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[魔法] 愛情靈藥

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這幾天開始餵一些CD給冷落了許久的音響,董尼采第的「愛情靈藥」(Donizetti's "L'Elisir d'Amore")故事或許陳腐,幾近荒誕,但是皆大歡喜的結局與感人的詠嘆調,是它可以流傳近一百八十年的原因吧。涅默利諾(Nemorino)的「一滴美妙的情淚」(una furtiva lagrima)真是感人。

在youtube 裡找到的一位男高音 Francisco Araiza 唱得挺不錯的。

雖然「愛情靈藥」 L'Elisir d'Amore (the elixir of love)在董尼采第的劇中徹頭徹尾是假的,不過是廉價的葡萄酒,主角(Nemorino)還是得到了渴望許久的愛情,與所愛(Adina)共結連理。所以以結果論而言,那江湖郎中所賣的「愛情靈藥」是真的愛情靈藥,即便靈藥本質是廉價葡萄酒。這篇最主要是要介紹魔法,音樂不過是個引子罷了。

電視上的命理節目裡,總有老師教授如何招桃花、如何讓愛人死心踏地的愛著你 ...崔斯坦與伊索德因為一瓶愛情靈藥而相戀到無法自拔,或許這世上是真的有「愛情靈藥」或「愛情靈符」、「愛情魔咒」之類的東西。幾年前在 BBC 的 h2g2 所看到的一篇指南是關於招來愛情的符咒,看看洋人是用哪些方法或符咒吧,還滿有趣的,而且如果想如法炮製的話也不難;道具的要求也不高:蘋果、蠟燭、玫瑰花等...聽起來也頗浪漫。

The photo was taken from "Music Review -'L’Elisir d’Amore' Playing Love and Potions for Laughs, Italian Style" dated April 1st, 2009 at The New York Times -- Massimo Giordano and Angela Gheorghiu, center, Tuesday night in the Metropolitan Opera’s production of the Donizetti comedy "L’Elisir d’Amore."

Created: 27th June 2006

Attracting Love With Spells and Charms

As the nectar draws the bee, bring my one true love to me!

Love; that which many of us at some time seek. Does it make the world go round? Perhaps, but as long as there is love to be had, there will be those who seek to influence its effects and attract it to their lives. For those whose belief systems include the use of magic and charms, such as Wiccans, there are many ways to attract, foresee and keep love, a small selection of which is outlined below.

Wiccan n. a believer in Wicca 現代巫術

An Apple a Day

Of all fruits and foods, the one witches most connect with love is the common apple. It has long been hailed as a fruit of life and knowledge and was sacred to Pagans long before the Old Testament cast it in a central role in the garden of Eden. When cut in half horizontally, a pentagram1 can be seen inside. Apples have their own goddess - Pomona - and are associated with Freya, Hera and especially Aphrodite.

Pomona n. [羅神] 波摩娜-果樹女神
Freya n. [北歐神話] 芙瑞亞 Frey 之妹,司愛、美、收獲之神

So what to do with an apple? An ancient Greek custom was to simply toss one into the lap of your intended mate. If the person welcomed the fruit and took a bite (even better if they then offered you the second), your feelings were returned and it was time to go for it! If on the other hand the recipient seemed uncomfortable or sought to dispose of the fruit, it was time to find a new object of lust, or a stronger spell!

Although the origin is not clear, another custom is to peel an apple in one long strip, if possible, and let the peel fall into a bowl of water while thinking of your lover coming to you. The peel will allegedly form the initial of your future lover. This is believed best performed at Halloween when magic is said to be most potent.

Other customs include wishing on an apple and leaving it in the light of the moon or eating an apple in front of a mirror at midnight. Apples feature strongly in fairytales and fables too, with their supposed seductive quality sometimes used for harm instead of good, as in the case of Snow White but she still got her Prince in the end! Other foods and herbs/spices associated with love and love spells are the lime cinnamon, and of course oysters! It is, however, possible to use any food to make a love gift if it is blessed as you would a talisman or charm.

Candle Candle Burning Bright

Candle magic is a great form of spell casting as it is fairly easy and considered to be very effective. There are many spells to do with love, the following is an example.

For the simplest of love spells all you need is a pink candle. With a clear mind focus on your intent: a lover for you to come at the right time. Burn the candle and make your wish! If you choose to be more elaborate you can write your spell on a piece of paper and burn it, using two candles, one each for you and your dream partner: perhaps with things such as star sign added, or adding rose oil or petals to the paper or candle. You may also wish to call upon an appropriate deity - Eros or Venus, say - to bless and witness the spell.

Any spell should always be cast with pure intent and preferably closed with 'For the good of all, so mote it be' or words to that effect. This is to ensure that nobody is harmed and if the spell is not for the good of all concerned, it will not work.

It is possible to use the same, or similar spells as the one outlined above in order to repel the attentions of an unwanted lover. Just reverse your words as necessary: Or perhaps it may be kinder to will them a more suitable lover.

Talismans, Potions ... etc.

Blessing2 a piece of rose quartz or amethyst and placing it by your bedside is believed to bring wonderful luck in love. Other items, almost anything you wish, can be turned into a talisman or charm to carry with you. Simply pass the item through a candle flame stating your intent for it and asking for your gods' blessings. Flowers, particularly roses, make excellent gifts to charm.

Rose water is often used as a base in love potions and modern-day perfumes, as is juniper, though the simplest love magic of all involves focusing on yourself! Before an evening out, take a nice leisurely candlelit bath and luxuriate in aromatic oils - whatever makes you feel good. As you lie in the water imagine you are soaking its beauty through your pores as a pink light. Tell yourself you are worthy of love: put on your best clothes, check out that goddess in the mirror and go and knock them dead! It is a wise saying that no one can love you until you love yourself.

Poppets are small pieces of cloth sewn together to form a doll-like figure and filled with the ingredients of your choice. For a love spell you may fill your poppet with rose petals and apple pips or something else you associate with love. The poppet can then be decorated to resemble, however vaguely, the type of person you wish to attract.

Keeping Love Alive

A very nice way to pledge your love to each other and enrich your relationship is outlined here. With your partner, buy a small gift for each other and on a Friday3 sit quietly together thinking on your relationship. Pour a glass of wine and offer it to Aphrodite; in her name drink from it, each in turn asking her blessings and for your love to flourish. Give each other the gifts, making your pledges as you do so. The wine may be finished or taken outside and returned to the ground as thanks.

A Final Word

Magic should always be used responsibly. Please never try to influence another person's free will and most importantly, be safe, especially with candles.

If you are experimenting with aphrodisiacs please also be careful. The famous 'Spanish Fly' irritates the urinary tract causing an erection in males but can have serious side affects. The same goes for rhino horn, though the side effects may be more serious for the poor endangered rhino. Magic should be used to enhance life, never to harm it. Blessed Be!

1 The five-pointed star used by witches to signify the elements.
2 Asking the blessing and love of your deity of choice.
3 Friday is associated with Aphrodite/Venus and all matters connected with love and romance.


The story was taken from h2g2, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' from the website of BBC. The copyright remains with its original owner, BBC is not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.

這是我在YouTube找到的貝爾岡吉(Carlo Bergonzi) 唱這段 una furtiva lagrima, 他66歲時的演出,真是了不起!

Italian Translation in English

Una furtiva lagrima One furtive secret tear
negli occhi suoi spuntò: from her eyes did spring:
Quelle festose giovani as if those youths who can be playful
invidiar sembrò. it ( or she ) seemed to be envious of.
Che più cercando io vo? What more searching do I want?
Che più cercando io vo? What more searching do I want?
M'ama! Sì, m'ama, lo vedo. Lo vedo. She loves me! Yes, she loves me, I see it. I see it.
Un solo istante i palpiti Just for an instant the beats
del suo bel cor sentir! of her beautiful heart if I could feel!
I miei sospir, confondere My sighs if they were mingled
per poco a' suoi sospir! for a while with her sighs!
I palpiti, i palpiti sentir, The beats, the beats of her heart if I could feel,
confondere i miei coi suoi sospir... to fuse my sighs with hers...
Cielo! Si può morir! Heavens! Yes, I could die!
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo. I ask for nothing more, nothing.
Ah, cielo! Si può! Si, può morir! Oh, heavens! Yes, I could, I could die!
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo. I ask for nothing more, nothing.
Si può morir! Si può morir d'amor. Yes, I could die! Yes, I could die of love.

台長: frank
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