Ego… Should You Love it or Kill it?
I’m sure that at some point you’ve heard about the ego. You likely have experiences with ego (of self and others), and you’ve probably heard someone somewhere talking about the death of the ego… You may have even put in some conscious effort to transcend your ego mind.
But what is ego really? Should you strive for the death of the ego, or is it more beneficial to raise the vibration of the ego, and bring it into the light?
我相信某些時間點你聽過人格我(自我)這樣的字眼. 也一定有過人格我是什麼的經驗(可能是自己或他人的). 你可能也在某處聽過某人說過人格我死去的說法. 你可能也努力過要試圖超越人格我
Let’s start by looking at what the ego actually is.
Ego is essentially the identity of the self… Not your true self, but the image of the personality self created at the conscious and subconscious level.
沒有人格我, 我們沒有個體感, 沒辦法認識自己. 不是你的真我, 是意識與潛意識創造的人格我
Ego is the part of you, that you recognize as you. It’s your self image of who you uniquely are as an individual, separate from other people, places, and things in reality. Ego is your personality and it is comprised of your constantly changing thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that you relate to and identify with.
人格我是你的一部份, 你借以認定你之所以為你. 是你與他人不同, 獨特於人群的自我形象; 是你的個性, 由你經常性變動的想法, 信念與情感所組成
Ego is an energy, and it has a purpose, it plays a key role in creating your life experience… Your ego can motivate you to take action and create. It may push you to accomplish more and strive for bigger and better things. But the ego also engages in drama, gets hurt, offended, and judges reality and others. The ego, otherwise understood as the personality self, is strengthened through attention, and it responds to and is motivated by fear.
人格我是種能量, 也有目的; 他扮演一種角色創造你的人生經驗. 你的人格我會促使你採取一些行動去創造事物. 可能促使你完成更多, 做更大更多的事. 同時, 人格我也會參與一些戲劇性的演出(比喻), 容易受傷, 容易被激怒, 喜歡批評等等. 人格我喜歡受到關注, 會受恐懼的影響更激化
The ego can be tricky, manipulative, and really quite harsh. It survives and thrives on fear and separation and is very self preserving. It works to maintain what is, and keep separate the boundaries between you and everything else in the world. The ego causes you to think ‘I am me’ and other people, places, and things are not. According to the ego you are separate.
人格我可能狡滑, 喜歡操縱, 而且也苛刻. 越多的恐懼的分離會讓人格我更有存在空間, 存在更久. 他會努力製造分離感好讓自己存在. 人格我讓你會區分這是你的那是我的. 我們跟他們這樣的區別. 根據人格我的想法, 我們都是分離的.
With awareness, you can start to see that your ego, and your notion of who you really are is illusionary. The ego is web of beliefs thoughts, and feelings which creates reality, and paints the picture of ‘who you are’.
Beliefs may seem unchangeable, but really they can be changed. As you learn and grow and change your beliefs, who you are changes… And yet your ego doesn’t die. Rather, it evolves to a higher state of consciousness, and with empowering beliefs and choices in the moment you’re able to be more calm, comfortable, aware, and present.
帶著覺知, 開始去看你對你是誰的自我感與概念都是幻象. 人格我是信念, 思想與感受交織而成創造出你的實相, 畫出你是誰的畫像
Death of the Ego.
So should you strive to kill the ego? Is the death of the ego the goal?
所以你需要消滅人格我嗎? 直到死亡才能把人格我給消滅嗎?
I would dare to say no. Enlightenment comes through meditation, contemplation, and release of judgment. This raises the vibration of the ego, ‘bliss-es it out’ and changes it, but it doesn’t die. Raise the vibration of your ego, by taking control of your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, and put the ego to work as a servant instead of allowing it to master your life.
我敢說不需要, 開悟來自冥想, 沉思, 與釋放愛批判的習慣, 這有助於提高人格我的振動, 祝福它改變它, 但人格我不死不消滅. 借由控制你的念頭, 你的信念, 你的感受, 提高人格我的振動, 讓人格我退到旁邊成為僕人的角色, 而不是過去主人的角色
Instead of killing the ego in hopes of finding peace, choose to step into awareness, release judgment, and bring the ego into the light and into your heart to transcend it’s fears, doubts, drama and separation.
要找回平靜, 不是消滅人格我, 而是選擇走入覺知, 釋放批判, 將人格我(自我)帶入光中, 進入到你的心, 超越他的恐懼, 懷疑, 演出的能量爭奪劇, 以及分離感
Ultimately, there is no separation between self and others… When you raise the vibration of your ego, this oneness can be sensed and felt. Authentically, you are not separate, but rather you are one will all, a part of everything, connected to All That is.
最終自己與他人是沒有分離感, 當你提升自我的振動, 會感受到合一感. 你從未與萬事萬物分離, 是一切的一部份, 一直與其相連
As you raise the vibration of your ego, as you align with an enlightened perspective, you no longer need to cling to beliefs which were actually limiting you. You no longer need to judge everything in your world… You can simply be present. Be aware of your oneness with all and go with the flow of life that you are one with.
當你提升你的人格我, 當你連結到有光(開悟)的想法, 你再也不需緊抓著陳舊信念綁住你. 你再也不需批評任何一件在你世界出現的事物. 你就只是出現, 臨在. 覺知到你與萬物的合一感, 生命之流將你與萬物連結在一起的合一感
An enlightened ego leads to increased personal power, well being, emotional stability and love, because you see everything as one.
被光照亮的自我會導向個人力量, 幸福, 情緒穩定性, 與愛的提升, 因為你看到萬物合一
When you’re able to see the oneness that you are apart of there is nothing that needs to be fixed or judged because it simply is. You’re one with the one energy flowing throughout and making up All That Is.
當你能看到萬物合一, 你是他們的一部份, 就會看到沒有什麼事需要修補, 或批評, 因為那就是本來如是的面貌. 你與流經萬事萬物的本源能量是合一的
Most people never reach a state of total oneness and complete enlightenment. But the stage is set, so don’t let this stop you now. From wherever you are, there is room to progress further.
大部份的人並沒有完全體驗到合一感, 達到所謂"開悟"的境界. 但舞台已搭建好, 不要讓任何受挫阻礙你. 從你現在所在位置, 都有空間再往前推移
On the scale of ‘ego evolution’ every step matters. Moving from a state of complete separation, in judgement, fear, and only wanting to serve the self to becoming more open minded, present, aware, and aligned with an expanded perspective will align many blessings throughout all. Whether your beliefs allow it now or not, you are one with All That Is, and so your energy in every moment impacts everyone and everything.
就人格我進化的規模而言, 每一步都滋事體大. 從完全分離感, 喜歡批判, 只滿足自己, 到更開闊的心胸, 臨在, 覺知, 連結更廣的視野, 會讓你與所有一切的祝福連結在一起. 不管你的信念把你帶到那裏, 你與一切是合一的, 你在每一瞬間的能量會影響到每個人每件事物.
As you progress forward in awakening. Becoming more aware of the oneness energy, and bringing your ego into love and light, you’re able to live without so much anxiety, nervousness, and drama. You’re able to be aware of your thoughts, beliefs, and energy, and you’re able to take control.
當你在覺知中更往前跨, 更體驗到合一能量, 為人格我(自我)帶進更多愛與光, 你會越來越不焦慮, 神經質, 老愛跟人玩爭奪能量的把戲. 你有辦法抓住自己每個當下的想法, 信念, 能量並轉化他.
Learning to quiet your ego mind is essential. For this meditation is hugely valuable. But by even becoming aware of when you are judging, how much you are judging and working to limit your judgments, consciously stepping back in perspective to just observe, will help you to advance further in your awakening of love.
學習安靜自己內心的聲音, 對話, 很重要. 這樣的靜思(冥想)非常有價值. 但, 與其更覺知到你正在批評, 感知到當下批評地多厲害, 還設法制止自己的批評, 倒不如清醒地退後一步去觀察人格我當下在發生的事, 會幫助你帶著愛的覺知更往前挪一步....

Most people judge life constantly. There is another way to live. Imagine being present in the moment, just being, and allowing whatever happens to simply be. Imagine responding to whatever is with love and compassion. Just thinking in this way will help you move along the path. The path of awakening, of increased awareness, the path of oneness, the master path of love.
Are you ready to bring your ego into the light?
Stop feeding your ego. Lighten it up, and help it transcend. Practice non judgment, tolerance, compassion, and awareness. Release drama, guilt and blame. Choose love, and be present here and now. Progress further in the oneness, love, and light that you authentically are. Merge with your authentic self, which is connected to all, which is love, and light, and is one with All That Is.
With love,
Melanie Beckler
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Albert Einstein