2.11 Negative and Indefinite words in the classroom Hoy aprenderás de las palabras negativas e indefinidas en la escula, como Nadie esta en la clase hoy. Hay alguien tiene un bolígrafo. y mucho mas. bolígrafo nm, ballpoint penVamonos! I along with others would say the best way to learn foreign language is to go where it′s spoken. Taking a one hour once a wk or even once a day is nothing to compare to live in it 24-7. I take Spanish for years here in the US before going to live and take classes in Spain and then Perú. I learnt how to apply all the things I have learnt from the classes that I took in previous years. So today, I am going to prepare you for a day in una aula. In a Spanish speaking country, using different negative and indefinite words. Indefinite words are like somebody, something, some and few others which can be used to refer to people or things that are not specific or indefinite. indefinite words: somebody, something, some used to refer to people or things that are not specific or indefinite. Negative words like nobody, nothing, never and few others are used to deny the existence of people or things or to contradict statements. negative words: nobody, nothing, never, none, no Negative words like nobody, nothing, ever Used to deny the existence of people or things, or contradict statement. Now, how you use these words can definitely set you apart from a novice Spanish speaker. And pensamos con las palabras indefinidas porque son muy simulares a las palabras indefinidas en inglés. alguien (somebody/anybody) ¿Hay alguien en la clase que tiene una regla? Is there anybody in the class that has a ruler?algo (something) ¿Tienes algo en tu mochila? Do you have something in your backpack? alguno (some/any) Hay algún problema con la computadora. There is some problem with the computer.When alguno precedes a singular masculine noun, it is shortened to algún, with a tilde above u. Because alungo is an adjective, it needs to match the noun that it precedes, right? So, if the noun is feminine, then alguno also has to be feminine. Alguno is shortened to Algún in front of singular masculine nouns. ¿Tienes (alguno) bola del mundo en tu aula? Do you have a world globe in your classroom? alguna Hay (alguno) pupitres extras en otra sala. There are some extra desks in the other classroom. algunos ¿Tienes (alguno) rotulador? Do you have a marker? algún (Alguno) escuelas tienen un día feriado hoy. Some schools have a holiday today.algunas As you can see algún, alguna, and also the plural forms, algunos, and algunas can have several different meanings. Some, any and a, if it′s unknow whether the object exists. algún, alguna, algunos, algunas some / any / a ======================================On the separate rule, I will give you few tips on figuring out the gendr of a noun. Since you just have to match the adjective like alguno to a noun that didn′t end in a or o. There are several nouns you have learnt like this, like papel, lápiz, pupitre, rotulador feminine nouns: -a, -d, -z, -ión la felicidad happinessla nariz nosela canción songEl lápiz is masculine NOT feminine Masculine nouns: -o, -e, accented vowel (vowel with a tilde), consonant other than d or z. el pupitre el papel el rotulador marker siempre, también always, alsoSiempre le pido papel de la profesora. I always borrow paper from the teacher.También necesitas una carpeta y un cuaderno. You also need a folder and a notebook.The indefinite words in Spanish and English are treated about the same. However, the negative words are treated very differently. 1. The first difference, to create simple negative in Spanish is to add a NO in front of the verb. No tiene un bolígrafo. He does not have a ball-pen.No quiero escribir en la pizarra. I do not want to write on the chalkboard.No necesitas un lápiz. You do not need a pencil. 2. You can use negative words 2 different ways in Spanish. (1). putting the negative words in front of the verb. Nadie le gustan los uniformes escolares. nobody likes school uniforms.Ningunos de los alumnos tienen una mochila. none of the students has a backpack.(2). use the word in conjection with the word, NO. => No preceeds the verb and negative word follows it. No estudiamos nunca antes de un examen. We never study before a test.No hay ninguna bandera en esta aula. There is not a flag in this classroom.In Spanish, once the sentence is NEGATIVE, no other indefinte words can be used. All indefinite ideas must be expressed in negative words. Nunca escribo nada. I never write anything. No uso nada de la tiza nunca. He never uses any of the chalk.No puedo ver nunca a nadie de mi escritorio tampoco. I cannot see anybody from my desk, either.Negative and indefinte words indefinite negative algo something nada nothing alugien somebody nadie nobody alguno some, any, a.. ninguno no, none siempre always nunca never también also tampoco neither, either No uso (siempre / nunca) el proyector en mis clases. nunca No traje (algo/nada) en mi mochila a clase hoy. nada Hay (alguien/nadie) en mi pupitre. alguien ¿Puedes prestarme (algún/ningún) lápiz? algún