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[西班牙語] 假設語氣 subjuntivo (subjunctive)

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3.1 When to use the Subjunctive? W.E.I.R.D.O.

Subjunctive is not a tense but rather a mood.

There are 3 moods:

the indicative, indicativo- objective and truthful
the imperative, imperativo- command
the subjunctive, subjuntivo- desire, doubts, the unknown, the abstract and emotions.

indicative => truth
subjunctive => unknown

When to use subjunctive? 3 requirements, there will be 3 main parts to each subjunctive sentence.

1. TWO different subjects
One in the main clause or independent clause, and one in subordinate or dependent clause.

Recomiendo que lleves un casco.
I recommend that you wear the helmet.

2. A relative pronoun to link 2 clauses.
There will be relative pronoun like que, quien or como which links 2 clauses.

Quiero un hombre quien sea rico.
I want a man who is rich.

3. TWO different verbs
There will be 2 verbs, one for each subject. One verb will be in the indicative and will signal the other verb will be subjunctive. Indicative signal verbs are W.E.I.R.D.O. verbs.

Espero que me compre un brazalete.

Espero, indicative verb which signals next verb will be subjunctive.
compre, subjunctive verb.

W= Wishes, Wants (demands, desires, expectations, orders, preferences)

The dependent clause represents what we want for another person and it hasn't yet occurred, or may never occur and it's NOT a fact or reality. So you use subjunctive.

Espero que me compre un collar de diamantes.

Quiero que cortes la leña para la chimenea.
I want you to chop the wood for the fireplace.

Some other verbs can be used to express wishs or wants-

agradecer, to be grateful
desear, to wish, desire
esperar, to expect, hope for
mandar, to order
pedir, to request
preferir, to prefer

E= Emotions (annoyed, angry, happy, regretful, sad, scared, surprised)

Any personal action to a situation is emotional. The focus is NOT the factual observation of the situation. But rather an observation of how situation makes the subject feel. Since how a person reacts to a situation and how they feel is always subjunctive. You use the subjunctive.

Me alegro de que sonrías.

sonreír vi, sonreírse vr to smile
le sonreía, she was smiling at him
sonría    sonriamos
sonrías   sonriáis
sonría    sonrían

Estoy enojado que el tren llegara tarde.
I am angry that the train arrived late.

encantar, to be delighted
lamentar, to regret
molestar, to annoy
sentir, to feel
sorprender, to surprise
temer, to fear

I = Impersonal expressions= es + adjective + que

Impersonal expression work a lot like emotions, and there are someone's opinions or value judgement. They focus on subjectivity of the subject, not the actual truth or reality of the situation.

unless it states:

truth (es verdad que)
certainty (es cierto que)
or fact (es hecho que)

all these are indicative phrases because they all state the truth or reality. But their opposites are used for subjunctive.

no es verdad que
no es cierto que
no es hecho que

Es increíble que los guepardos corran tan rápidamente.
It′s incredible that cheetahs can run so quickly.

Es importante que llames a tu abuela para su compleaños.
It′s important that you call your grandmother on her birthday.

es bunos/malo que, It's good/bad that ......
es curioso que, it's curious that ..........
es extraño que, It's strange that......
es una lástima que, It′s a pity that.......

R= Recommendations

When a person recommends, suggests, wants, or ask someone to do something, the subjunctive is used because you′ll never know if that person will actually do what you want.

The relative pronoun, que, separates the recommender from the recommendation.

Mi madre me aconseja que coma todo el brécol.
My mother advises me to eat all my broccoli.

Mi doctor recomienda que toma vitaminas cada mañana.
My doctor advises me to take vitamin every morning.

decir, to say
ordenar, to order
proponer, to suggest
suplicar, to beg

D= Doubt

The situation seems unreal, therefore it's NOT factual. To doubt or deny something is to question its sense of reality, and therefore it′s subjunctive.

No creen que los extraterrestres existan.
They don't believe that alien exist.

Dudo que me llamare.
I doubt he will call me.

      futuro subjuntivo: -e, -es, -e, -emos, -eis, -en

O= Ojalá

I hope to God that...., I hope, if only...

Ojalá can introduce a subjunctive phrase with or without a relative pronoun.

¡Ojalá que venga el padre Noel!
I hope Santa Claus come.

¡Ojalá llueva!
If only it would rain.

Me sorpendí que comprara un anillo.

imperfecto subjuntivo:  AR- ara, aras,  ara,  áramos, arais, aran
                                       ase, ases, ase, ásemos, aseis, asen
                            ER, IR- iera, ieras, iera, iéramos, ierais, ieran
                                       iese, ieses, iese, iésemos, ieseis, iesen

Mi hermano teme que monstruos vivan en su armario.
My brother fears that monsters live in his closet.

Es verdad que el sol subiré.
It's true the sun will rise.

Deseo que estemos en la playa.
I wish that we were at the beach.

Teatro romano de Mérida, Mérida, Badajoz, Extremadura, España.
by Frank  2005.12.15

台長: frank
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