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2015-04-20 10:01:16| 人氣399| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

你已進入應許的時間內...(轉自Pleidedolphn臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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You are in a time of birthing yourself into higher light at a different position of truth. As you sit in the womb of No-time, you try to stretch, but the walls of self-imposed illusion, keep you confined in an invisible prison.  You push and push but you are not able to stretch into the vastness you innately know yourself to be.  When a child is in the mothers womb, the child’s spirit has the ability to reach out past the limitations of the physical womb, skirting about in the parent’s lives, reaching into the past, and future, overcoming space and time.
Your life is similar to that of the unborn child.  You feel limitations as if the very walls of your life grow steeper and slicker each time you try to scale them.  You grunt, you groan, you complain as the limitations become more and more real and animated.  You have the same innate abilities as the unborn child.  You are living in this dimension of matter and yet you are also living in spirit, in the light on a multitude of levels.  Your body seems limited and vulnerable, yet the spirit and light-force that inhabits that vehicle has magnificent and never-ending capabilities.

You enter a promised time where the limited perception of your humanness merges with the vast and all-knowing Spirit of Light.  Coming together Merging and then EMERGING into something much more. Right now you all feel like a caterpillar, in early cocoon stage.  You know that you are destined to become more, Yet Everything In Your World Points To Less Than !!

The Chrysalis shifts and the Cocoon around you thickens and hardens like the crust of earth.  There seems no way out!  Keeping you confined in a prison of your own thinking. One day out of the blue a small light appears on the horizon coming from a minute hole within the cocoon. Your heart races with possibilities as the illusion of limitation begins to crumble right in front of your eyes.

You all are just now seeing that small point of light in your life.  a tiny hole of truth showing you the way out, the way up.  The caterpillar must walk into a time of complete trust and surrendering!  Surrendering what he thinks is his limitations to the divine glow within him.  Surrendering is trusting!  The hole is small only in the mind of the caterpillar, not in the mind of God.  In the mind of God it is large enough to accommodate all the future butterflies of earth.

The cocoon would never ever allow the caterpillar to be released, because that is what a cocoon does. it protects, it keeps bound.  Earth keeps you as a cocoon until you are ready to set yourself free.  The caterpillar knows that it must try, and try again, or it will die.  That is the point of reference that each and everyone of you sit at.  You feel you must try, or perish in the process.  It is a time of surrendering  and trusting. The butterfly that you are inside this human caterpillar, is far greater than any illusion.  Let go and know that the divine plan will work no matter what.  The caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly it can be no other way! Your Soul pushes you through that tiny hole into a Higher Light, just like the caterpillar is pushed.

繭讓毛毛蟲動彈不得, 這是繭最大的目的, 它保護, 設立界限. 地球的幻相也像繭一樣, 讓你以為自己一直受限, 直到有天, 你解放自己為止. 毛毛蟲知道要一直試, 一直試, 就像你以為你要一直試, 而且還會在過程中不斷受傷.

這是一段順服(不抵抗)與信任的時節. 毛毛蟲蛻變後的蝴蝶快要飛出來了. 要知道你內在的藏寶圖不會出錯, 因為毛毛蟲除了變成蝴蝶別無他路! 你的靈魂正在將你從繭的窄路推出來, 推向更高的光.

台長: 喜貓

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