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2015年日全蝕, 雙魚新月, 3/20 春分( 轉自Marianne Williamson臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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(圖片來源: 紐約時報)

The EQUINOX is here on March 20th 2015 and a powerful portal is opening up with a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and New Moon in Pisces on the same day!

2015年的春分在今天3/20, 日全蝕打開一個強力門戶, 同時雙魚新月在同一天

Like our ancestors before us, we are being called to pause with reverence and tune in to the greater cosmic cycles that we are a part of.

像我們之前的祖先, 我們在這天暫停一會與大宇宙循環調頻在一起

Return, return, return…and enter the stillness through meditation, prayer or ceremony offering gratitude for the gift of Life and All that Is.

回去, 回去, 回去, 透過冥想, 祈禱, 或感恩儀式進入靜止, 感謝生命的禮物與一切所是.

Pisces energy encourages us to dream and vision what we can contribute to create the world we wish to inhabit.

雙魚能量促進我們夢想, 預見, 我們能貢獻的以創造宇宙, 以及我們希望抑制的.

From simple acts of kindness, beginning with the Self, the revolution will birth forth from within each of us. For as we heal, we help others heal. As we shift our vibrations, we contribute in unseen ways to uplifting the energetic web that connects us all. 

從簡單的仁慈動作, 從個人開始, 改變會發生. 我們療癒, 他人就能療癒. 我們改變自我振動, 我們以無形方式貢獻宇宙, 提升與我們連結的能量網格

Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers sharing their illuminating wisdom. First from astrologer PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Astrology:

以下是神聖MAMMA Astral Insights分享祂們開悟的智慧.

“This is the week we’ve been talking about and building toward since the beginning of the year — arguably the most powerful week of 2015, in astrological terms…”
“We might call this a pivot point, a time of choosing new options and releasing the old. It is a time for breakthroughs and insights, when we can ride the energies of change into a new future.”

這是我們一直在談的一週, 自今年年初一直在構築的能量. 可以說是萬眾矚目最有力量的一週, 以星象術語來說

“…THE SOLAR ECLIPSE on Friday occurs in the very last degree of Pisces, which is also the very last degree of the zodiac. The 29th degree of any sign is called the ‘anaretic degree,’ and it indicates that we are at a choice point…”

周五的日全蝕, 發生在雙魚座最後的幾個角度, 黃道線上最後的幾度. 每個星座的第29度, 代表我們正走到決定點

“The last degree of a sign can also be a destabilizing influence, since the energy is in the process of shifting from one mode to another — in this case, we are moving from a water/mutable sign (Pisces) to a fire/cardinal sign (Aries).”

每個星座的最後角度, 也代表影響力在解散, 因為能量從它的模式移進另一個模式 - 在這種情形下, 我們從(雙魚)水象移進(牡羊)火象

© Copyright 2015 ~PAM YOUNGHANS. All Rights Reserved (版權所有)

From the insightful DIVINE HARMONY:
“The Eclipse portal is opening…This portal lasts all month long (the entire lunar cycle) and is followed by another Total Eclipse- this time a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4th.
全蝕門戶開放  - 這個門戶會持續一個月之久(整個月亮循環), 緊接另一個全蝕 - 4/4的月全蝕

“With two Total Lunar Eclipses back to back- we have a very powerful Eclipse cycle opening up which brings in with it some powerful and inevitable changes…”
兩個月全蝕背靠背 - 我們有個非常強力的全蝕循環, 帶來無可比擬的改變

“First of all this Eclipse is total- which means there will be a complete blocking out of the Sun. Total Eclipses are not everyday experiences.

第一, 這是全蝕, 代表完全遮住太陽. 全蝕不是每天都有的經驗

“We have many Eclipses- 4 to 5 a year- several of which are partial or penumbral (meaning not total). When they are total they are more potent and powerful and they have much more influence.

每四, 五年, 我們有很多日蝕或月蝕 - 其中一些是部份遮住, 當它們是全部遮住時, 那個力道會更強, 帶來更多影響力

“If you happen to live in Europe you will get to see some of the Eclipse, but the total portion of it will only be visible to those at the North Pole…”

如果你剛好住歐洲, 會看到一些日蝕或月蝕, 全蝕只在北極看得明顯

“Another reason this Eclipse is so powerful is it is at the very last degree of Pisces (29’27 Pisces), also known as the Omega degree.

為何今天(3/20)這個日全蝕特別強力, 因為它在雙魚坐的最後角度, 處於omega角度

“The 1st degree of Aries is the Alpha point and 29 Pisces is the Omega point. They represent the start of the zodiac (1 Aries) and the end of the zodiac (29 Pisces)- and they are points of initiation and completion, beginnings and endings.”

牡羊座的第一個角度是alpha角度, 雙魚座的第29個角度是omegga角度. 它們代表黃道開始, 與黃道結束 - 它們是起點與終點, 開始與結束.

© Copyright 2015 ~DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved
From the wise SARAH VARCAS from her Astro Awakenings.uk:
“An eclipse here speaks of completion on a grand scale… This degree of the zodiac brings to a close great cycles of time and change, major life themes and patterns.

這裏講的日全蝕是個大規模的結束...黃道的角度帶來一個循環的結束, 改變, 與主要的生命課題與型式.

“An eclipse here reminds us the cosmos has its own timetable, weaving its design through our lives with or without our consent.

提醒我們宇宙有它自己的時宸, 經我們的同意, 或不經我們的同意, 將祂的設計與我們的生命交織在一起

“We are faced with the choice to synchronize our timepiece of the heart with that of the heavens or occupy our own time zone – sometimes in synch, sometimes way out of it, struggling to impose our own schedule upon the unfolding of sacred creation
我們面臨與心的時間同步, 或處在目前次元焦燥的時間的選擇, 有時會同步, 有時不會, 焦慮地硬要把我們的時程表放在不斷展開的神聖創造

“The endings we face now, be they losses, disappointments or liberating closure, remind us of the need for deep and abiding alignment with the god-force from here on in, as it threads its way through our lives.

我們所面臨的結束, 可能是損失, 失望, 或解放, 提醒我們更深度與神聖力量的校準調頻, 這神聖力量是穿梭編織在我們的生命裏

“The cycles now ending offered certain challenges, opportunities and emergent wisdom. They required choices, the distant outcomes of which we now face.

結束的周期帶來一些挑戰, 機會與竄出的智慧. 它們需要選擇, 與面臨的在遠方的結果

“Those made in alignment with the evolutionary imperative of awakening reveal powerful new beginnings on the near horizon, crystallizing as we speak. Past courage will reap rewards of freedom and deep peace.

過去的勇氣會帶來收獲, 自由與深層的平靜

“Decisions made out of fear, from a defensive heart, reveal now the fading of a future self even as we gaze upon it: opportunities lost, the time for action passed. We may feel burdened with shame or regret, sadness or grief. But no matter the pain this moment may hold, there is comfort and hope at hand…”

出於恐懼所做的決定, 來自抗拒的心, 會顯現消失在未來; 機會失去, 採取動作的時間經過. 可能感到羞愧, 或後悔, 或悲傷, 而感到沉重. 不管此刻有怎樣的情緒, 終將轉化成安心與希望在手

“Don’t look away. Whatever you see at this time, in the symbolic darkness of an obscured Sun, don’t look away. No matter what, it cannot diminish the authentic self within.

不要轉向他處,  不管你此刻看到什麼, 象徵性太陽被遮住的黑暗, 不要轉看他處. 不管怎樣, 都無法消滅真實自性

“This Real Self has power, it carries weight. It challenges the very foundations of life as we know it.

真實自性有力量, 帶有份量. 它挑戰生命最基礎的東西

“It refuses to conform to mindless notions of right and wrong, to dictates of value and worth that dishonor inner wealth. It sees through artifice, laughs in the face of shame and denies everything but the bold and beautiful truth.

它拒絕認同假猩猩的東西, 它會看進假東西, 只看到勇氣與美麗的真理

The world is not ready for the Real Self and yet still it emerges, in you and in me, in the collective psyche which twists and turns to accommodate a deeper knowing that nothing is as it seems.

世界還沒真地準備好, 迎接真實自性, 但它在你我內在正在發生, 在一向扭曲迷失的集體意識中, 有個更深層的瞭悟, 一切不再像以前一樣

“The Real Self emerges every time we stop and wait, sensing the integrity of the moment, the deep, pulsating beat of the unified heart, time-keeper of our collective awakening.

真實自性會在每次我們按暫停/等待鍵時出現, 感到瞬間的正直, 深層與萬物合一的躍動

“It grows in strength and fortitude each time we honor its wisdom over and above the expectations and demands of the external world which denies all but that which can be counted, compared and traded.

每一次我們越榮耀這樣的智慧, 每次它就強勁有力地成長, 勝出只會精明估算, 愛比較的外在世界

“The Real Self knows that to think one’s own thoughts is the only path to freedom, whilst the world demands unthinking conformity and the False Self agrees.

真實自性知道去感知自己在想什麼是獲得自由的唯一路徑, 雖然外界喜歡你不動腦筋的服從

“The power of this solar eclipse will remove rose-tinted glasses and veils that hide the truth.

這次日全蝕的力道會移除我們愛粉飾外在的阻礙眼光, 看到真理

“We cannot stop it nor can we choose to postpone our own awakening. This – right here, right now – is the end of denial, the end of artifice, the end of avoidance.

這股力量, 我們無力阻止或延後, 就是在此時此刻. 是否認的終止, 假面的終止, 與逃避的終止

“This is life in all its terrible grace and terrifying beauty. For this we were born: a visceral, unavoidable, undeniable confrontation with the very heart of All That Is.

這是生命巨大的恩典, 盛大的美麗. 我們為此而生, 一場無可避免, 不可否認, 與一切如是的核心, 面對面的相預

“We may greet this eclipse in mourning or ecstasy, in freedom or bondage, but wherever we find ourselves we are living the life shaped by choices made, commitments honored, promises broken and betrayals enacted since the collective spirit was shaken awake never again to sleep.

我們可以哀悼或狂喜來迎接這個日全蝕, 以全然解放自由, 或處處受限的感覺來迎接, 但不管我們在哪裏發現真我, 我們活在做選擇, 做承諾, 毀約與背叛這樣的生命中, 集體意識是被撼動不再打瞌睡

“Each moment since then has been a step upon the path to awakening. Whether those steps have taken us deeper into truth or into shadow has no impact on their power.

從那時起我們踏上覺醒之路. 不管這些步伐帶我們更深入真理, 或更深入陰影, 舊有意識對我們已失去力量

“Each one has shaped who we are and the relationship we now have with the authentic and sacred self within.

每個人都在以內在的真實自性, 磨亮自己是誰, 與所具備的關係

“We are precisely who we have caused ourselves to be. The extent to which we have denied the truth or sacrificed its pursuit in favor of security reveals the extent to which we must now change and grow in ever more vital and transformative ways.

我們正是造成我們是誰的人. 越否認自己是誰, 越需以更活力, 更跳躍的方式改變與成長

“The past is gone. Never was this statement more true, for second chances – third and fourth – have all dissolved. Opportunities missed may never return.

過去已遠離, 這是千真萬確, 第二次, 第三次, 第四次機會都在消融, 失去的機會永不再來

“We had our chance and did with it as we saw fit. Now here we stand at the grand closure of a cosmic cycle, reviewing its shape in our lives, invited by the cosmos into deep reflection on how we best move forward from here.

我們曾有過機會, 也利用它做出我們覺得很合適的行動. 現在, 我們站在宇宙循環的大結束, 重新回看它如何塑形我們的人生, 被宇宙邀請更深入看見我們要如何被從此處移往前方

“Let it go: regret or shame, sorrow or sadness for chances now gone. They were not for you or me this time around.

讓它走, 後悔也好, 覺得丟臉也好, 或是悲傷, 這些都已消失. 這次我們不再需要它

“New ones await us the other side of the darkened Sun. They hold promise of wisdom and hope of freedom from all that held us back before.

被遮住太陽的那一邊有新的事物等著我們, 握住曾一度得不到自由的智慧與希望

“The cosmic clock continues to tick-tock its way through our awakening as our hearts synchronize to respond, this time without hesitation, heeding the call of the divine to prioritize truth above all.”
當我們的心覺醒能同時性回應時, 宇宙的時鐘會繼續滴搭,這次不遲疑地, 回應神聖召喚, 要把真理擺第一位
© Copyright 2015 ~SARAH VARCAS All Rights Reserved
 From the always inspired KELLEY ROSANO:
“…Eclipses are the most powerful transit that you can experience. The herald major beginnings and endings. Pisces is the most psychic and sensitive sign in the zodiac. Your emotions will feel strong and deep.

日蝕月蝕是你能體到最具力量的通道. 主宰著開始與結束. 雙魚是黃道最具感應力的星座. 你的情緒會感覺深而強烈

“You may be moody and introspective. This is because your feelings rising from your subconscious may be difficult to articulate and communicate. Your sub-conscious speaks in a different language than your conscious mind.

你可能會很情緒化, 也充滿內醒. 因為你的感覺從潛意識浮起, 很難強調很難去述說. 你的潛意識跟你的表意識, 是以不同的語言在述說

“Your physic abilities are increasing. Your intuition is strong. You could have spiritual experiences. Trust your intuition. Trust your instincts. Much insight can come to you now.

你的感應力會不斷增加. 你的直覺一直在強化. 你可能會有些靈性經驗. 相信自己的直覺, 信任感應力. 很多洞察力會來找你

“…Watch out for fears and phobias that may wash over you. Stay in the present. Your power is in the now. This Pisces eclipse is bringing to light your mission in this life. Your soul’s purpose.”

注意你的恐懼可能來洗劫你, 處在現在, 處在當下, 你的力量在當下. 雙魚日全蝕是來點亮你此生的任務, 你的靈魂目的

“…Dream what you want to see in the world. You do not need to fix, save and rescue other people. You want to let people live their own lives. Allow others to learn from their experiences. This is the path to Self-mastery.

夢想你希望這世界是什麼樣子. 你不需去修補, 拯救其他人事物. 就讓其他活出他們的生活, 允許他們學習他們自有的經驗, 這是通往大師的道路

“Practice the Law of Allowing. That is create the space for others to find their own answers…If you want to help other people, role model a great life. When you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone else. The Law of Attraction is matching your energy, words and behavior.”

練習允許法則. 可以空出空間給他人發現他們自身的答案. 如果你想幫助他人, 以自己為準則做給別人看. 當你活出一個美好生活該有的樣子, 別人會看到路徑. 吸引力法則配合你的能量, 話語與行為

“…The Moon enters Aries less than an hour after the eclipse. Thirteen hours later the Sun enters Aries. You have the Spring/Fall Equinox.
日全蝕約一個小時候, 月亮進入牡羊, 13個小時後太陽進入牡羊. 然後是春分

“Your mood will shift rapidly…For you will be ready to launch into action. Having both lights (the Sun and the Moon) in Aries…”

你的心情會快速移動...你已準備好要發起行動. 牡羊雙道光芒(太陽與月亮)

March 20 could be the most intense day this year. The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal. You can access higher dimensions of consciousness….”

3/20可能是2015一整年能量最密集的一天. 日全蝕緊接春分創造一個強力門戶. 你可進入更高的次元意識

“This is an awesome opportunity to merge with your Soul Self. Be who you really are. Be your authentic Self. March 20 is a brilliant day for ritual and prayer.

這是絕妙機會與你的靈魂合而為一. 全心全意成為自己, 成為真正的自己. 3/20是個閃亮亮可做儀式可做祈禱的日子

“Set your intention for what you want to create in the new season. Dance with Creator.”

說出你的意圖你在這新的季節想創造出什麼, 與創造者共舞

© Copyright 2015 ~KELLEY ROSANO All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“…Pisces is the sign that symbolizes the collective unconscious, the place of endings where our ego consciousness dissolves back into the Ocean of Being.  It is the energy of opening to the Divine Presence; the energy of surrender to the flow of life, the energy of trust and faith in Life. “

雙魚座代表集體無意識, 結束的地方, 我們的小我意識融解進存在的海洋. 這是神聖存有的開始能量; 向生命之流順服的能量, 充滿信任與信心的能量

“The sign of Pisces has two fish, swimming in opposite directions.  One fish symbolizes delusion and illusion, the fantasies the ego generates about its own desires.  The other is mystical awareness and communion with the Anima Mundi, our World Soul.

雙魚的符號有兩條魚, 往兩個不同方向游. 一條魚象徵人格我對於自己欲望所創造出的妄想幻覺幻想; 另一條魚則是神秘的覺醒, 與世界靈魂的連結

“This is our choice now.  Which fish will we swim with?  This is such a moment of grace!  Like the ancients and aboriginals, we can learn to be at one with Mother Earth as well as living our soul’s destiny in this time of great change.”

這是我們現在的選擇. 我們要跟那一條魚游去? 這是何等充滿恩典的一刻! 像古人與原住民, 我們可與大地母親合而為一, 也活出我們靈魂的目的地

“…we are called to acknowledge the energies of the Collective Unconscious, the energetic field that holds our collective hopes and dreams as well as our emotional disappointment and sorrow over what we’ve done to each other and what we’ve done to the Earth.

我們被召喚認出這個集體無意識的能量, 這個能量場, 綁住我們集體的希望, 夢想, 我們對彼此情感上的失望, 悲傷, 與我們對地球所做的一些負面行為

“We all long for love, for peace, for creativity, for family and community, talents and disciplines that make us whole human beings.

我們都渴望愛, 和平, 創造力, 家, 社區, 天份, 紀律, 舉凡一切造就我們人類全體的美德

“Unfortunately, our society’s leaders do not listen to what the people want…We’re finally waking up to the fact that the ideas and paradigms running our world no longer fit our needs; in fact, they reject our vision and our needs.

不幸的是, 我們社會的領導人沒有在聽, 我們最後醒過來發現整個社會運作的底盤已不再適用; 事實上, 他們拒絕我們的眼光, 我們的需求

“So it is time for each of us to take responsibility for the story of our lives.  The old story that is passing away is the story that taught us that we needed to be free.

所以是擔起責任的時候, 舊的故事已經過去, 也教導了我們該要自由了

“The new story is about what we plan to do with our freedom.  It begins within your own psyche.  Are you in or are you out?

新的故事是有關我們如何以新取得的自由去做事情. 從你自有的感應力開始. 你要加入? 還是不想?

“Can you open up your crown chakra to Spirit and listen to the original story of your soul?  Can you let your inner guidance help you create your new life?

你能打開頂輪, 傾聽靈魂的原始故事嗎? 你能讓內在引導協助你創造新生活嗎?

“Can you free yourself from the fear and insecurity patriarchy is trying to feed us? 

你能把自己從恐懼, 不安全感中釋放出來嗎?

“If you do, you can play in the Quantum Field and start creating that new life that the world needs so very much. “

如果你能, 你就能在量子能量場玩耍, 開始創造新世界亟需的新生活

© Copyright 2015 ~CATHY PAGANO  All Rights Reserved

Love and Blessings to all!


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