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(NaturalNews) The juicy, tropical flavor of mangos are enjoyed by many, but there are other benefits of eating the fruit beyond its flavor. In fact, June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables month, and according to Mango.org, June is also National Mango Month. All the more reason to hone in on this healthy fruit!

Aside from the delicious taste, mangos are full of health benefits.

很多人喜歡芒果多汁熱帶的水果口味, 其實除了味道, 芒果也有很多健康益處. 六月是新鮮水果蔬菜季, 六月也是芒果月喔.

Top 5 health benefits of mangos

1) May prevent certain cancers. Discoveries have found that mangos contain a large amount of polyphenols, which play a role in fighting free radicals and protecting against cell damage, which could lead to cancer (1). Specifically, it's been found that many of its compounds have the ability to combat breast and colon cancer cells. Furthermore, mangos have high levels of flavonoids like beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which help protect against oral cavity and lung cancers (2).

研究發現芒果含有多酚, 能打擊自由基, 保護細胞, 避免細胞受傷. 特別是它的某些複合物成份能對抗乳癌與結腸癌. 而且芒果含有很高含量的類黃酮化合物, 像beta-胡蘿蔔素. 可保護身體遠離口腔癌與肺癌的威脅

2) Help eye and skin health
. Mangos have a high vitamin A content, which is good for helping to keep bones, skin and eyes healthy. Eating one cup of mangos provides the body with approximately 35 percent of the vitamin A needed for optimal functioning (3).
芒果有高含量維他命A, 有助骨骼, 肌膚與眼睛的健康. 吃一杯芒果能提供身體所需約35%的維他命A

3) Help reduce blood pressure. Because this fruit has good potassium levels, yet is low in sodium, it's considered ideal for those looking to lower blood pressure (2).
因為芒果含有大量的鉀成份, 與低量的鈉, 對於降血壓的人是很適合的水果

4) Boost brain health. Improve mood and overall brain ability with mangos. They have large amounts of the vitamin B-6 as well as glutamine acid which helps to improve neurotransmitter function, so the brain remains healthy while also benefiting from improved memory and concentration (4).
芒果能讓人心情變好, 與愉悅整體腦部的能力. 它們含大量的維他命B6, 與谷氨酰胺酸, 有助改善神經傳導素的功能, 因此腦部能保持暢通靈活, 記憶力與專注力也能變好

5) Better heart health
. According to the Institute of Medicine, women should have 25 g of fiber daily, at a minimum (3). One cup of mango as more than 2.5 g of dietary fiber, and eating it along with other fiber-rich foods contribute toward meeting that goal. As with all high fiber diets, heart disease risks are lessened.
根據醫藥學會, 女生每天應攝食至少25g纖維.  一杯芒果, 有超過2.5g的膳食纖維, 再配合其它富含纖維的食物, 就可輕鬆達標(25g/天). 纖維越多, 心臟方面的疾病危險就越能降低

Mango fun facts

It's also interesting to note that there's more to the mango that what's ingested. Many fun facts abound when it comes to this fruit including legend that says Buddha used to meditate under a mango tree, are thought to be a gesture of friendship in India, and that they're related to pistachios (5).

有關芒果有些有趣的傳說, 佛祖曾在芒果樹下冥想, 芒果在印度是種友善的表示. 它們是一種開心果, 吃了有愉悅感

Mangos are brimming with health and fun history!

Sources for this article include:

(1) http://www.naturalnews.com

(2) http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/mango-fruit.html

(3) http://www.livestrong.com

(4) http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit/mango.html

(5) http://www.mango.org/mango-fun-facts

About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general.

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