會中,來自澳洲的Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association 執行長Jane Brock女士,提到澳洲與台灣同為移民組成國家,婚姻移民在申請入籍時,只須接受健康檢查、並出示良民證,證明無重大犯罪記錄,手續費用也低廉,僅需五十澳幣,足為台灣修正移民政策之重要參考對象,並非如台灣內政部所聲稱,必須出具財力證明,才能取得公民身分。至於與台灣關係緊密的香港,境內也有大量東南亞婚姻移民,但鮮少有外籍配偶願意公開暴露身分背景,更難為自己的權利發聲。來自香港「天主教正義和平委員會」的與會代表孔令瑜女士,認為香港外籍配偶的困境,源於缺乏民選政府、才會制定出漠視人權的移民政策。孔女士認為,台灣的民主成果,一直是香港所冀望的目標,然而近年來台灣移民政策的不公不義,卻令他們相當失望,因此懇請台灣人民站出來聲援新移民,與弱勢者一起挑戰體制。
各國代表也注意到,台灣政府最近大動作訴求加入聯合國,來自印尼的「亞太女性法律與發展論壇」(APWLD)代表Andy Yentriyani,針對台灣政府極力爭取簽署的聯合國「消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約」(CEDAW),提醒台灣政府注意公約的實質內涵,並且實際制定更進步的移民政策。以公約中第三條為例,簽署國須打擊一切對婦女的暴力,而台灣政府卻規定外籍配偶在歸化台灣國籍時,須出具四十多萬的財力證明,已經嚴重威脅境內新移民女性的基本人權,甚至危害新移民家庭,違背該公約內涵。
而來自全球性移民組織「移工國際(Migrante International)」的菲律賓代表Connie Regalado女士,則關心移入台灣的菲律賓女性,她明確指出,要捍衛新移民人權,必須跨越國界,連結人權團體,並觸及新移民女性在母國的家人、以及他們在本地的夫家,形成國際網絡,共同要求移出國和移入國政府改善國內婦女處境。
11:30-11:45 國際移民人權團體介紹
11:45-12:00 移民輸出國與輸入國團體代表發言:說明各國移民人權與政策現況,並聲援 沒錢沒身分聯盟,要求台灣政府廢除財力證明。
澳洲代表:Jane Brock (Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association )
菲律賓代表: Emmi de Jesus ( GABRIELA)
越南代表:Le Van Hai (Institute for Reproductive and Family Health, RaFH)
香港代表:Jackie Hung ( Justice & Peace Commission of the HK Catholic Diocese)
加拿大代表:Evelyn Calugay ( The Filipino Women’s Organization in Quebec)
印尼代表:Andy Yentriyani ( Asia Pacific Women Forum on Law and Development)
馬來西亞代表︰Lee Soo Choo ( TENAGANITA)
日本代表:Virgie Ishihara ( FICAP/FMC)
韓國代表:Lee In Kyoung ( Human Right Solidarity for Women and Migrant in
12:00-12:10 宣讀並簽署聯合聲明
12:10-12:15 說明本地移民政策問題,與國際行動連結
新聞連絡人:婦女新知基金會 劉念雲 0921 814 241
青年移盟 林佳禾 0937 911 299

2007年 9月 30 日
Jane Brock (Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association, Australia)
Emi de Jesus(GABRIELA)
Le Van Hai(Institute for Reproduictive and Family Health)
Ratchaneeporn Kung(Thai Regional Alliance)
Evelyn Calugay (The Filipino Women’s Organization in Quebec)
Andy Yentriyani (Asia Pacific Women Forum on Law and Development, Indonesia)
Lee Soo Choo ( TENAGANITA, Malaysia)
Virgie Ishihara (FICAP/FMC, Japan)
Lee In Kyoung (Human Rights Dolidarity for Women and Migrants in Korea, Korea)
Ramon Bultron (APMM)
Nobue Suzuki(Center for Japanese Filipino Family)
Laramie Castillo(MIGRANTE International)
Butch Pongos(MIGRANTE Japan/Filipino Migrante Centre)
Yeo Gyeong-Soon, The Human Rights Solidarity for Women Migrants in Korea
Lee Hea-Yeong, 同上
Kim Young-Rim 同上
Jiyoung LeeAn, Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives, South Korea
Connie Regalado, Migrante-International, Philippines
Eni Lestari, Asosiasi Tenaka Kerja Indonesia (ATKI)
Cynthia Ca-Abdon Tellez, Mission for Migrant Workers, Hong Kong
Dolores Dayao, Mission for Migrant Workers, Hong Kong
Dolores Balldares, United Filipinos in Hong Kong
Dwight de la Torre, HK Philippine Independent Church
Aaron Ceradoy, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
Victoria Cabantac, 同上

Taipei, Taiwan
Press Statement
30 September 2007
Fore reference: Prof. Hsia Hsiao-Chuan, Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies
Ramon Bultron, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
Stop discrimination and unjust treatment of immigrant brides!
Abolish the minimum financial requirements for immigrant brides in Taiwan!
Delegates of the International Conference on Border control and Empowerment of Immigrant Brides including women and migrant’s organizations and institutions in different countries declare our support to the campaign against the new policy in Taiwan that imposes a NTD400,000 minimum financial requirement for immigrant brides to qualify for citizenship.
The policy is unjust, discriminatory and violates the basic human rights of immigrant brides.
The imposition of this unjust financial requirement exposes immigrant brides to graver financial burdens, potentially exploitative situation, and the risk of separation and breakup of the family.
Aside from this policy, a proposal that obliges foreign spouses, who have been in the country for a certain period of time, to meet health examinations requirements in order to obtain naturalization is also in the offing.
We also deplore the lie that Taiwan authorities are peddling with regards to the existence of similar policies in countries with immigrant brides. It is shameful that they have to resort to misinformation to make legitimate an unjust and unreasonable action.
These rules in Taiwan violate fundamental rights of women, migrants and immigrants enshrined even in instituted international agreements. It is deplorable that while the Taiwan government is pushing for its recognition to United Nations, it cannot even uphold some of the most basic human rights of the people who have also contributed much to the Taiwan economy.
We demand that these policies be scrapped. We also urge governments of home countries of foreign brides to lobby the UN and other relevant intergovernmental agencies to investigate this issue and conduct appropriate actions.
The experiences of immigrant brides in Taiwan are replicated in other countries that also have significant presence of immigrant brides.
The ongoing conference has already revealed similarities on the ever-tightening restrictions that host countries impose to immigrant women married to local husbands. These restrictions are becoming even more unjust and discriminatory as these totally disregard the rights of women in the economic, political, cultural and social spheres.
Additionally, the conference has shown that upholding the rights and wellbeing of immigrant women also entails addressing the causes that have forced many women into transnational marriages and makes them vulnerable to abuses and violence.
As the conference will soon come to an end, a platform of actions will be formulated to address the concerns of immigrant brides.
The unjust policies of Taiwan on immigrant brides will face the united and coordinated opposition from organizations of immigrant brides, migrant workers and local groups in Taiwan as well as those in other countries.
We will not standby as immigrant brides are demeaned, discriminated, violated and unjustly treated. We will work together for the genuine empowerment of immigrant brides towards a stronger movement for their rights and wellbeing.#
Jane Brock (Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association, Australia)
Emi de Jesus(GABRIELA)
Le Van Hai(Institute for Reproduictive and Family Health)
Ratchaneeporn Kung(Thai Regional Alliance)
Evelyn Calugay (The Filipino Women’s Organization in Quebec)
Andy Yentriyani (Asia Pacific Women Forum on Law and Development, Indonesia)
Lee Soo Choo ( TENAGANITA, Malaysia)
Virgie Ishihara (FICAP/FMC, Japan)
Lee In Kyoung (Human Rights Dolidarity for Women and Migrants in Korea, Korea)
Ramon Bultron (APMM)
Nobue Suzuki(Center for Japanese Filipino Family)
Laramie Castillo(MIGRANTE International)
Butch Pongos(MIGRANTE Japan/Filipino Migrante Centre)
Yeo Gyeong-Soon, The Human Rights Solidarity for Women Migrants in Korea
Lee Hea-Yeong, 同上
Kim Young-Rim 同上
Jiyoung LeeAn, Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives, South Korea
Connie Regalado, Migrante-International, Philippines
Eni Lestari, Asosiasi Tenaka Kerja Indonesia (ATKI)
Cynthia Ca-Abdon Tellez, Mission for Migrant Workers, Hong Kong
Dolores Dayao, Mission for Migrant Workers, Hong Kong
Dolores Balldares, United Filipinos in Hong Kong
Dwight de la Torre, HK Philippine Independent Church
Aaron Ceradoy, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
Victoria Cabantac, 同上

這是個international workshop,邀請了來自世界各地的移民人權運動團體代表,分別從婚姻移民的輸出國、輸入國政策,以及培力與運動策略發表報告與交換意見。我在「接收國的國境管制與罪化婚姻移民女性」擔任了報告人,發表一篇英文報告。
這個workshop與「純學術研討會」有著截然不同的氣氛風格。雖然我因事忙只能參加一場(真是太可惜了),但所受的感動與鼓舞,絕非一般研討會所能比擬。以我參與的那一場次而言,來自澳洲、日本、香港、加拿大的代表,一面介紹自己國內的移民法律政策如何對女性移民不利,同時更毫不忌諱地以從事運動的經驗表現出她們的情緒(熱情、憤怒、傷感、諷刺...)。她們的報告與討論,讓你感到不只是在聽一份冷冰冰的報告,而是在聽聞一段生動故事,分享活生生有血有肉的經驗。我在國內參與的研討會,絕大部分的報告與現場討論都沒有什麼意義—看書面報告就夠了。但當你看到、聽到自菲律賓嫁到日本的姊妹身處何種處境,當被時代雜誌選為亞洲英雄的Jackie Hung(孔令瑜)娓娓道來香港的許多案例...你不能不動容,你會不能自主地鼓掌;你終於理解,不要以為回到書本就可以解決問題。
這不是一個單純「交換意見」,「討論觀念」的抽象研討會。來自各地的參與者,亟亟於「發展未來聯合行動策略」,包括設立網站,列出各國個別與共同的agenda,乃至撰寫與發展以亞洲婚姻移民為基礎的國際公約草案。不同於抽象地援引國際公約,從上而下地套用;這真是「從下而上」的「人權/社運全球化」。從一個法律人的角度來看,這樣發展出來的法律論述與策略,不是蒼白抽象的公式,而是兼顧本土與全球的戰鬥綱領!我也想起Mari Matsuda的那段一直很震撼我的話:” High talk about language, meaning, sign, process, and law can mask racist and sexist ugliness if we never stop to ask: ‘Exactly what are you talking about and what is the implication of what you are saying for my sister who is carrying buckets of water up five flights of stairs in a welfare hotel? What do you propose to do for her today, not in some abstract future you are creating in your mind?’”