Las Vegas Blvd, the main street at Las Vegas, where most of the touristy places are situated on. It is often called ”the strip”.
Taxi載我們到Las Vegas Blvd 我們從這兒出發 走到 Stratosphere Tower, which is at the end of the Las Vegas Strip.
雖然天氣很炎熱 第一次來Vegas的甜 覺得一切事物都很新鮮
Teddy帶甜走到天橋上 一次把整個Las Vegas Blvd看個夠
不過 後來Vegas的天氣對NZ甜來說真的太熱了 皮膚很快就曬紅了
順便買sun block與water來消暑
貼心的Teddy還幫甜擦sun block喔! (Thank you~!)
走到 Stratosphere Tower時 已經下午2點左右了 肚餓了
平常不吃fast food的健康甜 今天會想吃McDonald也是為了這個原因
我們買了Teddy強力推薦的Southern style chicken sandwich (不會乾澀喔!)與apple pies (2 for $1好便宜~)
Tower上的view還算不錯 雖然沒什麼綠色 不過建築超多的
這是一個desert city 這樣的development真得很厲害
難怪人家說 ‘Vegas是金錢蓋的城市’
從Tower上下來以後 細心的Teddy發現到笨甜這朵溫室裡的花朵已經不行了
不可能再走回去Blvd上 因此他叫了Taxi帶我們回去MGM
從MGM的大門回去 看到了這家旅館的標誌 Lion
Teddy故意不要直接回Signature 而從MGM走walkway過去 所以笨甜可以看一下一般的旅館裡面長怎樣
從沒走過Casino旅館的甜在進了大門後 眼睛瞳孔自動放大
好多~ 好多~ 好多~的gambling machine喔!
整間Lobby好像是間深不見底的賭場 要不是Teddy帶路 笨甜可能走不回去Signature
(不過 每個Vegas的旅館都是這樣 大家都見怪不怪了). While walking back, teddy played at the Black Jack table for a while, but maybe 時辰不對, no luck:-(
To go to the Signature through The MGM, we had to walk through a bunch of shops and restaurants. There is actually a wedding chapel inside the MGM, and it is quite lovely actually. (In fact, I believe there was a wedding in progress when we walked by).
回到房間休息一下洗個澡後 準備去吃Vegas最有名的buffet去
From the taxi driver, 這家buffet據說是Vegas最有名的buffet之一 ‘Bellagio’
我們去時 時間還早 不過外面已經有一條很長的queue了
(依據Teddy的經驗來說 這條queue一點都不長拉~ 慢點來的話 還會更長更長 到門的另一頭呢)
Buffet的東西很多 味道並沒很特別 沒有想像中好吃 價錢似乎也比以前貴了點
不過 笨甜是來吃’經驗’的 所以 有experience到就好囉
飯後 我們要看show去 今晚看 ‘Jubilee!’
Jubilee就在Bally’s Hotel裡 也在Bellagio的對面
因此吃飽飯後 我們兩人手拉手 徒步走過去 順便運動一下 消化胃裡的食物
就在走到一半時 旁邊突然聚滿一堆人
Lucky甜連走路都走對時間 邊走邊觀賞水舞 走完橋段水舞剛好結束
一點都不浪費時間 (只不過要走得很慢就是)
When talk about shows in Vegas, the very first thing people think of, would be the Jubilee! This is one of the very original shows when the shows in Vegas first started. When people talk about ”glamorous showgirls” of Vegas, this show epitomizes that. Even though there are many nice, fun and new shows in Vegas now, Jubilee has lost some of its luster, but still has its position in Vegas.
可惜Vegas的show都有管制 並不能照相 不能po上來
Strolling on the Strip at night.
After the show, we decided to walk back to the hotel to get a feel of ”walking on the strip”. There were a lot of people walking but teddy said, this is not even close to the crowd you would usually see on the strip. Maybe it was only a Thursday night. Many of the casino hotels on the strip are themed, and that made the strip so popular as tourists can just stroll up and down the strip to see the different ”make believe” themes, real or imaginary. We walked by Paris, which is a themed hotel and casino, modeled after, well, you guessed it, Paris. It has a replicate of the Eiffel tower and the Arc de Triomphe as well as a few water fountains to ”imitate” the real Paris experience.
As we continued to walk our way back to the hotel. sexy甜 (well, that’s what teddy likes to call me), encountered the first unpleasant experience in Vegas. We went into a souvineour T-shirt store and a guy walked up to us and started asking us if we were Japanese. When we said no, he and his friend kept following and asking us if we were Chinese, Korean, and etc. Maybe they were just being friendly, but this type of overtly friendliness was approaching the line of irritation and uneasiness. In fact, it became so uneasy for me that we had to leave the store.
sexy甜 was wearing a dress that teddy bought for her. Teddy said 甜 looks very sexy and elegant in it. Well, on this night, it seemed like quite a few people on the strip agree with Teddy’s opinion as well. *Shy*Shy*
After another 15 minutes walk in the ”warm breeze” of Vegas night, we finally reached the front of the MGM. But wait, as we looked across the street, we saw the ”Brooklyn Brigde”, and not far away from it, the ”Statue of Liberty”. Well, another hotel casino, ”New York New York” is right across from MGM. Obviously, this one is themed after the ”Big Apple” (the Americans call New York City, the Big Apple). Quite interesting....
Although we wanted to stay out more, but we really had a long day so we called it a night.
精彩的一天 到此畫上句號!
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