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開課學期:Spring, 2013




1.     Stephen Breyer, Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View (2010).

2.     Morton J. Horwitz, The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice (1998).

3.     The Constitution in 2020 (Jack M. Balkin & Reva B. Siegel eds., 2009).

Making Our Democracy WorkThe Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice兩本,都是用歷史、脈絡,與案例來論述美國憲法的「法普」書籍(預設讀者並非法律專家)。雖然淺白,但較為適合台灣學生研讀。藉由對脈絡背景的整體認識,來了解美國憲法的架構與發展歷程。而The Constitution in 2020則邀集了多名美國憲法學者,分別就不同的主題,闡釋在「未來」的美國憲法應有或可能有的樣貌。

Making Our Democracy Work的作者是美國聯邦最高法院現任的大法官,全書分為The People’s Trust, Decisions That Work, 以及Protecting Individuals三大部分。作者雖然是大法官,且全書主軸在探究聯邦最高法院之時代性判決。但作者跳脫純粹釘在法律、判決的介紹分析方式,旁徵博引介紹重要判決與當時的政治環境,從美國建國時期的司法審查談到反恐戰爭時的關達那摩灣,使讀者能夠對美國憲法如何成為一部促進民主政治的憲章,有非常精彩的說明。

The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice則是著名的法律史學者Morton Horwitz,在哈佛大學大學部開設通識課程 “The Warren Court, Historical Study” 時,所整理出來的小書。這本書詳盡敘述了Warren Court如何成為美國憲法史上的「轉捩點」,而且將當時的政治社會背景、大法官們的出身與個性、法院的內部政治,配合對判決文本的介紹分析,結合在一起。


在上課方式上,前述二書將由修課的同學們逐章閱讀、討論。間夾以The Constitution in 2020中的特定章節(主要由授課教師講述),讓同學們能夠「鑒往知來」。

此外,這三本讀物的共同特徵之一,是均為美國「自由派」,也就是憲法學界主流的觀點憲法與民主政治乃相輔相成,一體兩面。即使是憲法保障個人權利的規定,司法違憲審查的制度,也是為了促進「人民集體決策」的理想,而非如台灣許多學生所熟悉的「人權 vs. 民主」。這也是授課教師期待學生能從這些讀物中體認到的。




1.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.1 Judicial Review: The Democratic Anomaly.

2.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.2 Establishing Judicial Review: Marbury v. Madison

3.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.3 The Congress

4.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.4 Dred Scott

5.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.5 Little Rock

6.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.6 A Present-Day Example

7.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.7 The Basic Approach

8.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch. 8 Congress, Statutes, and Purposes, ch.9 The Executive Branch, Administrative Action, and Comparative Expertise

9.     Making Our Democracy Work–ch.10 The States and Federalism: Decentralization and Subsidiary

10.   Making Our Democracy Work–ch.11 Other Federal Courts: Specialization, ch.12 Past Court Decisions: Stability

11.   Making Our Democracy Work–ch.13 Individual Liberty: Permanent Values and Proportionality

12.   Making Our Democracy Work–ch.14 The President, National Security, and Accountability: Korematsu

13.   Making Our Democracy Work–ch.15 Presidential Power: Guantanamo and Accountability & Conclusion

14.   The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice—Part I: Constituting the Warren Court

15.   The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice—Part II: Brown v. Board of Education: Setting the Themes of the Warren Court

16.   The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice—Part III: The Civil Rights Movement; Part IV: Standing Up to McCarthyism

17.   The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice—Part V: The Evolving Concept of Democracy

18.   The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice—Part VI: Democratic Culture; Part VII: Conclusion


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