When you get sick, what do you do? If you’re like millions of Americans, you call the doctor at the first sign of a sniffle. You may run out to the aptly named drug store to get a quick-fix. But as a student of natural health, you are likely more interested in the potential healers you can find in your own kitchen, health food store, or garden. Fortunately, there are many, and several of them can actually work as natural antibiotics.
當你生病時, 你會做什麼? 如果你像其他百萬名美國人, 你可能一流鼻涕就想要看醫生了. 或者跑到藥局買感冒藥. 如果是嚮往自然醫學的學生, 你可能會轉念想一下廚房裏有什麼可取材的天然藥方, 幸好, 真得蠻多的, 有些像天然抗生素, 還果真奏效
The benefits these items have over those approved by the conventional medical industry is that they can deliver the goods without a laundry list of side effects. Here are 3 natural antibiotics that may already be in your kitchen.
他們有醫藥的效果又不具副作用, 這裏介紹三種, 可能就在你廚房裏
1. Oregano Oil 牛至或奧勒崗

Also called oil of oregano, this oil can do everything from aid in weight loss to help digestion. But one of its most notable benefits is found in the ability to fight infection. Carvacrol, a phenol present in the oil, works to kill bacteria and illness causing infections.
又稱奧勒岡油, 可做很多用途, 幫助減重, 幫助消化. 最重要的效能是消菌. 油中的奧勒岡酚, 能殺菌, 抑制會引起感染的病菌
The power of oregano oil has most notably been tested in food preparation practices, where it is able to help control food-borne pathogens and bacteria. It’s also shown promise in treating infections of the digestive system and candida albicans, a yeast infection of the gut. Truly, oil of oregano uses are many. 奧勒岡油的食物效果已被測試證實, 能有助於控制食源病菌, 也能有助緩解消化道的細菌感染, 白色念珠菌, 一種腸道酵母菌. 奧勒岡油有很多使用方式.
2. Garlic大蒜
Another super-powered food source is garlic, most recognized for its anti-cancer benefits. But garlic is also able to fight simple viruses like the common cold. It does this with the use of allicin, the compound in garlic responsible for its smell as well as its benefits. As reported by Paul Fassa, one milligram of allicin is “nearly 15x as potent as penicillin”, protecting against parasites, yeast, viruses, bacteria, and even antibiotic-resistant superbug MRSA.
另一種超級食物就是大蒜, 有抗癌作用(請參考就好, 僅就文章翻譯). 大蒜也能對抗較單純的病菌, 像感冒之類. 確實是這樣, 使用大蒜素(大蒜的複合物), 以它的味道和它的功效在作用. 有一份報告是, 一毫克的大蒜素幾近15倍盤尼西林的效力, 防止人體來自寄生蟲,酵母,病毒,細菌,甚至耐抗生素的超級病菌MRSA的侵擾.
3. Echinacea紫錐菊

A powerful healing herb, Echinacea has become so accepted as a natural treatment that you can find it in many prepared teas from even the most commercial brands. One of the latest studies on the power of Echinacea found that those who took the herb for four months had a lower incidence of cold than a control group, and the average duration of their colds (when they did occur) decreased by 26 percent. Further research has indicated Echinacea has similar effects on the flu virus. Herbalists recommend taking Echinacea as a preventative method rather than a treatment, however.