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2014-05-18 18:31:05

收集雨水? 等等, 在美國某些州是不合法的喔~~ 怎麼會?!~

落在腳邊, 落在住家的雨水, 我將它收集起來, 處理一下自行使用, 很天經地義, 很環保吧?!~ 不行喔, 美國有些州明令禁止, 說那是政府單位的, 以及屬於某些人的. 居民不能隨便採集(下在自家的雨水). 如果雨水的收集都可...

2014-05-13 22:06:49

佳麗寶美白產品引起的白斑問題, 從中學到什麼?

擦保養品本是要讓皮膚更美, 擦著擦著卻擦出白斑, 真得很令人傻眼。還記得去年爆出的佳麗寶美白系列白斑事件嗎? 台灣市場波及性較小, 主要還是回到日本。記憶所及, 可能是化粧品史上頭一遭… 這新聞曝露了幾件事: (一...

2014-05-12 13:30:43


The Most Powerful Way to Release Emotional BaggageReleasing Emotional Baggage By Elinros HenriksdotterWe have everything we need within, but many times we also have everything we do not need, within. ...

2014-05-11 23:39:37

Peace begins with me

平靜由我開始. Peace begins with me

2014-05-10 03:06:03


Raising Your Vibration!Throughout your daily life, every interaction, reaction, and moment has an impact on your overall energy level and state of being. Your every choice influences whether you are m...

2014-05-09 18:43:34


7 Foods to Balance Your ChakrasBalance Your Chakras By Channa SerenityWe are taught how to love and nourish our minds and our bodies through healthy thoughts and food, and to accept all that makes us ...

2014-05-08 21:26:52


一英畝的大麻能製造的紙張數, 要種四英畝的樹木 === 大麻不合法, 表面上是為了健康, 實情是它並不比煙酒更傷身體. 但後者卻受法律保障. 如果讓大麻合法種植, 全世界半數的棉花業者, 尼龍,和人造絲製造業者, 木材業...

2014-05-07 18:24:13

美國各州開始注意含柔珠成份的臉部清潔用品, 為什麼?

Environmentalists are sounding alarms about microbeads, the tiny bits of plastic used in personal care products that researchers say are too small to be filtered out of water treatment plants, so they...

2014-05-03 16:45:38

人格我(自我), 要愛他? 還是消滅他?

Ego… Should You Love it or Kill it?I’m sure that at some point you’ve heard about the ego. You likely have experiences with ego (of self and others), and you’ve probably heard someone somewhere ta...

2014-05-03 16:25:19


Hi Precious Heart, do you feellike you have been in a blender? Well you are not alone. During the incredible influxes of Light we experienced in April, our pineal and pituitary glands were activated b...

2014-05-02 19:07:03

改變你一生的十七道驚人化粧術!!~ (取自美麗佳人美國版)

1. Turn a pencil eyeliner into a gel formula with the help of a match or lighter. Hold your black, green, burgundy, etc., kohl eye pencil (which typically creates a thin, harder-to-apply line), under ...

2014-05-01 19:04:59

台灣核電史的發展, 與目前的核四爭議

(資料來源: 民視台灣演義的台灣核電史+網路資料+個人感想)看了這段影片, 才知核四早在蔣經國時代就啟動要興建。最早的核能發電(一~三廠)號稱台灣十大建設之一。 二秦二林的電影, 最愛描述男主角自美返台, 加入十大建...

2014-05-01 18:22:04

宣告後抗生素時代的來臨(華盛頓日報 2014-4-30)

The planet may be headed toward a “post-antibiotic era” when common infections once easily controlled by antimicrobial medicines may be lethal, the World Health Organization reported Wednesday in it...

2014-04-24 22:35:24

國中女生要施打子宮頸癌疫苗, 這樣好還是不好?

一位國二女生的媽媽留言中醫師問,學校規定「強迫」要注射「子宮頸癌疫苗」,這件事有沒有道理?媽媽叫女兒拒絕,她說全班女生都要打, 又有同儕壓力。 子宮頸癌疫苗, 需打完三劑才能得到完整保護, 自費三劑共一萬元;...

2014-04-22 21:57:29


She first caught Prince William’s eye in a daringly see-through dress but since then, Kate Middleton’s style has evolved into that of a chic ambassador for British fashion. Kate wearing Stella McCar...

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