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療癒的關鍵(轉自Eric Pearl再連結療癒臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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我們常問人好一點沒? 好一點沒? 就療癒的角度, 是個狹礙的說法. 這樣的想法, 跟問法, 否認我們與生命源頭本來的連結力, 否認我們天生自給自足, 自我療癒的能力~~

療癒, 以我們平日的想法, 至少是症狀, 不舒服或造成功能失調的阻礙的減緩, 舒緩. 療癒也是一個人重新與自己生命源頭接上線的現象.

本質上, 療癒是這樣的: 療癒是...將造成我們與生命源頭切斷的阻礙移除, 干擾拿掉....的...釋放過程. 療癒關係到我們的進化, 關係到進化過程基因的重組, 也包含我們與所來之處(生命源頭)一個新層次的連結

~~~by 再連結療法 (這個段落可參考原書第十二章, 生命潛能出版社, 以上段落, 以個人的話翻譯)

“Getting #better” is far too limiting a #definition of #healing. #Thinking in that way divests us of our #birthright to be in direct communion with God/ Love / Universe; and therefore, to be self-sustaining, #self-healing #beings.

Healing, as we often tend to think of it, may well be about the #alleviation of #symptoms, #diseases, #infirmities, and other noticeable hindrances to full functioning. Healing is also the #restoration of the person to #spiritual #wholeness. In #essence, healing is this: the release or #removal of a #block or #interference that has kept us separate from the #perfection of the universe. Yet, healing is about our #evolution, and also includes the evolutionary #restructuring of our #DNA and our #reconnection to the universe on a new level.
#TheReconnection: #HealOthers, #HealYourself (Ch. 12)

台長: 喜貓

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