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2015-04-16 19:08:39| 人氣453| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

你正處於你要去的地方(轉自Carolyn Myss臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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有這樣的互動, 絕對值得~

Quietude comes upon a person for no apparent reason. It is an unearned or earned grace that transports you into a quality of cosmic-sized bliss – for no apparent reason. No problems are solved, no great revelations are granted, and no Divine voices are heard. And yet, as that cosmic bliss gradually evaporates amid the breath of everyday life, nothing really is the same – for no apparent reason. For all the effort expended in this business of inner work, prayer, waiting in silence at the Well – for what? – and waiting even longer, screaming nothing ever really seems to change all that much, suddenly everything changes. Or is it that you have been suddenly changed and nothing appears to be the overwhelming dilemma it was ten seconds or ten minutes or ten days ago? The embrace of Quietude is the experience of something unexpected arriving in your presence. It is as if an unannounced messenger of grace greater than the engine of your imagination flooded the whole of your personal space with bliss – just like that, for no apparent reason. And suddenly, you could think of nothing Earthly at all. Nothing of the Earth, from the Earth, connected to Earth mattered – or matters - at all in Quietude. It is a taste of your own immortality.

<靜定>沒來由地發生在一個人的身上. 是種恩典, 將你帶到有宇宙那麼大的祝福 - 沒有任何明顯的理由. 當中, 問題還是沒解決, 還是沒領悟到什麼, 也沒有神在你耳邊發聲. 但是, 宇宙的祝福散發在每一天的呼吸裏, 事情變得再也不一樣 - 沒有任何明顯的理由. 所有內在工作, 祈禱, 靜謐中所做的努力, 過去好像沒什麼進展, 但~~ 突然之間, 一切都改變. 或者是, 曾對你是進退兩難的狀況, 再也不是. 擁抱靜定, 未曾預期的(好)事來到你身邊. 好像一個沒先通知的恩典信差就這樣來臨, 比你想像力的引擎更厲害, 把祝福全填滿你存在的空間, 沒有任何理由. 突然間, 你忘了所踩地球的一切, 而這一切也變得不重要. 靜定中, 你會體驗到自己的永恆.

台長: 喜貓

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