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Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world-- detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. These foods will assist in boosting your metabolism, optimizing digestion, while allowing you to lose weight and fortify your immune system.

排毒是人類施行幾千年的一種生活文化, 是一連串從裏而外, 有關休息, 淨化, 滋養身體的活動. 借由移除毒素, 餵養身體真正有營養的物質, 排毒有助於保護你的健康不生病, 更新身體, 讓身體保持在最佳狀態. 以下這36種食物能激發你的新陳代謝, 將消化功能正常化, 又能讓你減重, 強化免疫系統

Artichokes help the liver function at its best, which in turn will help your body purge itself of toxins and other things it doesn’t need to survive. It ups the liver’s production of bile, and since bile helps break down foods which helps your body use the nutrients inside them, an increase in bile production is typically a good thing.

將肝臟功能最佳化,  有助於身體排除毒素以及一些沒有必要存在體內的物質. 能提升膽汁的分泌, 膽汁有助於分解食物, 幫助身體吸收養分. 能提升膽汁分泌是件好事

Apples are full of wonderful nutrients. You get fibre, vitamins, minerals and many beneficial phytochemicals such as D-Glucarate, flavonoids and terpenoids. All of these substances are used in the detox process. One flavonoid, Phlorizidin (phlorizin), is thought to help stimulate bile production which helps with detox as the liver gets rid of some toxins through the bile. Apples are also a good source of the soluble fibre pectin, which can help detox metals and food additives from your body. It's best to eat only organic apples as the non-organic varieties are among the top 12 foods that have been found to contain the most pesticide residues. Organically produced apples also have a 15 percent higher antioxidant capacity than conventionally produced apples.

蘋果富含很多養份, 你能得到纖維, 維他命, 礦物質與很多有益的植化素, 像D-葡糖二酸, 黃酮類和萜類化合物. 所有這些物質都用在排除身體毒素. 其中一種黃酮類, 叫根皮苷, 能有助刺激膽汁幫助排毒就像肝臟排出一些毒素的機治一樣. 蘋果也是很好纖維的來源, 能有助排除重金屬, 食品添加物於體外. 最好吃有機蘋果. 因為非有機的蘋果是前十二大含殺菌劑的食物. 有機蘋果也含有比傳統蘋果高出15%的抗氧化力


Almonds are the best nut source of Vitamin E. In fact, just one ounce contains 7.3 mg of "alpha-tocopherol" vitamin E, the form of the vitamin the body prefers. They're also high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and useable protein that helps stabilize blood sugar and remove impurities from the bowels.

杏仁是含維他命E最好的堅果類食物. 一盎斯就含7.3mg的維他命E(α-生育酚), 是身體最能接受的維他命E型式. 杏仁也有很高的纖維, 鈣, 鎂, 與可用蛋白質, 有助穩定血糖質去除雜質


Not only does asparagus help to detoxify the body, it can help you wage the anti-aging battle, protect you from getting cancer, help your heart to stay healthy, and is a general anti-inflammatory food. It’s also known to help with liver drainage, which might sound like a bad thing, but since the liver is responsible for filtering out the toxic materials in the food and drinks we consume, anything that backs up its drainage is not doing you any favors. Asparagus also helps reduce risk of death from breast cancer and increase the odds of survival.

蘆筍不僅有助於身體排毒用, 還有抗老化功能, 保護身體遠離癌症, 幫助心臟維持活力, 是一種廣泛的抗發炎食物. 同時它還能有助於肝臟的排毒, 肝臟本來就在過濾我們飲食中的毒素, 聽來沒什麼特別. 蘆筍有助於降低乳癌的死亡風險, 增加存活機會


This wonder fruit is packed with antioxidants, lowers cholesterol and dilates the blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least 30 different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that elderly people who had high levels of glutathione were healthier and less likely to suffer from arthritis. Consuming avocados is associated with better diet quality and nutrient intake level, lower intake of added sugars, lower body weight, BMI and waist circumferences, higher “good cholesterol” levels and lower metabolic syndrome risk. 

這項奇妙的水果充滿抗氧化物質, 能降低膽固醇, 稀釋血管堵塞的有毒物質. 酪梨含有營養物質, 叫谷胱甘肽, 能隔開至少三十種致癌物質, 幫助肝臟排除合成化學物質. 研究發現年紀大的人, 如果體內有較高的谷胱甘肽會比較健康, 少有關節的困擾. 多吃酪梨, 也與高品質的飲食習慣有關連. 自然會降低對糖份攝取的需要, 進一步達到減重, 降低體脂肪與腰圍的效果. 帶來好的膽固醇比例會增高, 新陳代謝遲緩的症狀會降低

6. BASIL羅勒(九層塔)

Basil has anti-bacterial properties, and it’s full of antioxidants to protect the liver. The active ingredients are terpenoids. It is also wonderful for digestion and detoxification, too. It supports the functioning of the kidneys and also acts as a diuretic to help the body expel unwanted toxins. Basil has been known to have anti-ulcer qualities as well as antimicrobial effects that guard against bacteria, yeast, fungi and mold. Basil seed can also help with constipation. The anticancer properties of basil may also relate to its ability to influence viral infections.
羅勒有消菌作用, 充滿抗氧化物能保護肝功能. 有效物質是萜類化合物. 有助於消化與排毒. 能支援腎臟的功能, 有利尿效果, 幫助身體排除不要的毒素. 另外也有抗潰瘍的特質, 與抗微生物的特質, 可保護身體防止細菌, 酵素, 酵母與黴菌的入侵. 羅勒也可鞤助舒緩便秘的煩腦. 因為它的抗病毒感染功能也讓它與抗癌功能連接

7. BEETS甜菜

A single serving of beets can do more for your health than most foods in the produce isle. Not only can they boost your energy and lower your blood pressure, but eating beets in the long-term can help you fight cancer, reduce arthritic pain, boost your brain as well as help you lose weight. Beets contain a unique mixture of natural plant chemicals (phytochemicals) and minerals that make them superb fighters of infection, blood purifiers, and liver cleansers. They also help boost the body’s cellular intake of oxygen, making beets excellent overall body cleansers. When you’re detoxing, beets will help by making sure that the toxins you’re getting out actually make it out of your body. Many detox cleanses go wrong when toxins are reintroduced to the body because they don’t make it all the way out.
一樣甜菜的健康功能就可抵過桌上很多其他的菜. 不僅可提高你的能量降低血壓, 長期吃甜菜可有助抗癌, 降低關節痛, 激發腦細胞並有助減重. 甜菜含有特別的天然植化素, 與礦物質, 讓它成為很好的抗感染物質, 具有清血作用, 清肝作用. 它能增進血中含氧量, 讓甜菜成為很好的淨化食物. 當你想為身體做一些排毒飲食, 甜菜可確保毒素確實排除你的體外


Blueberries contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain. Just 300 grams of blueberries protects against DNA damage. Blueberries also act as antibiotics by blocking bacteria in the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent infections. They have antiviral properties and are loaded with super-detoxifying phytonutrients called proanthocyanidins.
藍莓是天然的阿斯匹靈, 舒緩組織因慢性發炎而受損的狀況, 同時也能舒緩疼痛. 每天300mg, 就能保護細胞DNA不受損害. 也有抗病毒效果, 具有最超級強力排毒的植化素, 叫原花青素


These tasty treats are packed with selenium, which is key to flushing mercury out of your body. The body uses selenium to make ‘selenoproteins’, which work like antioxidants preventing damage to cells and there is growing body of evidence to show it has a key role in our health. The consumption of brazil nuts has been found to be inversely associated with risk of pancreatic cancer, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer.

很可口的巴西核果含硒, 能將汞給排出體外. 身體利用硒合成硒蛋白, 是一種抗氧化物質, 防止細胞受損. 食用巴西核果能逆轉胰臟癌的症狀


Broccoli specifically works with the enzymes in your liver to turn toxins into something your body can eliminate easily. If you’re stuck for ways on how to make broccoli taste better try dehydrating or consider eating it raw. But don’t microwave it as this destroys both the nutritional and detox potential. Broccoli contains a very powerful anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-microbial called sulforaphane which helps prevent cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and allergies.

青花菜可與肝臟中的酵素一起作用, 將毒素轉成某種廢物, 你的身體能更好排除. 如果你找不出怎樣讓青花菜弄得好吃, 可生吃或乾燥它. 但不要微波, 這樣會破壞掉養份, 而且會有潛在毒素. 青花菜有很強的抗癌成份, 抗糖尿病成份, 也有抗菌成份, 叫萊菔硫烷, 有助抗癌, 抗糖尿病, 抗骨質疏鬆症和抗過敏


Broccoli sprouts can actually provide more benefit than regular broccoli as they contain 20 times more sulfurophane. They contain important phytochemicals that are released when they're chopped, chewed, fermented, or digested. The substances are released then break down into sulfurophanes, indole-3-carbinol and D-glucarate, which all have a specific effect on detoxification. Add these to your salads and get creative with them in your meals. Researchers have found that an oral preparation made from broccoli sprouts trigger an increase in inflammation-fighting enzymes in the upper airways.

比青花菜的健康效益又多更多, 它們比青花菜含20倍的抗菌成份, 萊菔硫烷. 含重要的植化素, 當咬碎, 咀嚼, 發酵, 或消化時, 就會被釋放出來. 所釋放出來的萊菔硫烷, 吲哚-3 - 甲醇和D-葡糖二酸, 對於解毒都有很特定的功效. 放一些到沙拉, 或伴到平日的創意料理中. 現也有吃的健康食品, 聽說可啟動增強抗發炎酵素


In addition to cleansing your liver, cabbage will also aid in helping you go to the bathroom, which in turn helps you expel the toxins, getting them out of your system so you can start fresh. It contains sulfur, which is essential when it comes to breaking down chemicals and removing them from your body. Along with other cole crops, cabbage is a source of indole-3-carbinol, a chemical that boosts DNA repair in cells and appears to block the growth of cancer cells.

除了清理肝臟, 白菜有助通便, 這也是排除毒素的一種方式, 讓你重獲新鮮清爽感. 含硫磺, 能將吃下去的東西分解, 排除體外. 連同其他油菜作物,白菜含有"吲哚-3 - 甲醇", 可增強細胞中DNA的修復,並阻止癌細胞生長


Cilantro, also known as coriander, Chinese parsley or dhania, contains an abundance of antioxidants. Cilantro helps mobilize mercury and other metals out of the tissue so it can attach to it other compounds and allow it to be excreted from the body. It also contains an antibacterial compound called dodecenal, which laboratory tests showed is twice as effective as the commonly used antibiotic drug gentamicin at killing Salmonella.

含有大量抗氧化物, 可促進像汞之類的重金屬排出體外. 也有抗菌成份, 叫十二碳烯醛, 實驗室測試顯示, 在消滅沙門氏菌的方面, 比某一種抗生素, 叫gentamicin的, 強兩倍


The oils from cinnamon contain active components called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamyl alcohol. Cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood cells. Cinnamon's essential oils also qualify it as an "anti-microbial" food, and cinnamon has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi, including the commonly problematic yeast Candida. Cinnamon's antimicrobial properties are so effective that recent research demonstrates this spice can be used as an alternative to traditional food preservatives. It has one of the highest antioxidant values of all foods and its use in medicine treats everything from nausea to menstruation and energy to diabetes.

從肉桂來的油含有有效物質叫肉桂醛,醋酸肉桂酯,肉桂醇. 研究發現肉桂醛, 血小板有影響, 有助於防止不必要的血液凝固. 肉桂精油也具抗菌效果, 可防止細菌孳生, 像真菌, 念珠菌. 肉桂的抗菌效果極佳, 可以替代防腐劑. 它也是具有最高抗氧化價值的食物之一, 它的醫藥效果可治療從噁心月經, 到糖尿病


While they are more popular as fruits that help prevent urinary tract infections, cranberries are antibacterial and are known to remove many different toxins from your body. Cranberries feature a rich profile of anti-inflammatory nutrients, provide immune and cardiovascular support, as well as promote digestive health. Consuming cranberry products has beenassociated with prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs) for over 100 years.

被當水果食用, 可預防尿道發炎, 小紅莓有抗菌作用, 能從體內移除多項毒素. 小紅莓也富含抗發炎成份, 提供免疫與防止心血管病變的功能, 幫助消化. 知道吃小紅莓可防止尿道發炎有一百年歷史了


Dandelions are considered a powerhouse food full of nutrients that are essential for anyone regularly eating processed foods. Dandelion root (taraxacum officinale) is known to act on the liver and pancreas bystraining and filtering toxins & wastes from the bloodstream and its beneficial effects on liver complaints have been well documented by both Asian practitioners and American physicians. They're a rich source of minerals and provide a variety of phytonutrients. They're super antioxidants that support cleansing of the digestive tract. Try adding dandelion leaves to your salad.

蒲公英被視為是像發電廠的食物充滿了營養素對於常吃加工食品的人很必需. 蒲公英的根對肝臟跟胰臟都很好, 能從血流中過濾毒素與廢物. 它對肝臟的好處在亞洲與美洲都有書面文獻記載. 它富含礦物質提供多元植化素. 也是超級抗氧化物, 能支援清理消化後的物質. 可以試放些蒲公英葉在沙拉中

17. FENNEL茴香

The fennel bulb is high in fiber may also be useful in preventing colon cancer. In addition to its fiber, fennel is a very good source of folate, a B vitamin that is necessary for the conversion of a dangerous molecule called homocysteine into other, benign molecules. The vitamin C found in fennel bulb is directly antimicrobial and is also needed for the proper function of the immune system.

茴香莖有豐富的纖維素, 可預防結腸癌. 除此, 也富含葉酸, 是維他命B, 是轉化一種危險的細胞叫同型半胱氨酸, 把它轉成另一種良性細胞的必需物質. 同時也含有維他命C, 能抗微生物, 對於免疫系統的正常運作也很有幫助


When detoxifying your body, it's essential to ensure toxins are eliminated properly. Ground flaxseeds provide a wonderful source of fibre that helps to bind and flush toxins from the intestinal tract. They're also a great source of health promoting omega 3 oils. Try consuming two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds in lemon water every morning. University of Copenhagen researchers report that flax fiber suppresses appetite and helps support weight loss. Men should be cautious when consuming flax as the lignans are similar to the female hormone estrogen as can cause problems for some men.

在為身體排毒時, 確保毒素有排除體外是必需的. 磨碎的亞麻籽能提供很棒的纖維質, 幫助從腸道, 包住毒素, 排除毒素. 含有omega3脂肪. 試著每天早上以兩湯匙磨碎的亞麻籽與檸檬水混合飲用. 哥本哈根大學研究亞麻籽可抑制胃口幫助減重. 不過男士稍注意, 亞麻的木質素與女性荷爾蒙類似可能對於部份男士會造成問題

19. GARLIC大蒜

Many detox diets list garlic as a crucial piece of the puzzle. The reason is that garlic boosts the immune system as well as helping out the liver. One good thing about garlic is that you can up your intake without having to worry if your body is going to get used to it or build up a resistance. Sulfur is found in high quantities in garlic -- which makes it a good detox food and its antibiotic properties heal your body. Garlic is proven to be 100 times more effective than antibiotics and working in a fraction of the time.

很多排毒餐都把大蒜視為必備食材. 因為大蒜能提高免疫功能並幫助肝臟排毒. 食用大蒜有一件好處是你可提高食用量不用擔心身體是否能適用會產生抗拒性. 大蒜中含有很多硫, 所以才能具備那麼好的排毒功能與抗生素特質來治療身體. 大蒜被證明它抗菌效果比醫藥的抗生素強上一百倍, 而且能作用一段時間


Along side turmeric, ginger is one of the world's most potent disease-fighting spices. Ginger spikes your metabolism, flushes out waste, is thought to help liver function, and has some astringent properties. Some detox diets ask you to chew on ginger root. You may also find that adding it to hot water makes the water taste better. Basically any way you can think of it get it into your system is going to be beneficial, especially if you’re suffering from a fatty liver caused by too much alcohol, or too many toxic foods and drinks.

除了薑黃素以外, 薑是世上最具強力抗病效果的香料. 薑能提高新陳代謝作用, 沖走廢物, 能幫助肝功能, 也有些收斂效果. 有些排毒餐會讓你咀嚼薑根. 你可能發現丟一點到飲水中會讓水喝起來比較美味. 基本上任何你能吃進去的料理方式對身體都很好. 特別是如果你因為飲酒過量, 或吃太多有毒食物, 而有脂肪肝的問題, 薑是很好的佐餐食材


Replace raisins with nutrient-dense Goji berries to boost your vitamin C and beta-carotene intake. Gram for gram, goji berries pack more vitamin C than oranges and more beta-carotene than carrots. Vitamin C can help remove waste from your body, while beta-carotene improves liver performance.

枸杞可取代葡萄乾補充維他命C與beta胡蘿蔔素的需要. 枸杞比橘子有更多維他命C, 比胡蘿蔔有更多beta胡蘿蔔素. 維他命C有助將毒素排除體外, beta胡蘿蔔素對肝功能很好


Grapefruits can prevent weight gain, treat diabetes, lower cholesterol, fight cancer, heal stomach ulcers, reduce gum disease and even keep stroke and metabolic syndrome at bay. Grapefruits can treat disease as well as pharmaceuticals without the side effects. The rich pink and red colors of grapefruit are due to lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient. Among the common dietary carotenoids, lycopene has the highest capacity to help fight oxygen free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells. The big takeaway on grapefruit is that it gets your liver fired up and ready for action, while infusing the rest of your organs with nutrient-laden fruit juice.

葡萄柚有助減重, 治療糖尿病, 降低膽固醇, 治療癌症, 與胃潰瘍, 降低牙齦疾病, 並預防中風與新陳代謝的併發症. 葡萄柚可像醫藥一樣治療疾病而沒有副作用. 粉紅果肉跟紅果肉的葡萄柚, 因為含有茄紅素, 是一種類胡蘿蔔素的植化素. 在一般減重的類胡蘿蔔素中, 茄紅素有最高的抗氧化成份來打擊自由基, 自由基會破壞細胞. 葡萄柚能讓肝臟動起來, 並注入到其他器官豐富的果素

23. GREEN TEA 綠茶

Green tea is often thought of as a great addition to any detox program because of its high antioxidant value. It is the least processed tea and thus provides the most antioxidant polyphenols, notably a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is believed to be responsible for most of the health benefits linked to green tea. According to 17 clinical trials, green tea is linked with significantly lower blood sugar.

綠茶因為高抗氧化成份被視為排毒佐料. 綠茶是最沒有加工的茶, 提供最多抗氧化成份的多酚, 以兒茶素著稱被認為是綠茶的健康因子。臨床試驗17號綠茶有明顯降血糖的功能

24. HEMP大麻

Hemp might just be one of nature’s most perfect foods since it is full of antioxidants like Vitamins E and C, as well as chlorophyll which is wonderful for cleansing the body from toxins of all kinds, including heavy metals. The soluble and insoluble fiber in hemp can also keep the digestive tract clean and therefore, reduce the toxic burden on other internal organs. Hemp could free us from oil, prevent deforestation, cure cancer and it's environmentally friendly.

大麻可能是大自然界中最理想的食物, 因為它充滿了抗氧化物, 像維他命E, 與C,以及葉綠素, 能清理身體各種毒素, 包括重金屬. 可溶性與不可溶性纖維素能有助清理消化道, 降低其它臟器的毒素負擔. 大麻能幫我們排油, 預防與治療癌症, 非常環保的植物...

25. KALE羽衣甘藍

Kale is now recognized as providing comprehensive support for the body's detoxification system. New research has shown that the ITCs made from kale's glucosinolates can help regulate detox at a genetic level. This vegetable is so good for you that it is often recommended to patients that are following a doctor recommended diet when fighting kidney disease. It’s packed with so many antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties as well, not to mention all of the vitamins and minerals it contains. Leafy greens are likely the number one food you can eat to regularly help improve your health. They're filled with fiber along with crucial vitamins, minerals, and plant-based phytochemicals that may help protect you from almost every disease known.

羽衣甘藍以支持身體排毒系統著稱, 它所含的<硫代葡萄糖苷>可在基因層面調節排毒. 這個蔬菜對你非常有益, 所以醫生常會推薦給腎臟病的病人. 含很多的抗氧化與抗發炎特性, 更不用提有太多的維他命與礦物質. 葉青色的外觀幾乎是你可常吃來保健的第一選擇. 充滿了纖維素以及重要維他命與礦物質, 與植化素, 可幫助你保健


This is an herb that is used in Thailand and other parts of the world as a natural way to cleanse several organs at once. It not only helps the liver but also the kidneys, the bladder, and the entire digestive tract. Benefits of using it in your cooking, or drinking it as a tea include a better complexion, better circulation, and better digestion. It is most often used as a tea in the world of detoxing, and there are several recipes you can try until you find one that suits your tastes best.

這是一種香草, 在泰國與其他地方用來一次清理身體內幾個器官, 不只有益於肝臟, 也對腎臟很好, 還包括膀胱, 整個消化腸道. 料理或飲料中添加都很好, 幫助循環與消化. 常常用來泡茶做為排毒用. 還有幾道料理你可嘗試當你發現還蠻喜歡這種香草時

27. LEMONS檸檬

This wonderful fruit stimulates the release of enzymes and helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that can be easily excreted from the body. In addition, they contain high amounts of vitamin C, a vitamin needed by the body to make glutathione. Glutathione helps ensure that phase 2 liver detoxification keeps pace with phase 1, thereby reducing the likelihood of negative effects from environmental chemicals. Drinking lemon water, which is alkaline-forming, first thing in the morning will help to balance out the acidity of foods we've consumed. They also have an incredible effect in detoxing the liver. Fresh lemon juice contains more than 20 anti-cancer compounds and helps balance the body’s pH levels.

這個水果能刺激釋放出酵素, 幫助將毒素轉成水溶性物質易於排出體外. 除此它們含有大量維他命C, 是身體製造穀胱甘肽不可缺少的物質. 穀胱甘肽能接手肝臟第一階段進行到第二階段排毒的順利, 能降低環境毒素的負面影響. 喝檸檬水, 鹼性本質, 每天早上第一件事就喝檸檬水能有助排出前一天所食之酸性食物. 同時檸檬對於排肝毒也有不凡效果. 新鮮檸檬含有20種抗癌複合物能平衡身體pH值.

28. OLIVE OIL橄欖油

Some liver cleanses out there call for olive oil mixed with fruit juice in order to trigger your liver to expunge its gallstones. But aside from that olive oil should be your go-to oil when you’re trying to detox the body. That’s because it has a lot of healthy properties, and makes for a better choice of fat than most of your other options. Just be sure not to cook with it at high heat. Use it as a salad dressing to help things like dark leafy greens go down. Your best choice is always ice-pressed olive oil, but if you can find a very high quality cold-pressed olive oil, although not as nutritious, it will suffice provided the quality is high and not adulterated.

有些肝臟排毒需動用到橄欖油混合果汁, 才能啟動肝臟能有效排出膽結石. 橄欖油具有很多健康效果, 是好脂肪的最佳選擇. 注意不要用高溫烹煮, 可用在涼伴沙拉, 幫助一些深葉綠的蔬菜淡化下來. 你最好的選擇永遠是冰壓式橄欖油, 但如果你發現超優冷壓橄欖油, 雖然沒那麼營養, 也能提供質感夠的養份

29. ONIONS洋蔥

This ubiquitous kitchen staple is as healthy as it is tasty. It’s brimming with sulfur-containing amino acids, which efficiently detox the liver. Raw onions deliver the most health benefits. Even a small amount of "overpeeling" can result in unwanted loss of flavonoids. For example, a red onion can lose about 20% of its quercetin and almost 75% of its anthocyanins if it is "overpeeled". Onions will soak up arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and tin in contaminated foods. The total polyphenol content of onion is not only higher than its fellow allium vegetables, garlic and leeks, but also higher than tomatoes, carrots, and red bell pepper. Onions have been shown to inhibit the activity of macrophages, specialized white blood cells that play a key role in our body's immune defense system, and one of their defense activities involves the triggering of large-scale inflammatory responses.

30. PARSLEY荷蘭芹(香菜)

Those pretty green leaves don’t just make your plate look great. Parsley boasts plenty of beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and K to protect your kidneys and bladder. Diuretic herbs such as parsley prevent problems such as kidney stones and bladder infections and keep our body's plumbing running smoothly by causing it to produce more urine. They also relieve bloating during menstruation. The flavonoids in parsley--especially luteolin--have been shown to function as antioxidants that combine with highly reactive oxygen-containing molecules (called oxygen radicals) and help prevent oxygen-based damage to cells. In addition, extracts from parsley have been used in animal studies to help increase the antioxidant capacity of the blood.

香菜美麗的綠葉不只擺盤看來很美. 它含有大量beta-胡蘿蔔素, 維他命A, C, 與K, 能保護腎臟與膀胱. 利尿香草像香菜, 可避免腎結石與膀胱感染的問題, 還讓身體的輸送管道更加通暢. 生理期間還能緩解腹脹, 香菜的類黃酮, 特別是木犀草素, 扮演抗氧化的角色, 避免自由基傷到細胞. 除此香菜萃取用在動物研究能有助提高血液中抗氧能力


This tropical delight contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps cleanse your colon and improve digestion. Excessive inflammation, excessive coagulation of the blood, and certain types of tumor growth may all be reduced by bromelain. Two molecules isolated from an extract of crushed pineapple stems have even shown promise in fighting cancer growth.

這種熱帶水果含有鳳梨酵素, 一種消化酵素幫助清潔結腸, 與改善消化功能. 過度發炎, 或過度血中凝結, 或某些匱瘍產生, 都可能與鳳梨酵素降低有關. 曾經有從壓碎的鳳梨萃取出兩種分子, 顯示對抗癌是有幫助的


Seaweed may be the most underrated vegetable in the Western world. Studies at McGill University in Montreal showed that seaweeds bind to radioactive waste in the body so it can be removed. Radioactive waste can find its way into the body through some medical tests or through food that has been grown where water or soil is contaminated. Seaweed also binds to heavy metals to help eliminate them from the body. In addition, it is a powerhouse of minerals and trace minerals. Seaweed extracts can help you lose weight, mostly body fat.

海藻在西方世界, 是最被低估的蔬菜. 在蒙特婁McGill大學的研究顯示海藻能綁住體內的幅射廢物, 一併排除掉. 幅射廢物在健檢或食物(土壤或水域被幅射污染過)當中, 會找到路徑進入人體. 海藻能綁住重金屬幫助自身體排出去. 除此, 海藻也是礦物質與微量元素的發電廠. 海藻萃取有助減重, 特別是減掉體脂肪


Sesame seeds' phytosterols have beneficial effects which are so dramatic that they have been extracted from many foods and added to processed foods, such as "butter"-replacement spreads, which are then touted as cholesterol-lowering "foods." But why settle for an imitation "butter" when Mother Nature's nuts and seeds are a naturally rich source of phytosterols--and cardio-protective fiber, minerals and healthy fats as well? Sesame seeds contain minerals important in a number of antiinflammatory and antioxidant enzyme systems. Sesame representsone of the top 10 healthiest seeds on Earth.

芝麻的植物甾醇的益處非常龐大, 這種植物甾醇從很多食物萃取出來放到加工食品, 當奶油替代品, 為降低膽固醇. 但為何大自然最棒的原產堅果與種子富含那麼多植物甾醇, 與保護心血管的纖維, 在食物上, 卻限縮到只是仿奶油的角色而已呢? 芝麻含有很重意的礦物成份能發揮抗發炎, 與抗氧化的效果. 芝麻是地表十大最營養的種子之一


Curcumin is the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, which gives it its yellow color. The rate at which your detox pathways function depends on your genes, your age, lifestyle and a good supply of nutrients involved in the detox process. Curcumin is used a lot in Ayurvedic Medicine to treat liver and digestive disorders. Turmeric has specifically been studied in relation to the positive effect that it has on the liver. As a high antioxidant spice, turmeric protects the body and prevents disease more effectively than drug based treatments and without the side effects.

薑黃素薑黃的有效成分, 因此外觀也呈黃色. 你身體排毒的能力依你本身的基因, 年紀, 生活型態, 以及是否食用一些幫助排毒的食物而定. 生薑是阿育吠陀醫學中經常被使用到的食材, 治療肝臟與消化不良. 生薑素特別用來研究它對肝的作用關連. 是一種抗氧化含量很高的香料, 比醫藥更能保護身體預防疾病, 而且, 完全沒有副作用


Give your liver a big boost with cleansing action of watercress. If you’re into making smoothies for your detoxing this is a great one to blend up and drink down. This helps to release enzymes in the liver that clean it out and help rid it of toxic buildup. Eating watercress every day helps prevent breast cancer.

這個蔬菜能給你肝臟很好的清理. 如果你要做冰沙, 可一起加進去, 這可幫助溶出肝臟中的酵素, 排出來. 每天吃一點西洋菜可幫助預防乳癌


Wheatgrass restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice’s abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood and thus also Is a powerful detoxifier, and liver protector. It increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure. It also cleanses the organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass stimulates the metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by  小dilating the blood pathways throughout the body. Pound for pound, wheatgrass is more than twenty times denser in nutrients than other choice vegetables. Nutritionally, wheatgrass is a complete food that contains 98 of the 102 earth elements.

小麥草能將體質轉化回鹼性. 小麥草汁充滿鹼性的礦物質能降低血中酸性, 是種很棒的排毒與保肝的天然食物. 能增加紅血球數量, 降血壓. 也能清淨臟器, 與腸道. 小麥草能刺激新陳代謝, 與體內酵素活動. 並借由ㄍ一ㄥ大血管來幫助降血壓. 小麥草的養份比任何蔬菜都要濃縮20倍. 營養上小麥草營養非常豐富, 包含這地球上98到102種元素....

台長: 喜貓

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