

Granada, tierra ensangrentada
en tardes de toros;
mujer que conserva el embrujo
de los ojos moros.
Te sueño rebelde y gitana
cubierta de flores,
y beso tu boca de grana,
jugosa manzana,
que me habla de amores.
Granada, manola cantada
en coplas preciosas;
no tengo otra cosa que darte
que un ramo de rosas,
de rosas, de suave fragancia,
que le dieran marco a la Virgen Morena.

Granada, tu tierra está llena
de lindas mujeres,
de sangre y de sol.
Granada, land I’ve been dreaming about,
When my song’s for you it turns into
A Gypsy-like shout.
It’s my song, made of a dreamer’s folly,
Yes, my song, flower of melancholy,
That I now bring to you.

Granada, your soil is made bloody
By men and bulls fighting;
A woman whose Moorish eyes give her
A charm that’s exciting.
Rebellious Gypsy in my dreaming,
All covered with flowers,
I kiss your red mouth that’s so gleaming,
A ripe apple, seeming
To speak love for hours.

Granada, with beautiful rhymes, like
A girl, poets sing you;
Except for a plain bunch of roses
I’ve nothing to bring you;
Of roses with fragrance so mild that
They could be a frame for the dark Holy Virgin.

Granada, your soil is submerged in
A sea of great beauties,
Of blood and of sun.

Placído Domingo

Juan Diego Florez

Granada, Homónima, Andalucía, España.     by Frank 2006.1.9

台長: frank
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