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梅林大師的訊息, 談甦醒的列穆利亞人(轉自Pleiadedolphininfors臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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Before there was recorded history and long before Atlantis, there was a world of Pure Light. Your Inner Master was whole and complete. This is long before your mind today can understand. Your mind today is formed from physical reality and knows only how to exist within the field of Cause and Effect. But your True Nature is much more ancient, my friends! You have lived for millions of years before you became physical. Your True Nature is extraordinary!
早在有歷史, 早在亞特蘭提斯以前, 有個純粹光之國度. 你的內在大師是完全完整的. 時間遠遠早在你心智可理解之前. 你今天的心智是從物質存有而來, 只知道如何在因果中存活下來. 但你真正的本質是非常久遠, 我的朋友! 早在有肉體之前, 你已生存了百萬年. 你的真實存有是非常特別的


Two million years ago in the time of Lemuria you were a being of Light, a True Master with all of the powers of a god and all of the radiance of an angel. But you have forgotten this time and can no longer understand what it was like to float in the air with your Light Body. You were Pure Love and Light without any physical identity and any physical limitation. Your world was also Pure Love and all living things were radiant with all the colors of the rainbow.
兩百萬年前列木里亞時代, 你是光之存有, 真正的大師, 有著神的力量, 與天使的全然光芒. 但這次你全部忘記, 再也無法理解浮遊在光體中是什麼感覺. 你是純粹的愛與光, 沒有任何肉體識別, 也沒有軀殼的受限. 你的世界是純愛, 所有事物都閃亮亮, 帶著彩虹的七彩光芒

Most of you probably think that Lemuria was a world of Nature like Hawaii, beautiful in every way but still existing in the physical world that you know today. No, my friends, Lemuria existed in another dimension high above this Earth similar to what you would call Heaven. Even the Plants and Waterfalls were composed of radiant light more magnificent than any dream world you mind can imagine. You could visit a Waterfall and become one with it. Your soul energy would merge with the Waterfall of Light and be recharged with the Light of the Holy Spirit. Everything was Pure Love and nothing was beyond your ability to experience as your self. What is today called your Inner Master was once a divine being capable of changing form and experiencing any form of existence that you could imagine. This is the magical reality of your Inner Master.
很多人以為列木里亞是像夏威夷一樣的自然所在, 無一不美, 仍存在你所知的物質世界. 不是的, 我的朋友. 列木里亞存在另一個高於地球的次元. 即使是植物與瀑布也是由亮閃閃之光所組成, 比你能想像的任何事物還要壯麗. 你可到一處瀑布, 而與它合而為一. 你的靈魂能量會與瀑布之光能結合, 重新為你的神聖之光充電. 每件事都是純愛, 沒有任何事物能超越你神聖的本我存在. 今天你所稱的內在大師, 當日能自由穿梭任意改變存有形式, 超越你能想像的方式. 這是你內在大師魔幻的本質.

Today your Inner Master is trapped inside this physical body/mind and sees life through the eyes of your past karmic memories. You cannot imagine the freedom that you once knew. But this is the time, after two million years, when the doors to your Inner Master Soul are opening and flashes of light and love are sparkling with memories that your conscious mind cannot understand. Every time you feel this surge of energy flashing through your body and your consciousness, the Infinite Inner Master is waking up. These surges of spiritual electricity are crashing through the walls of your body/mind and the Light of your Immortal Soul is shining through the darkness of millions of years of limitation and trauma. As you release these limitations, you will feel temporarily uncomfortable. You will feel much like the delicate flower trying to break through the hard skin of the bud that surrounds it and keeps it trapped inside. One day the bud will break and the flower of your Inner Master will break through.
今天你的內在大師綁在肉體與心智中, 只從你過去所作所為的因果記憶中看事情. 你無法想像你曾知道的自由. 但時候到了, 兩百萬年後, 當內在大師的門正在開啟, 閃亮的愛與光從意識心流瀉出來. 每次當你感到能量從肉體, 從意識心湧現, 這無限的內在大師就是在甦醒. 這些湧現的靈魂電流撞擊你的肉體與心智, 你內在的不朽之光正從百萬年的黑暗與苦難中穿梭閃耀. 當你釋放掉這些受限, 你會感到暫時的不適. 仿彿像是一朵脆弱小花, 想要穿透把它層層包圍住的花苞堅硬的皮裏綻放出來. 有一天, 花苞終會穿透, 你內在大師的花就會綻放.

I am here with many other Masters such as Saint Germain, Sanant Kumara, Kannon, and Sananda to help you break through and remember who you really are. As your Inner Master pops out from deep inside of you, we are here to teach you how to experience all of your hidden gifts and powers. You are the first generation in such a long time of physical history to awaken your hidden talents and show the world a New Life of Extraordinary Brilliance. You will be the first Masters to bring the reality of Heaven back to Earth and re-establish a world full of Love for all generations in the future to enjoy. You have already broken the wall!
我在此與聖哲曼大師, 庫馬拉, 卡農, 與薩南達在一起幫助你穿越, 協助你記起自己真正是誰. 當你內在大師自內而外穿透, 我們在此教導你如何去體便所有隱藏你之內的禮物與力量. 你是長久以來的第一代, 要喚醒你隱藏的在天賦, 顯示給世界看一個才華洋溢的新生活. 你將是第一代大師帶來什麼叫人間天堂的真諦, 並重新建立一個充滿愛的世界, 讓未來世界一起慶賀. 你已打破這疆界....

Although you may be experiencing some traumas, you are already well on your way to the Immortal Life. Seek out your friends and be with them as much as possible. You must help each other during this time of trauma. If you remain around others who cannot understand this new spiritual reality, you will grow despondent and want to give up your spiritual gifts and live in the world that they live in. You cannot do this, my friends! You are the first ones to break down this wall and climb into the Spiritual Truths of your Inner Master. Be gentle with your self and seek the assistance of the ones you love and the new friends you are meeting on your journey. Together you can change the world and restore Heaven of Earth, even as it was foretold eons ago when your ancestors believed that the time would come to create Paradise on Earth. The Time has come! You are the first to break through. Never look back to the way the world has been. Look forward to the dream your Inner Master is creating for you. Bless you my friends! I am the Master of Spiritual Magic, and the Master of Spiritual Dreams! I am the Merlin at your service!
雖然你經歷一堆糟糕的, 你已經在前往不朽生命的路上. 盡可能找到同伴一起前行. 在這段狂亂期間, 彼此相扶持. 如果你仍周旋在搞不懂正在發生的一切的人, 你會變得沮喪, 想要放棄天賦, 一起繼續這樣過日子. 萬萬不可, 我的朋友~ 你是第一批人打破藩離, 爬進你內在大師的靈性真理裏頭來. 對自己好一點, 有耐心一點, 尋找愛你的人的支持. 在一起, 你們能改變這世界, 恢復人間天堂. 時間已到來. 你們是第一批打破藩離的人. 不需往回看. 往前看進你內在大師的夢. 祝福你, 我的朋友. 我是靈性魔法師, 靈之夢的大師, 我是梅林, 為服務你們而來~~

台長: 喜貓
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此分類下一篇:2015年日全蝕, 雙魚新月, 3/20 春分( 轉自Marianne Williamson臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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