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(NaturalNews) Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine (flu shot) made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2GX). Tests conducted via ICP-MS document mercury in the Flulaval vaccine at a shocking 51 parts per million, or over 25,000 times higher than the maximum contaminant level of inorganic mercury in drinking water set by the EPA.(1)

自然食物實驗室, 針對疫苗的汞測試顯示葛蘭素藥廠所生產的疫苗中嚇人的汞高含量. 一款葛蘭素所製名叫flulaval的疫苗, 每百萬有51ppm的汞, 或換個方式說, 高於美國環保署所設飲用水汞含量的最大容忍值的25000輩

The tests were conducted via ICP-MS using a 4-point mercury calibration curve for accuracy. Even then, the extremely high level of mercury found in this flu shot was higher than anything we've ever tested, including tuna and ocean fish which are known for high mercury contamination.

測試為求精確, 是ICP-MS運用4點校準曲線進行. 在流行疫苗中所發現的極高的汞含量, 甚至高出我們曾測過的鮪魚或海洋魚類, 擔心海洋重金屬污染的魚類

In fact, the concentration of mercury found in this GSK flu shot was 100 times higher than the highest level of mercury we've ever tested in contaminated fish. And yet vaccines are injected directly into the body, making them many times more toxic than anything ingested orally. As my previous research into foods has already documented, mercury consumed orally is easily blocked by eating common foods like strawberries or peanut butter, both of which bind with and capture about 90% of dietary mercury.
事實上, 葛蘭素所製疫苗所含汞含量超過我們一般測試海洋魚受重金屬污染的一百倍. 而疫苗還是直接打到身體裏的, 比吃進體內的更毒. 在我先前的研究中, 吃到含汞食物可較容易解毒, 借由吃草莓, 花生醬, 或一起, 可清掉至少九成的汞

Here are the actual results of what we found in the influenza vaccine from GSK (lot #9H2GX):

Aluminum: 0.4 ppm
Arsenic: zero
Cadmium: zero
Lead: zero
Mercury: 51 ppm

All tests were conducted via calibrated, high-end ICP-MS instrumentation as shown in these lab videos.


鋁: 0.4ppm 砷:0 鎘:0 鉛: 0, 汞: 51ppm

Doctors, pharmacists and mainstream media continue to lie about mercury in vaccines

醫生, 藥劑師, 主流媒體, 對於疫苗含汞, 繼續說謊中

As you take in the scientifically-validated fact that mercury exists at very high concentrations in flu vaccines, keep in mind that most doctors, pharmacists and members of the mainstream media continue to stage an elaborate lie that claims mercury has "already been removed from vaccines."
當你接受這個實驗測試結果, 瞭解到疫苗含有高劑量的汞, 請放在心上, 大多數醫生, 藥劑師與主流媒體, 繼續共謀說謊主張汞已從疫苗中移除

Never mind the fact that the use of mercury is admitted right on the package containing the vaccine vial. And now, Natural News has scientifically confirmed the mercury content of flu vaccines using high-end laboratory instrumentation. The existence of high mercury in flu shots is irrefutable.

不管汞的使用已堂而皇之被允許寫在疫苗包裝盒上. 目前已科學證實疫苗的汞含量是運用高端實驗室儀器. 高含量的汞的存在是不爭的事實

Anyone who claims mercury has been removed from all vaccines is either wildly ignorant or willfully lying. And anyone who would knowingly allow themselves to be injected with mercury is probably already a victim of the kind of brain damage well known to be caused by mercury.
任何說汞已從疫苗中移除的人不是大大輕忽存在的事實, 就是故意說謊. 任何自願接受接種疫苗, 大概已是腦受損的現成受害者

Insert admits "no controlled trials"

Shockingly, the package insert for this flu shot readily admits the vaccine has never been subjected to scientific clinical trials:
令人震驚的是, 包裝內說明書承認, 流感疫苗從未有任何科學臨床測試

"There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval," the package insert claims in tiny text (that no one reads).
沒有控制組的測試顯示因注射flulaval疫苗後, 流感因而降低. 那行文字寫得小小的(也沒人會看)

This is printed right on the insert, yet no one in the mainstream media will ever report this astonishing admission. This statement, all by itself, is a confession that flu shot marketing is a fraud.
這清楚印在盒內說明書, 主流媒體卻沒報導過這個震驚的自我承認. 說明書算是一種自白書, 表示流感疫苗的流通是一種詐欺

Across the board, flu shots are heavily propagandized and promoted with the implication that they have zero risks while offering 100% protection. No one in the mainstream media ever questions this claim even though the package insert openly admits the claim is complete hokum and has never been subjected to scientific scrutiny.
流感疫苗全面通行被聲稱是零風險與百分百保障. 沒有任何主流媒體懷疑這項宣稱, 即便包裝內說明書都已公開承認從未經過科學驗證

No evidence of safety or effectiveness in pregnant women


But that's not all the insert admits. It also says:

"Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children."
那還是包裝內說明書承認的事實之一, 它還說:
懷孕婦女, 哺乳婦女或小孩施打的安全性與有效性並沒有確認

And yet everywhere you go in America, there's a Walgreens, CVS or Wal-Mart pharmacy promoting flu shots for pregnant women. Never mind the fact that flu shot safety has never been established in pregnant women, and never mind the obvious fact that you should never inject a pregnant women with mercury in the first place!
但任何在美國任何你所到之處, 都在促銷懷孕婦女應施打流感疫苗. 也不管從沒做過任何科學驗證, 也不管沒有人會打進汞到懷孕婦女體內

Who needs scientific proof when you've got the full propaganda of the media and the government to back you up? Anyone who dares question the scientific validity of flu shot safety for pregnant women is immediately attacked as being an opponent of all vaccines.
當媒體全面勸說, 誰還會特別留意科學證據呢? 任何人敢質疑懷孕打流感疫苗的安全性, 大概立刻會被贊成者攻擊吧

Apparently, the only requirement to be accepted by the vaccine community is to believe in medical fairy tales while abandoning all critical thinking and scientific skepticism. In the vaccine industry, genuine science is simply not allowed. No wonder two former Merck virologists filed a False Claims Act with the federal government, accusing the company of knowingly fabricating its vaccine efficacy data to trick the FDA.
很明顯要讓人贊成打疫苗就是相信媒體的神話, 放棄所有必需的思考與合理懷疑. 在疫苗產業中, 真正的科學是不被允許的. 難怪兩件默克藥廠的申訴案件, 控告該公司故意假造疫苗的有效性報告玩弄FDA

Never proven safe or effective in children, either

不僅懷孕婦女, 小孩施打流感疫苗的安全性與有效性從未被證實

Flu shots are heavily promoted for children, right alongside mumps and measles vaccines. But it turns out flu shots are never scientifically tested for safety or efficacy in children.
流感疫苗特別對小孩宣傳要施打, 像腮腺炎和麻疹疫苗. 但流感疫苗從來沒有經過科學實證它對孩童的安全性與有效性

Check out what the insert for this vaccine directly admits:

"Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval in pediatric patients have not been established."

It's right there in black and white... an open admission. Yet flu shots are aggressively marketed to parents and children as if they were Tic-Tacs. The real beauty of the entire vaccine industry scam is that no scientific evidence is required! You don't have to have any proof, all you have to do is believe in vaccines as a matter of faith.
白紙黑字公開承認. 然而流感疫苗卻大大對家長宣傳. 整個疫苗產業最美妙的地方是不需要科學證據. 你不需任何證據, 你要做的就是相信它就是個事實

Never tested for cancer risk

有沒有潛在癌症危險性? 沒做過這類測試

Do flu shots cause cancer? The honest, scientific answer is that these shots are never tested for that. As the insert readily admits:
流感疫苗會造成癌症嗎? 老實說, 科學答案是這些疫苗沒做過相關測試, 而包裝盒內的說明書這樣承認:

"Flulaval has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility."

Believe it or not, the Flulaval vaccine also warns that no one should be given this shot if they've already received another flu shot at some previous time:

相不相信, flulaval疫苗也警告說如果之前已接受過疫苗注射就沒必要再接受本劑注射

"Do not administer Flulaval to anyone... following previous administration of any influenza vaccine."

And yet, amazingly, people are encouraged to get flu shots year after year, even though the package insert directly warns against anyone taking a series of influenza vaccines.
人們年復一年都被提醒要施打疫苗, 即使疫苗內盒說明書都警告已施打者就沒必要再施打

Admission that flu shots contain formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate


The same insert that admits this vaccine has never been proven safe in children or pregnant women also openly admits that it contains neurotoxic chemicals.
同樣一張說明書裏還承認: 這疫苗從未證明對孩童, 懷孕婦女是安全的, 還承認它含有神經毒性的化學成份

Per the insert, each dose of Flulaval contains up to 25 mcg of formaldehyde (a neurotoxin) and up to 50 mcg of sodium deoxycholate.
每一劑含25g的甲醛(一種神經毒素), 與快到50mcg的脫氧膽酸鈉

This is on top of the 25 mcg of mercury you'll get in every dose. And remember, this is mercury that's injected directly into your body, so you absorb 100% of this mercury (unlike mercury you eat, where most of it sticks to food fibers and is transported out of your body).
因為汞含量是打進體內, 所以你會吸收到百分百的汞

Total admission that flu shots cause seizures, convulsions and Guillian-Barre syndrome

完全承認該流感疫苗會引起驚厥,抽搐吉蘭 - 巴雷症候群

Ever wonder what all these toxic chemicals and heavy metals cause in humans? Flu shots vaccines, it turns out, are already known to cause a huge number of devastating health effects.

有想過這些有毒物質與重金屬在人體體內會怎樣嗎? 流感疫苗已知道會引起對健康有大大損傷的事

Predictably, there is a massive disinfo campaign across the mainstream media, Wikipedia, medical journals and government propaganda agencies (CDC, FDA, etc.) to pretend that flu shots have no risks whatsoever. Yet the insert that comes with the vaccine openly admits the flu shot has been linked with a long, frightening list of serious adverse effects. As this Flulaval insert says (see photo below):
橫跨主流媒體, 醫學期刊, 與政府宣導機構假裝流感疫苗一點都沒危險. 包裝內說明書公開承認流感疫苗與一連串嚴重副作用有關連.

"In addition to reports in clinical trials, the following adverse events have been identified during postapproval use of Flulaval...
除了沒有臨床實驗, 還有以下副作用

chest pain
allergic edema of the mouth
muscle weakness
Guillian-Barre syndrome
convulsions / seizures
facial or cranial nerve paralysis
limb paralysis

嘔吐 ,胸痛 ,口腔敏性水腫 ,過敏性反應 ,喉炎 ,肌肉無力 ,關節炎 ,頭暈 ,感覺異常 ,睡意
吉蘭 - 巴雷綜合徵 ,抽搐/癲癇 ,面部或顱神經麻痺 ,腦病 ,肢體癱瘓 ,失眠 ,呼吸困難

Here's a photo of this section of the package insert, complete with the GlaxoSmithKline toll-free phone number: 這是說明書的拍照

If you take flu shots, you are being poisoned by quacks

如果你施打流感疫苗, 你是被蒙古醫生下毒

The upshot of all this is that flu shots utterly lack any scientific evidence of safety of efficacy. We don't know if they work at all, in other words, and neither does the vaccine manufacturer. Neither do the doctors or medical staff who administer them. Flu vaccines are injected into people purely as a matter of blind faith in the very same companies that have already been convicted of felony crimes.
流感疫苗沒有任何科學實證, 沒有安全性與有效性的實驗報告. 我們不知道它倒底有沒有效. 換句話說, 也不知疫苗製造廠可不可靠. 也沒有醫生或醫療人員管理. 流感疫苗打進人體靠得是盲目的信心. 這些疫苗製造廠顯然犯了重罪

GlaxoSmithKline, for example, not only manufacturers this Flulaval vaccine... the company also committed multiple felony crimes and got caught bribing doctors, ultimately agreeing to pay a multi-billion-dollar criminal settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice.

葛蘭素藥廠, 舉例, 不只生產這篇文章所提的流感疫苗, 這家公司犯了多重重罪, 還賄絡醫生, 最後同意支付好幾百萬美元的和解金

Trusting a flu shot made by a corporation of felons is a lot like trusting the purity of heroin you buy from a street dealer. Both flu shots and street heroin have at least one thing in common, by the way: neither has ever been tested for safety.
相信一個犯重罪的藥廠所生產的疫苗, 就像相信在街頭買到的海洛因. 流感疫苗與街頭海洛因至少有一個地方相似, 兩個都沒受過安全性測試

We also know that flu shots contain neurotoxic chemicals and heavy metals in alarming concentrations. This is irrefutable scientific fact. We also know that there is no "safe" form of mercury just like there is no safe form of heroin -- all forms of mercury are highly toxic when injected into the body (ethyl, methyl, organic, inorganic).
我們也知道流感疫苗含有神經毒素的化學成份與超驚人高含量的重金屬. 這是不爭的科學事實. 我們也知道汞沒有安全的型式, 就像海洛因沒有安全的型式, 所有的汞被打到體內都是高度有毒

The only people who argue with this are those who are already mercury poisoned and thus incapable of rational thought. Mercury damages brain function, you see, which is exactly what causes some people to be tricked into thinking vaccines are safe and effective.
會爭辯的人都是體內已被汞污染的人, 也沒辦法有理性思考. 汞, 會傷害腦的功能, 也因為這樣, 才讓部份的人被誘騙到相信疫苗是安全而有效

Technically, you'd have to be stupid to believe such a thing, as the vaccine insert directly tells you precisely the opposite.
技術上, 你必需笨到能相信這樣的事, 明明包裝內的說明書直接了當告訴你全部的事實

Share this story, spread the truth

Share this story with everyone who needs to know the truth about flu vaccines. This message needs to get out. Every fact stated in this article is 100% true and verified. The quotes from the Flulaval package insert are on-the-record statements from GlaxoSmithKline.
將這篇文章傳出去與人分享, 讓更多的人知道流感疫苗的真相. 這篇文章所言是百分百真實也經過證實. 引用葛蘭素Flulaval包裝盒內說明書也是

And for the record, I am not an opponent of the theory of vaccination. What I'm against is the continued use of toxic heavy metals and chemicals in vaccines. I'm also opposed to the wildly fraudulent marketing of vaccines. If any other product were marketed with the same lies and deceptions as vaccines, they would be immediately charged with fraud and misrepresentation by the FTC. But somehow when the vaccine industry commits routine fraud, everybody pretends it isn't happening.
還有我不是反對疫苗理論的人, 我所反對的是持續使用有毒重金屬與化學物做成的疫苗; 我也反對疫苗的共犯結構. 如果有任何產品像疫苗這樣充滿欺騙與謊言, 老早就被控詐欺罪了. 當疫苗產業經常性犯罪, 每個人都假裝它沒發生

Even with all the marketing fraud taking place, if the vaccine manufacturers would stop poisoning the population with vaccine additives (by removing mercury, formaldehyde and other chemicals from their products), nearly all opposition to vaccines would rapidly disappear.
如果疫苗廠商能拿掉毒害大眾的成份, 像重金屬汞, 甲醛與其它化學物質, 那麼對於疫苗的反對大概能迅速消失

Sources for this story include:
(1) http://water.epa.gov/drink/contaminants/basi...
(2) http://vaccines.naturalnews.com


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