Solar ionic particles have the ability to
cut through to the nucleus of the human atom, to shift its chemical bonds and change
the very make-up of our atomic structure. This alters the ratio of the basic
compounds of our elemental body, thereby taking us into a much faster
vibrational spin, and forever freeing us from the carbon-based atomic code.”
We are progressively mutating into a much
greater human potential. This is a metamorphic process of solar empowered
alchemy that is changing our atomic bodies from a carbon-based framework into a
finely tuned silicon-crystal system.
What is fueling this biological
morphogenesis? Some people say it is due to the constant waves of super-charged
plasma rays emanating to us from the very core of our Milky Way galaxy. These
rays have entered the Earth, discharging an ionizing type of radiation that
neutralizes, cleans, recodes, energizes, transforms and rebuilds, allowing all
living systems to expand and breathe more light.
The definition of ‘ionizing radiation’
(from Wikipedia) is “radiation composed of particles that individually carry
enough kinetic energy to liberate an electron from an atom, therefore, ionizing
This supports the idea that these solar
ionic particles have the ability to cut through to the nucleus of the human
atom, to shift its chemical bonds and change the very make-up of our atomic
structure. This alters the ratio of the basic compounds of our elemental body,
thereby taking us into a much faster vibrational spin, and forever freeing us
from the carbon-based atomic code.
We are going through a physiological
emergence into a higher vibration and we are doing it, step by step, cell by
cell. This is morphogenesis!
presented by Tiara Kumara
I AM Avatar & Children of the Sun