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2014-06-14 16:32:23


Friday, June 13, 2014 by: Raw MichelleTags: mangos, healthy fruits, disease prevention(NaturalNews) The juicy, tropical flavor of mangos are enjoyed by many, but there are other benefits of eating the...

2014-06-11 18:59:54



2014-06-04 22:43:04


Tuesday, June 03, 2014by Mike Adams, the Health RangerTags: flu shots, influenza vaccines, mercury(NaturalNews) Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed ...

2014-05-29 03:51:31

格拉斯玫瑰的豐收, 從花瓣到精油..

I’m drunk on roses. I’m flailing my arms around, making snow angels in the rose petals, and I’m laughing uncontrollably. The experience of sinking into a mass of soft pink petals is anexhilaratings...

2014-05-28 15:37:12


AuthorNature Blaze Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world-- detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eli...

2014-05-28 14:10:18


The World’s Most Eco-Friendly Car: It’s Made Entirely From HEMP You would never think that a single plant could solve most of the worlds problems, well...

2014-05-25 10:57:16


What is Automatic Writing?Automatic writing is the process of channeling spirit directly into writing. It is a psychic ability and a form of channeling which many people find simple and straightforwar...

2014-05-25 10:54:01


In China, reishi mushrooms have earned the nickname, “The Mushrooms of Immortality,” and if their longstanding reputation is any indication, this nickname could be appropriate for a few different re...

2014-05-23 22:33:06


When you get sick, what do you do? If you’re like millions of Americans, you call the doctor at the first sign of a sniffle. You may run out to the aptly named drug store to get a quick-fix. But as a...

2014-05-22 02:55:40


For thousands of years, man has looked to nature to cure disease. In the last decade particularly, medicinal plants have been catapulted into mainstream culture, with the popularity of plant medicines...

2014-05-21 19:56:11


What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accord...

2014-05-21 19:23:55

蔣家的悲歡歲月, 珍貴照片

蔣方良是中華民國歷史上最傳奇的第一夫人~ 人生落幕之際, 一一送走丈夫與孩子. 我喜歡看她年輕時, 熱情又嫻淑的女性姿態, 在保守的年代, 不吝於跟丈夫公開親吻, 摟摟抱抱, 夫妻的情愛從不掩藏. 照片看到最後一張...

2014-05-21 19:20:07


厚厚...這顆紅杉樹, 樹齡有3200年了...等於遠古時期起, 就與人類同在. 哇嗚~~...很大很大, 大到沒人看過他的原貌, 高247英呎(7533公分, 比新光三越站前店稍矮一點而已), 樹幹寬27英呎(823公分). 雖然很老了, 還持...

2014-05-19 21:21:21


你的小孩, 不是你的小孩 本是偉大生命本體, 嚮往自身想體驗生命而來兒子與女兒 雖然透過你的身體生出來, 但不是源自於你生的 雖然跟你一起生活, 但不是你的所有物 你可以給你的孩子無限的愛, 但無法介入他的想法 孩...

2014-05-19 20:01:03


凡是健康的題目, 還蠻愛讀的, 但讀了, 又有疑問:(1)不方便 - 當市面上90%都是非本然健康的食品, 你一個人刻意找很健康的食品, 會製造他人的不便, 當然也形成自己的不便(2)新的執念- 刻意要健康, 有商人知道了, 便形成...

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