Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As many of you already know and have felt we have just experienced an opening of phenomenal portal of light, a portal of stabilization and a portal of progress and intuitive understanding of being. This portal was but one door into the new world which we are all walking towards. As many of you know another magnificent portal is about to open for all of us, this portal is going to take place on April 4th – The Blood Moon portal.
各位好! 在傳訊之前, 我稍講一下. 就像很多人已知道的, 也感覺到的, 我們剛體驗到一個光之門戶的打開, 是一個安定性, 有進展性, 與直覺知曉的門戶. 這個門戶通往一個我們正朝往的新世界. 同時, 就像很多人知道的, 另一個門戶也即將打開, 大概在4月4日, 血月門戶.
Before I talk about that though I would like to point out to all of you that the next few days leading up to this blood moon will see you incredibly conflicted. All of your old memories and RE-Actions are going to come back, you will feel as if all the work that you have done on yourself is slipping way from you and you are right back to square one.
在我進入主題之前, 想指出, 接下去的幾天接近血月時, 會看見你們非常矛盾. 所有你們舊有的記憶與反應會再反撲, 你會覺得你之前的努力又滑走.
However, that is absolutely NOT what is happening. Simply the last ounces of “dirty water” are being squeezed right out of you. Brought up for you to deal with finally, and use all that you have learnt up to this point to SHIFT your focus onto the POSITIVE. I know this as I have been experiencing all of this first hand. All of us are going to and already are going through this, no matter your level of enlightenment, the only way around it, is to remain stable and at peace with everything that is happening. It will be very easy for you to get tangled up in the old drama, but at the same time you will find yourselves looking at everything from the distance with a new perspective in mind, armed with various tools to get you through. As the drama unfolds all around you, you will observe it from the still point of none-resistance. You will simply see the old you emerge and the new you balance everything out. You will do a little dance with your very own self, refusing to re-en-act everything that should stay in the past. You will make it through I know so, because you have been prepared very well for this week and the weeks to come.
但是, 這不是真正在發生的. 這只是你們內在最後幾滴髒水正在倒出而已. 倒出來只為了讓你處理, 應用所有你所學的一切, 在這時間點, 把注意力焦點移到正面的事物上面. 我知道這些, 因為我首先經驗過這一切. 我們一起即將, 而且已經正在經歷, 不管你的開悟程度到哪裏, 唯一要做的, 保持與正在發生的萬事萬物的穩定, 與平靜. 如果不小心, 很容易跟以前的事攪在一起, 但同時, 你會發現自己開始從遠距, 以新的視野, 新的工具來看事情. 當所有舊事在你周遭展開時, 你會觀察到不抵抗的靜止點. 你只會看舊有的你浮出, 新的你將之平衡. 我知道你會順利通過, 我知道的, 因為你已準備好經歷迎接這個禮拜, 與即將到來的禮拜
But going back to the actual Portal on the 4th of April. What is this portal going to mean to all of us. The message that I am receiving from the divine is that this portal is a portal of FREEDOM. Freedom from the past energies that have been holding humanity’s consciousness in the paradigms of the olden days. Ever since we have entered the photon belt a lot has begun to change, to transform to morph into something else. Much work has been done by all of us individually and collectively to get to this point. We all had to face our shadow selves, work on ourselves diligently to prepare for this year’s portals.
回到主題, 4月4日的門戶打開. 這個門戶打開的意義為何? 我所收到的訊息, 這是個"自由"的門戶. 從舊有能量解放, 這舊能量把人類意識束太緊. 當我們進入光子帶, 很多東西開始在改變, 在轉型. 很多工作透過個體與集體的力量達到. 我們都需面對自己的影子, 努力作工, 為這一年門戶做準備.
What will this mean for all of us? A great CHANGE, an incredible energy influx that will finally strip us from the old ways of thinking. We will be pushed and supported with all the upcoming changes that we will be making both individually and collectively. The way that we perceive everything from “conflicts” to “resolutions”, from the clothes that we wear, the place where we live, even our food choices are going to be different. Some of you are already feeling the effects of this energy influx. Our bodies are truly shifting rapidly, we require different food now, as the type of food that we do eat is not satisfying everything within us, and so we are craving for something else, and that something else, is pure energy from the cosmos. We are being led to discover that part of our diet is going to come directly from the energy that surrounds us daily. This may sound like a farfetched statement, however many of you are already noticing the effects of your body drawing energy from other sources and not just food.
這代表什麼呢? 大大的改變, 非常特別的能量點, 會脫去我們舊有的思想方式. 我們會被新來到的改變推動與支持, 在個人與集體都做出改變. 我們看事情的方式會變, 從衝突變成找解覺, 我們穿衣服的方式, 住的地方, 吃的食物可能都會不一樣. 你們當中一些人應該已經感覺到這能量點. 我們的身體也在快速改變, 我們需要不同的食物, 我們現在吃的東西並不太能讓身體滿意, 所以我們想改吃別的, 一些從宇宙他處來的, 帶更純淨能量的食物. 我們被引導發現, 飲食的部份會直接從能量過來. 這現在聽起來可能像個天方夜譚. 但很多人可能已經注意到你們身體會不只從食物提取能量
Months leading up to this point have allowed us to revisit the past, make peace with it, and truly let go. And now we are drawn into the energy of tremendous change. NOW is the time to act and to do what is in our hearts. We must use this creative energy that is flowing rapidly to GAIA and is about to only increase with the coming of the blood moon on April 4th. We must use this energy to our advantage and stabilize our inner and outer realities. What we are about to experience is akin to what was happening in 2012 with a lot more souls fully awakening to their new identities, and taking their place right alongside us who have already awakened.
這個時間點的能量會帶我們重返舊能量, 與它們握手言和, 然後放掉它們. 我們被吸到改變的巨大能量中. 現在就是行動的時間, 由衷行動. 我們利用這股目前快速流動到蓋亞的創造性能量, 只是這股能量在4/4血月更加強. 我們必需應用這股能量穩定內在與外在的實相. 我們即將體驗的跟2012蠻多靈魂覺醒, 感受到自己新身份有關.
This is the time for CHANGE, time to restructure everything in our lives. For some it means moving, for others radically changing their vocations, family life. Do a complete overhaul of everything, for nothing will be the same. Our interaction with each other are going to become more honest and fruitful, which will lead to quite a lot of misunderstanding at first, as our actions will be quite different than what people were used to receive from us. But as we progress further, our sincerity in everything that we do will spark sincerity in others, thus building a web of new consciousness.
這是個改變的時候, 重組事物的時候. 對於一些人, 代表移動, 一些人可能職業的, 家庭生活的改變. 做個徹底翻修, 任何事都將不同. 人際互動變得更加誠實與暢通, 或許起初會有點誤解, 但隨著進程, 我們對凡事的誠懇會點燃他人內在的誠懇, 而建立一個新意識的網格.
This is already underway as on and prior to March 20th many have been disconnected from the grids of the past and connected to a new platform. Hence many of you felt really tired, for many of you the old feelings that you thought you already dealt with have come back, etc, etc, but what is most important is how you have dealt with said changes, and how you will continue to deal with them, and that is with great dignity.
這在3/20當時與之前已在進行, 很多人跟舊有能量網格斷線, 而接到新的能量平台. 因此很多人覺得疲倦, 很多人一直在處理的舊情感, 舊想法, 又回來. 但是, 最重要的是, 你如何處理這些改變, 你如何繼續處理, 帶著自尊去做.
What I am being shown is that many of you have been able to make that leap forward and are fully ready to incorporate the new energies which are rapidly flowing to GAIA. Many are participating in these events even those that do not understand consciously that they are. There are many on this planet who are still working with an old agenda in mind of “destruction” however through their agenda of destruction and chaos, they are bringing more and more order to light.
我看到的是, 很多人有辦法跳躍往前, 充份接納大量流進蓋亞的新能量. 很多人不自覺參與了這些新活動. 還是很多人在跟舊能量互動, 不過, 在他們感受的混亂中, 他們仍然帶進更多光的秩序.
What I am told is that there is absolutely nothing for you to worry about, as worry brings fear and the more fear you have the more energy that should be directed to light and stability is taken away from you. So please be confident and brave in the face of any such disinformation, as in reality everything that is happening is for the greater good of all involved.
我知道的是, 沒有什麼是你需要擔心, 因為擔心帶來恐懼, 而更多的恐懼, 會把帶給你的光與穩定性給抵消. 所以請保持心與勇氣, 正在發生的事是為了至善, 與所有參與者的更大幸福.
There will be turbulence as I keep saying over and over again, but it will be short lived and is necessary in order to push things to the surface for us to deal with and understand. All of this energy influx both from the outside and inside will once again align our consciousness to a new grid, from which we will truly be able to examine both individually and collectively the new information that we are receiving and what to do with it.
會有我一再講的混亂, 一次又一次, 但每一次的時間是短的, 這些混亂是必需, 以便把隱藏的東西推到表面, 以便能被看見, 被處理, 與被瞭解. 所有這些內內外外的能量點, 再一次將我們的意識對到新的網格, 從新的網格, 我們能真正檢查新的資訊, 無論個人的, 或集體的
Everything is changing rapidly for us now, and it’s important to stay with this energy, to stay in the know, stay grounded and observe everything without judgment. Once again the times are incredibly auspicious, please refrain from allowing negativity into your mind. Whatever we think of, we manifest. So let’s manifest positive outcomes in all situations both personal and global.
所有事快速改變, 跟這些新能量共處很重要, 待在知曉處, 保持根植, 不帶批判性地觀察. 再一次, 這段時間是異常之好, 請盡量將內心之負面情緒趨散掉. 任何我們想的會彰顯的. 那就讓我們於個人於地球, 都彰顯正面的事物吧
But going back to the blood moon. What I was shown is that various light beings and your very own higher selves are aligning across the globe, both inside the earth chambers, above the earth, and on earth in order to be ready for this influx of energy to occur, so that we can disperse this energy wisely and evenly throughout GAIA. Keep in mind that this is the 3rd blood moon and we still have a way to go for a radical shift which is coming up for us in September. However the way that we will handle everything NOW will encode what will happen THEN.
回到血月的主題, 我看到不同光之存有, 與你們的大我調頻, 以便能智慧地, 均勻地, 使用能量. 記住, 這是第三個血月, 到九月我們還要再走一段路, 當中有巔簸, 快速移轉. 不過, 我們現在處理事情的方式會被編碼在未來.
The earth is going through transitional periods and the new earth has already been built by us, if you remember we were informed of that last year and you can go back and re-read the channelings on my blog at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com . So the bridge has been built, but only the ones that were ready to cross it, the ones in the know could do so.
地球正在過渡期, 新地球已建立, 橋樑已造好, 只有準備好的人能部過, 知曉的人能這麼做
NOW starting the 20th of March everyone here on earth are capable of crossing over to this new earth, simply by letting go of the past, clearing their own karma and getting themselves off of this karmic wheel of life for planet earth. Speaking of which I am informed that all “dark” races of aliens have been removed from the earth and only their remnants remain in forms of implants and various controlling devices, which many are finally realizing that they have and are shedding them daily.
現在, 3/20開始, 地球上每個人都有能過橋到這新地球, 只要放掉舊有事件, 清理自有的業力, 解放自己的業力輪. 講到這個, 所有外星黑暗種族已從地球移走, 只有像嵌植或控制裝置的殘骸還在.
For those who aren’t able to do it themselves there is help available from healers worldwide who specialize in removing these various implants and other such devices. And yes I specialize in doing this, but I encourage you to listen to your inner voice and apply your inner knowledge and might to dissolve these on your very own. Tune into your higher self and ask for assistance from your guides in removing said structural components.
有一部份人無法自行走過, 需要來自全球治療師的協助, 專職在移除不同植入或任何裝置. 是的, 我專職於此, 但我鼓勵你傾聽內在聲音, 將內在知曉應用在溶解可能存於你內在的(植入/裝置). 與你的高我調頻, 請求協助.

The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation – the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.
Once again, the great new is that various malevolent races of beings have been removed as their contract with earth has ended, all that remains are implants, thought forms and entities which feed off of our energy. Which is great news, as we are the ones that can STOP these entities and thought forms from taking our energy simply by understanding that this exists and shifting our focus, reprogramming our mind and directing our energy onto the positive outcomes for ourselves and others.
再一次地, 邪惡種族已被移除, 他們與地球的合約中止, 只剩下一些植入與裝置, 在消耗我們的能量. 好消息是, 我們可自行中止, 借由瞭解到, 轉移我們的注意力, 重新設定我們的腦袋, 將能量用在正面方向.
And so we are entering a 7 year period where we are going to be given a chance to fully shed our old thinking patterns and move onto this beautiful new earth plane of existence. During this 7 year period we are going to see tremendous changes on this planet. Everything is going to change, our world will not be the same. This is a time when humanity will be given a chance to start everything over.
我們正進入一個七年周期, 我們有機會脫掉舊思想外衣, 移進美麗新地球. 在這七年一期的循環中, 我們將看到大改變, 每一件事物都在改, 我們的世界不再相同. 正是人類有機會重新開機的時候
Once again the energy is very fruitful right now and many in the know will try and take that energy away from you, by feeding you false stories in the news about this or that catastrophe that’s about to unfold. Please always listen to your own intuition and you own heart, you already know the truth, follow what is within, focus on the positive and you will glide through these times with fervor and might.
再一次地, 能量現在很飽滿, 很多知道的人會借由正在發生的這個那個不幸事件餵養你, 然從你身上拿走這些新能量. 請傾聽內在直覺與自有的純粹之心, 你知道何者為真, 跟隨它, 聚焦在正面, 你會充滿熱情與力量輕鬆滑過這段期間
Remember it is important to focus on the NOW moment as we are building our future, here and now. So once again take advantage of this new beginning and follow your path here on earth with confidence that all your endeavors will be met with great success!
專注在此刻當下很重要, 再一次, 利用這個全新的開始, 充滿信心追隨自己的路徑, 那麼你的努力會有大收獲喔
Now having said this, here is a channeling I have received from our galactic counterparts.
Tremendous breakthrough of cognitive proportions awaits mankind in the days to come. It is with gratitude and appreciation that we look upon our beloved brothers and sisters of light. In awe and anticipation we applaud each and every one of you who took leaps and bounds to arrive at the moment that shall change history of mankind yet again. For the event of magnanimous proportions that is about to unfold on your planet is nothing short of extraordinary, is nothing short of miraculous, is nothing short of awe inspiring magnificent and spectacular.
認知比例的巨大突破正在等著人們. 我們帶著感恩看著所愛的光之兄弟姐妹. 對於一躍往前的你們, 我們給予讚賞與肯定. 對於地球正在開展的改變, 充滿了奇蹟, 特別, 啟發與壯麗
For indeed with your might and determination you have connected the ethers with the structural components of BEing. For indeed through your efforts and through your endeavors you have made possible that which shall take place and ring true throughout this whole universe. For indeed we speak to you now of the unfolding of the event which is known in your world as the blood moon. Much has been written in the olden days about the events unfolding in your consciousness at the present moment. Much has been written and much as been misunderstood, for it has all been put through the prism of the beholder. Through the eye of the one recording such ideas and information that they have received form the ethers eons into the past.
因為你的能力與決心, 你與乙太界連結; 因為你的努力, 你讓宇宙要發生的事發生. 我們現在跟你說的, 正在展開的事件, 在你們世界稱為血月. 過去有很多關於此刻要發生事的記載. 但很多是錯誤的.
And so, the moment has come to fully align you with the truth of the olden scriptures, with the truth of that which indeed your earth is experiencing and shall continue to experience in the days to come. For in truth the magnanimous energies of purely divine intentions are flowing rapidly onto your planet.
關於古老傳說的此刻已即來臨, 你們的地球正在經歷, 也即將要繼續經歷即將來臨的日子. 帶有純粹神聖意圖的偉大能量快速在地球流動
For the moment has come for you to take a giant leap forward in both your own and universal consciousness. The Universal
Consciousness, indeed it is so. For that which is unfolding in your world is not only influencing the vicinity in which you dwell but all such vicinities throughout the cosmic convergence, through the cosmic universe in which you dwell. And as such, all that you are accomplishing with your might and glory, all that you are shedding all that you are welcoming into your world is influencing all that is. For you are part of all that is, and all that is, is part of you.
這一刻已來臨, 你的意識與宇宙的意識要往前一躍,
And so, we congratulate you on a job well done, and welcome you yet again into the creator room of your chosen momentum.
And so, the invocation of spectacular energetic upliftments of GAIA are in effect. The fervor effect of the beholder is leading the way into the new age and a new structure and foundation thereof. The spectacles of magnificent proportions are bound toward earth and should be arriving within the vicinity of your naked eyes in the years to come.
The divergence of diamond grid pedigree is inevitable and is moving rapidly to the shores of your newfound planet. The energetic upliftements which are holding the crystalline energies are washing over each and every one of you in your present reality and in realities past. The computerization and monitoring of each of your vehicles is allowing for various processes to take affect with harm to none and unification of said energies shall continue to be in effect.
Everything is changing rapidly for you now. The continuation of informational decrees and the rewriting of the technical information of the beholder, the rewriting of the technical information of the beholder is establishing and is springing new routes into the everyday reality of being. The encodings of yesteryear are being erased and moved off shore.
The rapidly approaching reality of being, is moving the planetary alignment into position for the full blown reality shift to occur within the psyche of your being once more. Each cell of your being are cleansed out and hence you are to experience complete disintegration of your presently understood reality.
Rest assured that all that you are experiencing is here for a reason, for you are being unified with a newfound grid system of being, for you are being morphed onto the newly established platform, without many cataclysmic events that may have taken place otherwise. For you are being soothed and unified, unified and uplifted, merged and updated, in order to move forward in your reality as a whole, as one unit operating from various vehicles of choice.
The events that await you shall leave you in awe. For the planetary conjunction in the heavenly abodes of the universal decrees shall release the sacred encodings which shall reach your earthly shores by April twentieth of your time.
在等待你的事件會讓你驚呼連連. 地球與高次元連結的神聖編碼會在4/20抵達
And so, we urge you to stay grounded and routed in your convictions, for the intensity of your environment shall become more evident, and yet it is ease and relaxation that you shall sail through the incoming energies.
我們要你們保持根植, 環境中濃密的能量會更明顯, 但你會輕鬆, 順利地航向新能量
Stay in the light, stay true to your convictions and walk confidently and diligently to the final destination of bliss. Know that it is so, for it is.
處在光中, 對自己所相信的事真實, 自信勤奮地走到祝福的目的地, 一定是這樣, 就是這樣.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
這是我們能給你的, 愛你, 與你同在