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2011-03-28 03:00:00

[西班牙語] 動名詞 (Spanish Gerunds)

4.14 Spanish GerundsHoy aprednerás usar el gerundio como Pasé toda la noche pensando.Se fue gritando.Y mucho más. ¡Vámonos!Span¡shD!ct --- SPANISH LEARNING COMMUNITYLearn Spanish 4.14Spanish Ger...

2011-03-23 01:13:48



2011-03-21 01:30:54

[日本] 當自衛隊開始用直升機對核電廠澆海水....

當自衛隊開始用直升機對核電廠澆海水....海就在一旁... 這是富有國家的官員在玩小孩子的遊戲嗎?還是怕一次澆太多水,輻射外洩的危機會太快解決?雖然有自衛隊不接受命令支援核電廠任務的報導,但是當我看到自衛隊開...

2011-03-20 02:00:00

[游泳技巧] 蝶式 Butterfly Stroke


2011-03-18 01:22:10

[日本] 機器人最進步的國家面對巨災也不見任何機器人的運用

When the society became aging, Japanese companies developed all kinds of robots aimed at filling in the gap of human resources. Among all the Japanese Robots, the most famous one should be Honda’s AS...

2011-03-17 01:02:23

[海峽兩岸] 主管核能事務的官員都十分自負

Workers are struggling at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, seen in a satellite photo at 9:35 a.m. Wednesday.Watching CCTV news these days, one government official was invited to the program to explain the...

2011-03-16 23:23:41


Due to the threat of radioactive leak, most of offices in Tokyo closed. The employees are instructed to work from home. I used to work for Japanese multinational company, during the spell of SARS thre...

2011-03-15 11:49:52


Will Fukushima joined with Three Mile Island and Chernobyl become the notorious nuclear disaster trio? Such an idea is just too awful to think of, but it looks like Fukushima is progressing on the cou...

2011-03-14 23:00:00

[中國見聞] 中文語法(Syntax)與英語相似

以前就聽老師說:「中文的語法和英文很像所以在語言學習上算是較簡單的。」本來不太懂,後來接觸了日語與西語才有所領悟。譬如:我是法蘭克。I am Frank日語卻是 わたしわフランクです。(我-わたしわ,法蘭克-フランク...

2011-03-12 02:00:00


世俗之人,皆喜人之同乎己而惡人之異於己也。同於己而欲之,異於己而不欲者,以出乎眾為心也。夫以出乎眾為心者,曷常出乎眾哉!因眾以寧所聞,不如眾技眾矣。 ------- 莊子 在宥 Usually when I heard some critici...

2011-03-04 03:00:00

[西班牙語] 所有格代名詞 (prosessive pronoun)

4.11 Possessive Pronouns in the Lost & Foundhttp://www.spanishdict.com/learn/show/98/1Hoy aprenderás los pronombres posesivos usar los objetos perdidos, comoEl reproductor mp3 es mio, los aurecul...

2011-02-20 03:36:25



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