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醃漬發酵食物 幫助降低記憶喪失 (翻譯: 喜貓)

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The Fermented Food that Helps Protect against Dementia



When we think of dementia—or the loss of memory we typically associate with aging—it’s unlikely that most of us think of fermented foods. But probiotic-rich foods, which are foods that contain naturally-beneficial microorganisms like bacteria and certain yeasts, may have an important role in the prevention, and even treatment, of this brain disease.

當我們想到老年癡呆 - 或記憶喪失, 我們一般會想到年紀大 - 也很少會去聯想到醃漬發酵食品. 但充滿益生菌的食物, 都是含天然有益的微生物好菌或酵素, 對於腦部的疾病有很好的預防與治療效益


For many years, science led us to believe that we had little control over our brain health and its functioning. Dementia was thought to be the inevitable result of aging. But, there is a growing body of research linking what we eat, how we live, how stressed we are and how much we challenge ourselves intellectually, to our brain health and memory.

多年來, 科學讓我們相信, 我們對自己腦部的健康能著力之處很少. 老年癡呆被認為是年紀大不可避免的一種結果. 但有越來越多研究連到, 我們吃的東西, 我們的生活方式, 我們承受的壓力, 我們一直在挑戰智力, 這些種種, 跟我們腦部的健康與記憶的關係.


While many people may be aware that purple grapes, blueberries, walnuts or flax seeds are brain-boosting foods, few are aware that one particular fermented food is standing out from the crowd as a brain health superfood. No, it’s not yogurt, although yogurt with live probiotic cultures may be beneficial to the brain as well. The brain-booster extraordinaire may come as a surprise: kimchi. Kimchi is a fermented blend of cabbage, garlic, onions or scallions, ginger, red pepper or chili peppers and is eaten as an appetizer or condiment.

有些人可能知道紫葡萄, 藍莓, 核桃, 亞麻仁籽, 都是促進腦部健康的食物. 更少人知道醃漬發酵食物, 脫穎而出成為腦部健康的超級好物. 不, 不, 不, ...不是優格, 雖然優格有益生菌對腦部也是很好. 但超乎想像對腦部超優的食物竟然是泡菜. 泡菜是由大白菜, 大蒜, 洋蔥, 或香蔥, 薑, 紅椒, 或咖哩, 混和醃漬而成, 當開胃菜或調味品佐食



Scientists have identified a whopping 970 different bacterial strains in kimchi. Compare that to the one or two, or occasionally three, strains of probiotics found in most brands of yogurt. Of course, not all kimchi has that many different strains. One strain in particular, Lactobacillus plantarum, which is found in kimchi, is a research-proven antioxidant. The brain is quite vulnerable to free radical damage that occurs as we age, as we eat harmful foods or beverages, as we are exposed to harmful substances in the air we breathe or if we experience a traumatic brain injury. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage healthy cells and tissues while antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals thereby preventing them from damaging healthy cells in the brain. In a study published in the online medical journal PLoS One, the probiotic, Lactobacillus plantarum, demonstrated antioxidant activity stronger than other probiotics.

科學家在泡菜裡發現970種菌株, 優格可能才含有1到3種菌株. 當然不是所有泡菜有各式各樣的菌株. 其中一種菌株最值得注意, 叫胚芽乳酸桿菌, 會在一般的泡菜中發現, 是一種科學驗證的抗氧化物. 頭腦對自由基的抵抗力是脆弱的, 隨著年齡增長, 吃一堆垃圾食物飲品, 當我們暴露在有害的空氣下, 或甚至經歷過腦部重創. 自由基是不穩定分子, 會破壞腦部細胞與組織. 而抗氧化物能中和這些自由基保護腦部細胞. 一項網路科學文章提到胚芽乳酸桿菌, 顯示出比其他益生菌的抗氧化力強更多



In a study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, researchers tested probiotics that were extracted from kimchi to determine whether they may have any ability to protect against memory loss. One of the probiotics found in kimchi, known as Lactobacillus pentosus var. plantarum C29 showed potent ability to protect the brain against memory loss. And, fortunately you don’t have to remember its name to benefit from its memory-protective effects. Kimchi is the only source of this particular probiotic strain I am aware of. The scientists concluded that kimchi and this probiotic “may be beneficial for dementia.”

應用微生物期刊有篇研究提到, 研究者測試從泡菜中抽取出來的益生菌, 看他們是否有能力保護記憶喪失的問題. 泡菜中抽取出的益生菌的其中一種, 乳酸桿菌, 顯示超強保護力, 能保護腦部細胞防止記憶散失. 而且, 很幸運地, 你也不必強記這個很長的英文名字. 因為泡菜是唯一含有這個益生菌的來源. 科學家做出結論, 泡菜與這個益生菌菌株, 可能對老人癡呆的預防有很大的益處


Obviously more research needs to be conducted, but considering that there are no known side effects other than additional health benefits of eating kimchi, I consider it a great dietary addition, especially if you are experiencing memory issues or are trying to prevent them. In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, kimchi was shown to reduce cholesterol levels and obesity and have anti-cancer effects, among other benefits.

顯然還要做更多研究讓這個理論更札實. 不過至少吃泡菜沒有副作用. 我覺得是很好的佐菜食物, 特別當你感到記憶力好像不好時.  另外食療期刊的一篇文章提到, 泡菜能降低膽固醇與肥胖, 也有抗癌作用


Not all kimchi is created equally. Be sure to choose one that contains “live cultures” and has not been pasteurized. You should find it in the refrigerator section of your health food or grocery store. Organic options are best as pesticides used in the growing of vegetables significantly reduces the beneficial bacterial counts in fermented foods.

泡菜作法不同. 選有含益生菌沒有被滅菌的. 放在冰箱冷藏(不是冰庫那一格). 選擇有機種出來的青菜去醃漬成的泡菜,  不讓農藥抵銷掉泡菜具有的健康益處,  可能是個可考慮的點



For more information about probiotics can help boost your brain and body, check out my book: The Probiotic Promise: Simple Steps to Heal Your Body from the Inside Out (DaCapo, 2015).











台長: 喜貓
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