7 Foods to Balance Your Chakras
Balance Your Chakras By Channa Serenity
We are taught how to love and nourish our minds and our bodies through healthy thoughts and food, and to accept all that makes us unique. I personally love to take an energetic approach to mealtimes.
我們被告知要透過健康的思想與食物並接受自己是獨特個體的觀念來愛護與滋養心智與身體. 我個人則喜愛在吃飯時採行能量的方式...
Food can also be used to balance your chakras and the etheric body. Our etheric body consists of 7 chakra centers. Fueling the chakras is about the color, vibration and energy of foods, not solely its nutritional value. Color is a vibrational energy that radiates from the sun. Each hue has a different electromagnetic frequency, as do our chakras, and when matching frequencies align they harmonize and become balanced. This is based on the scientific principles that all matter vibrates to a precise frequency and that by using resonant vibration balance of matter can be restored.
食物可用來平衡你的脈輪與乙太體. 我們的乙太體含七大脈輪中心. 滋養脈輪包括從顏色, 振動與食物的能量, 不單只是營養價值. 顏色是種來自太陽的能量振動. 每個顏色都有不同的電磁振動, 就像我們的脈輪, 當找到調和能與之共振的頻率時, 會變得平衡. 這是有科學根據的, 所有事物都有精準的振頻, 當失調時, 可找到對應的頻率去將之調回來.
There are 7 foods that I eat daily to calm my spirit, release my mind and naturally allow my body to harmonize.
有七種我每天吃的食物可幫助平靜我的靈魂, 釋放心智, 自然地讓身體再度調和
7 Foods to Balance Your Chakras
1. Pomegranate: to balance the root chakra.
石榴: 平衡海底輪
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and governs the immune system, legs, bones, feet, base of the spine and the rectum. This chakra is all about how one feels towards security and survival. When we fear for our security and our survival, whether physical, financial, etc. we lose energy and create a blockage.
海底輪位於脊柱底端, 管轄免疫系統, 雙腿, 骨架, 雙腳, 與脊柱底端. 這個脈輪關乎一個人如何看待安全感與生存問題. 當我們害怕自己生存受到威脅, 不管是身體或財務等等, 我們會失去能量產生能量堵塞
The root chakra controls the ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction that triggers the adrenal cortex.
海底輪控制著"戰或逃"的機制, 會啟動腎上腺素的分祕
We can increase the flow of energy by tapping into our courage and our desire to live, find your inner strength.
我們可增加更多勇氣與生存欲望來增進這部份的平衡, 發現內在的力量
2. Carrots: to balance the sacral chakra.
胡蘿蔔: 平衡臍輪
The sacral chakra is located 2 inches below the navel and governs the ovaries and testes. This chakra is all about how one feels towards sensation and pleasure and our deservedness of it. It controls our appetite for food, sex and pleasure. It also controls our physical health and wellbeing. When we make our lives too complex we strip away the pleasure from our experiences. We must find the balance between control and letting go.
臍輪位於肚臍下兩英吋的地方, 管轄卵巢和睾丸. 這個脈輪是有關一個人的感官與愉悅, 以及價值感. 控制著我們的食慾性慾. 也控制我們身體健康與幸福感. 當我們把生活搞得過於複雜, 我們剝離了一種生存中美好的感受. 所以必需學習在控制與鬆手之間做個平衡
The sacral chakra controls our motion and emotion and is ruled by the element water. When we retain our emotions, we also retain water in the body. This creates bloating and puffiness, also known as idiopathic edema.
臍輪控制著我們行動與情感, 是水元素的具體表現. 當我們壓抑自己的情感, 我們也把水份積留在體內, 產生浮腫的現象, 特發性水腫.
3. Yellow peppers: to balance the solar plexus chakra.
黃辣椒: 平衡太陽神經叢
The solar plexus chakra is located directly below the sternum and over the stomach. The solar plexus is associated with self-identity and governs the pancreas. This is the home of your gut instinct, your inner knowing about things and people, and in some cultures it is referred to as your second brain.
太陽神經叢位於肋骨下方, 胃的上方; 太陽神經叢關係著自我認同感, 管轄著胰腺, 這是你第六感直覺的基地, 你對外在事物人群的瞭然知曉, 在一些文化中被描述為你的第二腦
This chakra is all about how one feels towards one’s self-worth, self-esteem, confidence, personal power and freedom of choice.
這個脈輪是有關一個人的自我價值, 自我形象, 自信心, 個人力量與選擇的自由
Develop a sense of who you are. You are radiant and worthy simply because you exist.
發展出自我感, 放射出光芒, 只因為你存在
4. Kale: to balance the heart chakra.
羽衣甘藍: 平衡心輪
This chakra is located in the middle of the chest and governs the physical heart, lungs and thymus gland and is vital to our physical supply of energy and nourishing our spirit. The heart chakra wants to expand; it seeks love and promotes peace and unity. Experiencing a lack of love in childhood may make it difficult in adulthood to allow this chakra to blossom. Sometimes we can be distracted with temporary attractions such as sex, money and power, but true and long-lasting fulfillment comes from experiencing ever-lasting love for yourself and others. The heart chakra opens with love and joy and closes with pain and loss.
這個脈輪位於胸膛正中央, 管轄心臟, 肺, 與胸腺, 對於能量供給與靈魂滋養很重要. 心輪是想要擴展的, 他尋求愛, 喜歡和平與合一. 在童年時缺乏愛可能在長大後很難打開心綻放. 有時我們會沉迷在金錢, 性, 權力中, 忘了真實持久的體驗感來自對自己對他人永恆的愛. 心輪會因為愛與歡喜而打開, 會因為傷心, 失去而關閉
5. Blueberries: to balance the throat chakra.
藍莓: 平衡喉輪
This chakra is located at the throat and governs the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The throat chakra is associated with communication, honesty, creativity and integrity. An open throat chakra allows us to put words to our feelings and enables us to stand up for what we believe in and to express our truth the best we can, even if it means being different and standing apart from others. This chakra is the gateway to the higher realms, and when the mind is free, and spirit is open we are able to receive guidance and spiritual inspiration; you can hear the angels whisper in your ears.
喉輪位在喉嚨處, 管轄甲狀腺. 與溝通, 誠實, 創造力與正直性有關. 當喉輪暢通無阻時, 能讓我們適時以美好的字眼表達, 為自己相信的事挺身而出, 不管是否得到多數支持. 這個脈輪通往更高國度的路徑, 當意念是自由, 靈魂是開放時, 我們能收到指引, 與靈感. 甚至會聽到天使就在耳畔呢喃
6. Black grapes: to balance the third eye chakra.
黑葡萄: 平衡第三眼
The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and governs the pituitary gland. This chakra stimulates both hemispheres of the brain, uniting the creative with the rational and opening us up to wisdom, imagination, intuition and knowledge. An open third eye chakra enables you to find the positive and joy in all of your experiences whether good or bad and to use this wisdom to assist others along their path in life.
第三眼位於兩眉之間, 管轄腦下垂體, 能刺激腦的兩半邊, 整合創造力與理性, 為我們打開更大智慧與想像力, 直覺與知識. 當第三眼打開時, 會在生活經驗中發現正面而喜悅的事物
7. Purple cabbage: to balance the crown chakra
紫甘藍: 平衡頂輪
The crown chakra is located at the top of the skull and governs the pineal gland. This chakra is the essence of spirituality; when it is open you are able to receive spiritual insights. You will have an understanding as to what your greater purpose is and who you really are; this is often coined as ‘enlightenment’. The energy of life flows through you in perfect harmony as you walk your spiritual path.
頂輪位於頭骨正上方, 管理松果體. 這個脈輪是精神體的主要所在, 當他打開時, 你能收到有關生命的洞見, 你會開始瞭解此生的更高目的, 你真正是誰. 有開悟的感覺. 當你走在靈性一途, 生命之流會以和諧之姿流經你
The Chakras act as a ladder to spirituality and healing, from the root chakra up to the crown chakra. The root chakra anchors us to life and the crown chakra connects us to the divine .It’s important to find balance in between. We are here to be happy and to fulfill our soul’s purpose. Engage in Love, Peace and Happiness.
脈輪像梯子一般往上向靈性與療癒伸展, 從海底輪到頂輪. 海底輪協助我們根植錨定在人間, 頂輪則將我們與神聖空間做連接. 錨定人間與通往神性之間要有平衡, 我們才能在這人間幸福圓滿. 充份展現出本我愛, 平靜與喜悅
About the Author
Channa is a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach. She’s dedicated her life to studying the healing arts and holds certificates in many different modalities. Her passion is to help women take control of their bodies, minds and spirits, and create balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives. She wants to empower women to make lifestyle changes necessary for their best possible health. She has special interest in bringing spiritual and energetic principles into the fitness industry, as well as helping those living with chronic disease.
Channa has authored “12 weeks to Raw-some, Diva edition” and is currently working on her first children’s book.