有趣的發現,但是因為實驗的樣本數少,進行的時間也不長,所以這些只能說是初期發現。此外這個實驗的評量標準只是用(CK)肌酸肌酶(肌肉損傷標幟物)在血液中的濃度,雖然飲用巧克力牛奶使 CK 濃度下降,但卻無從得知,巧克力牛奶是否有助於產生或復建肌肉。
BMJ Group, Thursday 4 June 2009 00.00 BST
Chocolate milk 'just as good as sports drinks' for athletes
Low-fat chocolate milk is just as good as sports drinks at helping athletes recover from exercise, according to a small study. Football players recovered from training just as quickly after drinking chocolate milk, and chemical markers in their blood suggested that they might suffer less from muscle breakdown.

Anthony 參加基隆外木山海上四千公尺長泳 (by Frank SHIEH, 2009.6.14)
What do we know already?
People in the UK spent £166 million on sports drinks in 2008. Dozens of different products are available, but they tend to share common features. Most contain a source of energy, such as glucose. Many also contain electrolytes, which are salts, such as sodium and potassium.
Your body uses glucose and other sugars for energy, so sports drinks can help refuel the muscles during exercise. This is more important for people doing long workouts or training more than once a day. Another effect of glucose is to help your body absorb fluids more quickly. Fluids that contain around 3 to 6 percent glucose seem to be absorbed faster by the body.
The idea of having electrolytes in sports drinks is to replace the salts you lose in your sweat. Again, this is more important if your priority is to perform for longer or recover quickly afterwards. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, water is just as good as a sports drink if you're going to be exercising for less than 45 minutes.
In the past few years, there's been interest in skimmed milk as an alternative to sports drinks. Milk contains lactose – a type of sugar – in similar amounts to the glucose in some sports drinks. It also contains the electrolytes sodium and potassium. An advantage of milk might be that it also contains protein, which could help build or repair muscle after training.
To find out whether milk could be a good choice for athletes, researchers asked a group of footballers to try low-fat chocolate milk or a high-carbohydrate sports drink after their training sessions.
What does the new study say?
During the study, 13 university footballers did two periods of training. Each consisted of a week of normal training followed by four days of more intensive exercise. After the more intensive sessions, players were given either a high-carbohydrate sports drink or low-fat chocolate milk.
The researchers measured how tired the players were, asked how sore their muscles were, and tested their muscle strength. They also looked at running speeds and performance on the pitch. There was no difference between the sports drink and chocolate milk.
The researchers also measured blood levels of a chemical called creatine kinase. Higher levels of this chemical are a sign of muscle breakdown. When players had been drinking chocolate milk, they had lower levels of creatine kinase.
Creatine Kinase (CK) 肌酸肌酶是肌肉及腦組織內的一種酵素。負責催化將高能量的磷化物由ATP轉移至Creatine,產生creatinephosphate。因此,CK顯著的存在組織中如肌肉、肝臟、腦、腎臟、脾臟。
How reliable are the findings?
The study was very small, so the results should be treated with caution. Another problem is that it only looked at chemical markers of muscle damage. There's no way of knowing whether milk led to noticeable benefits, like helping to build more lean muscle.
Where does the study come from?
The study was done by researchers from James Madison University in Virginia. The results were presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. The full study is due to be published in a journal called Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
What does this mean for me?
Whether you'll benefit from drinking milk or a sports drink, or whether you'll be okay with water, depends on how long you're exercising for. Unless you're doing something really strenuous, for workouts shorter than 45 minutes you're probably fine drinking water. If you're exercising for longer than this, drinks containing carbohydrates and salts - whether milk or sports drinks - will help you perform better.
It's also worth thinking about what you aim to get from your workout. For example, if you're exercising to lose weight rather than stay fit, sugary drinks may give you more calories than you burned off. In this case, you may be better off rehydrating with water.
What should I do now?
Make sure you rehydrate during or after exercise. Unfortunately, it's impossible to give simple guidelines about how much to drink, as people's requirements vary hugely. In an hour during a marathon, some runners will lose less than half a litre of water in sweat, but others will lose more than 2 litres. You need to take into account your level of fitness, how hot it is, and the intensity of your training. Be extra careful if you're taking part in long or strenuous activities, such as a marathon or triathlon.
Several companies have started to sell milk-based sports drinks. Check the ingredients to see if they can offer you anything that ordinary skimmed milk or low-fat chocolate milk can't.
If you want to drink sports drinks and are keen to save money, you can
make your own by mixing orange juice, water, and a pinch of salt.
Gilson SF, Saunders MJ, Moran CW, et al. Effects of chocolate milk consumption on markers of muscle recovery during intensified soccer training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009; 41: S577.
© BMJ Publishing Group Limited ("BMJ Group") 2009
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