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2012-07-10 05:00:00| 人氣25,210| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[技巧] 如何游側泳 side stroke

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以下是影片說明的節錄,有許多 your leg, your body, ...etc. 我都做成 the leg, the body ...etc. 基於示範與救生需求相反,我建議想練側泳者把上方與下方腳的位置反過來(「反剪」),所以在理解影片的說明時不妨用前方腳與後方腳來看待。當然兩種都練更好,最好是兩側也都練;這樣就有四種側泳可以練了。

side stroke

0:10 A kind of resting stroke used in recreational swimming.

0:15 Good for long distance swimming because it requires little energy and breathing is simple.

0:21 Most of the proportion of side stroke comes from the kick, the arms provide some proportion but mainly used for stabilizing body position.

============ Body Position ==========

0:35 in the gliding position, body is on its side, nearly horizontal to the water.

0:40 keep you head, back and legs in a straight line.

0:44 The legs should be together, toes pointed.

0:47 The leading arm (the hand near the bottom of poll) is extended forward in line with the body, few inches under the surface of the water and the palm should face down toward the bottom of the pool.

1:02 The other arm *trailing arm", is fully extended to the feet, palm resting on the top of the thigh.

1:10 The lower ear rests in the water, close to the shoulder.

1:15 Keep the face high enough so the mouth and nose are just above the surface of water for easy breathing.

1:23 head and back should stay aligned through out the stroke.

============ Arm Stroke ==========

1:31 the power phase of leading arm uses the shallow pull, adjust your pull to adapt which helps you maintain good body position.

1:40 from glide position, rotate the leading arm slightly outward in the direction you're facing. From this catch position, bend your elbow and sweep your hand slight downward, then back toward your feet until your hand is almost in-lined with your upper chest.

1:57 recover the leading arm by rotating the shoulder, dropping your elbow then turning your arm upward. Pass your hand under your ear until your fingers pointing the direction that you're moving.

2:09 continue to thrust your leading arm forward and rotate until it's fully extended, palm down. Your leading arm now is back in the position for the glide.

2:20 the trailing arm begins its stroke from recovery.

2:24 draw your forearm until your hand is nearly in the front of the opposite shoulder. Keep your palm down and pitch slightly forward. This will create lift to make your stroke more efficient and help keep your face above the water.

2:40 for the power phase, keep your elbows close to your body. Sweep your trailing hand slightly down and backward until your hand is once again in the position for the glide.

2:51 at this point, your arm should be fully extended above your thigh, fingers point toward your toes. Your arm should not pass back beyond your thigh.

3:03 Be sure your arm of trailing hand is always pitched toward your feet during the stroke.

========== Kick ======= >> scissors kick

3:33 the side stroke uses the scissors kick, when done well the scissors kick produces enough forward motion to allow the swimmer a good rest in between different strokes. Unlike the flutter kick where the legs are in constant motion. the scissors kick lets the leg rest during the glide.

3:52 from the glide position, recover your legs by flexing your hips and knees and draw your heels upward toward your buttocks.

4:01 keep your knees close together.

4:03 To prepare for the kick, flex your top ankle and point your toe toward your bottom foot. Move your legs to their catch positions. Top leg toward the front of your body, bottom leg tward your back.

4:17 Your top leg (front) should be almost straight, while your bottom leg (back) is bent the knee.

4:21 Keep your top leg straight and press backward while your bottom leg pushes forward like kicking a ball.

4:29 Push the water with the bottom of your top foot, and the top of your bottom foot.

4:35 As you move your top foot downward, your ankle is flexed at first, then extended with the toe pointed. So the sole of the foot push with greatest pressure against then water.

4:50 Both legs should meet full extended in the glide position. Don't let your feet pass each other at the end of the kick. Keep your toe pointed during the glide to reduce the drag.

5:02 Avoid your hip rolling forward and back as you recover and kick, keep your hips stead and in-lined with rest of your body.

========== Breathing and Timing =========

5.14 When swimming the side stroke, breathe with each stroke. Inhale during the recovery of your trailing arm, and exhale during your power phase of trailing arm.

5:25 To time the stroke correctly, start in the glide position. Begin the stroke by sweeping with your leading arm while your trailing arm and legs recover.

3.37 The propel forward with the kick and stroke the trailing while leading arm recovers. Your leading should be fully extended when you complete your kick.

5:47 Glide until your forward momentum slows, then stroke again.

5:52 Do NOT glide too long because it takes much more energy to stop and start than it does keep moving.

The photo was taken from internet at http://www.realmagick.com/side-stroke/
The copyright belongs to its original owner.

updated: Oct. 2, 2012

台長: frank
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Comprehensive instructions on how to perform the sidestroke show athletic development as the entertainment in http://poppyplaytimechapter3.io grows and enhances the experience.
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