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2009-02-06 10:40:26


第一天 今年的聖誕節 Teddy與甜討論許久 想去小琉球 不巧肉腳甜不久前剛感冒 下雨後天氣又冷 臨時決定改去礁溪泡溫泉 上網搜索一下 訂好一個special deal Room + Breakfast + body spa + pool + aftern...

2009-02-04 13:45:05

California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo

This is Teddy’s school. The voted best engineering teritary univeristy in State which Teddy’s really proud of. On the way to LA, we drove passed Cal Poly, Teddy’s eager to show me how does the scho...

2009-01-23 06:54:51

2009 Count Down

甜與Teddy的第一個Count Down together~!~!~! 早早就興奮的等待著 聽說晚上會很冷呢! 可愛的Jarret邀請我們與他一起 去一位好朋友公司party 而後到頂樓Count Down 我們的ticket是 A bottle of wine per ...

2008-10-13 13:37:56

Teddy Organised Day at SF City

Without knowing where and what exactly we are going to go and do before hand today, I was anxiously looking forward to Teddy's organised whole day trip in SF city.  According to Teddy, locals often r...

2008-10-12 15:03:04

Half Moon Bay

就在這個風和日麗的星期天早晨 Teddy與我要去Half Moon Bay走走 從Bay Area開到Half Moon Bay大約是一個半小時的車程 一路上我們說說唱唱的 邊開車邊聽音樂 時間過的還蠻快的 沒想到 快到Half Moon Bay時...

2008-10-12 13:28:22

Honey's U.S. Homecoming

San Francisco Bay Area, Honey's HomecomingIt had almost been 3 months since sweety honey last visited me here in the U.S..  Although it was just a month ago that I visited her in Christchurch during ...

2008-07-30 14:38:22


甜媽說 ‘現代的女人大多很獨立 女人要的 不是以前所謂的’顧家大男人’ 而是會關心女人心靈感受的新男人’ 有同感 因此 甜媽很欣賞Teddy 不是只是因為他有著傳統顧家男人的特質 也不是因為他顧...

2008-07-27 15:53:42

Experience in Las Vegas (6)

Saturday July 12 早上沒有排行程 所以睡到晚晚 太陽曬屁股囉~ 起來以後懷念昨天的spa 晨澡就改成洗spa吧! 洗完spa 整理好行李以後 先寄放在hotel的lobby裡 然後手牽手去吃午餐 從Signature走w...

2008-07-27 10:24:40

Experience in Las Vegas (5)

晚上Teddy帶我去吃Mexican料理呦 (Diego at MGM Grand)! (這是我們下午一家一家餐廳去看 選出來的lucky restaurant). Side note: Actually, it restaurant turns itself into a Latin musical night club on ...

2008-07-26 18:17:05


It’s finally Friday!!! Coming home after the physical therapy has me rejuvenated and I could not wait to see honey online and tell her how my Friday has been. As I pulled my car onto the driveway...

2008-07-26 08:25:36

Experience in Las Vegas (4)

終於 在大約30-45分鐘的飛行以後, the helicopter started to descend into the Ganyon, and 我們到達了今天要picnic的峽谷. The helicopter slowed itself even more as it approached 懸崖邊的一小塊平地 where ...

2008-07-23 16:10:59

Experience in Las Vegas(3)

Friday July 11 一早起來 一整個人就只有兩個字可以形容 ‘興奮’ 因為今天Teddy要帶甜去坐Helicopter看Grand Canyon拉!! 早餐草草在Starbucks解決 本來不想吃的 但是不吃的話就不好吃暈機藥 (沒辦法 笨...

2008-07-21 15:27:39

Experience in Las Vegas (2)

Las Vegas Blvd, the main street at Las Vegas, where most of the touristy places are situated on. It is often called ”the strip”. Taxi載我們到Las Vegas Blvd 我們從這兒出發 走到 Stratosphere Tow...

2008-07-20 14:45:17

Experience in Las Vegas (1)

Las Vegas初體驗 *好興奮* 早聽很多人說過LV的故事 每個故事都很精彩 連甜媽在20多年前去過後 還常念念不忘在那兒發生的事 States有句話說 ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ Vegas 是一個dream...

2008-07-19 05:27:06

Arrival (teddy’s side of the story)

Waking up in the morning to the tune of constant barking from the neighbor’s dog, I quickly checked the clock and it showed 8:10 am. Even after having gone through the ”final round” of house clean...

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