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raise your vibration

Raising Your Vibration!

Throughout your daily life, every interaction, reaction, and moment has an impact on your overall energy level and state of being. Your every choice influences whether you are moving in the direction of raising or lowering your vibration.

每天的生活, 與人的互動, 你的回應, 每個片刻, 都對你全身的能量與存有有著影響力. 你的每一個選擇, 都影響著你的能量是向上提升或往下掉.

As a vibrational being, in every moment you’re either increasing your frequency, or your energy and vibration are declining… Change is constant and so there’s no staying the same!

做為一個振動的存有, 每個片刻, 你不是在提高頻率, 就是往下調降頻率. 經常性的變動, 能量從不是一樣的

When your energy has been drained, or you’re in a low vibrational state, you’re likely to be blocked mentally, spiritually, and physically. Lower vibrational frequencies are associated with stagnation, negative emotions, lethargy, health challenges, and even depression.

當你將自己掏空, 或你的能量低到不行, 你很可能在心理的, 精神的, 體能的都會有堵塞現象. 低的振動頻率跟停滯, 負面情緒, 健康挑戰, 甚至沮喪都有關係

Do you want to experience increased health, happiness, and well being?

你想要擁有健康, 快樂與幸福嗎?

The answer is simple… Raise your vibration!

答案很簡單, 提升你的振動頻率

A high vibrational state of being is essential for connecting with your guides and angels, and opening to your spiritual gifts and abilities.

讓自己處在高頻振動對於你連結高次有光之存有是必要的, 也會讓你開展你自身的天賦能力

By increasing your vibration you can experience increased states of creativity, intuition, joy, confidence, certainty, connection, and love. A high vibrational frequency is one which is in alignment with health and wellbeing, positive thoughts and emotions, and increased spiritual awareness.

你會借由提高你的振動頻率, 你會經歷到創造力, 直覺, 喜悅, 信心, 確信感, 連結感, 與愛的狀態. 高的振動頻率會帶來健康幸福與正面觀感與情感, 與靈性覺知.

Plus, your vibration has a significant impact on what you attract into your life experience. When in a low vibration you’re in alignment with attracting more of the same… Annoying people, irritating and challenging experiences, and toxic circumstances.

而且, 你的振動頻率對於你將會吸引什麼有著關連性. 當你處在低的振動時只能吸引到同樣的東西, 比方: 令人不舒服的人, 煩人挑戰的工作, 與有毒的環境.

Raise your vibration to attract positive situations, happy people, magical life experiences, and blessings.

提升你的振動頻率會吸引到正面情境, 快樂的夥伴, 與充滿神奇的生活經驗與祝福

But how do you raise your vibration?


Here are ten simple things you can start doing now (and return to on a consistent basis) to increase your frequency, and raise your vibration.


1. Get Moving讓自己動起來

Exercise gets your energy flowing, keeps you fit, and helps to calm your mind. You don’t need to join a gym, sell your car, or run a marathon (unless you want to)… Just find ways to get moving every day. Build in daily walks as a part of your routine, or start skipping the elevator, and take the stairs instead. Stretching, walking, dancing, gardening, swimming, running, bicycling (and more) are all great ways to get your blood pumping and your chi flowing. If you’re drained or tired, you may be tempted to sit on the couch and watch TV, but this only drains you further. When it comes to energy if you don’t use it you lose it! Get moving, and your energy and vibration will rise. Find an active activity you enjoy and return to it on a consistent basis and your vibration will steadily lift and increase.

運動讓你的能量流動起來, 保持苗條的體態, 幫助穩住情緒, 你不必繳很多錢去參加健身具樂部, 或賣命跑馬拉松(除非你想)...只是每天找些方式動起來. 建立一個習慣, 比方每天散步, 或不做電梯用走路. 做些伸展操, 輕鬆的舞蹈, 園藝也不錯, 還有游泳, 慢跑, 騎腳踏車(還有更多), 都是很棒的活動. 能讓你的血液流動地更順暢, 氣能更流通. 如果你已心力掏空累到不行, 你只會想坐到沙發休息看電視, 這只會讓你心力更疲憊. 講到能量, 你不是得到, 就是在失去. 所以動起來, 你的能量與振動會拉高. 找個你喜歡的動的方式, 養成習慣, 你的振動回穩定地提升

2. Meditate靜心冥想

Quiet your mind, breathe, and just be. Meditation serves to increase your awareness, and helps you to gain control over your mind so you can consciously choose positive thoughts which serve you. Meditation opens the doors for inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awareness to flow through, and will help you to connect with your angels. Many people think meditation is hard, or something they’ll never be able to do, when really it can be simple! Take three minutes every day to focus on quieting your mind, and finding the stillness between thoughts. As thoughts do come up, just release them, and return to focusing on your breath. You can also listen to a guided meditation, like those found on this site, which will help you to lift your vibration and connect with the angelic realm.

讓心靜下來, 回到呼吸, 就只是存在是很重要的. 靜下心來冥想能提升覺知, 更有助於降服自己的心思, 你能更有意識選擇你要想的正面事情. 冥想打開一個門讓靈感, 創造力與靈性覺知流進來, 幫助你連結到天使. 很多人以為冥想很難或是某種需要技術他們永遠學不會, 但不是的, 冥想是很容易的. 每天只要三分鐘聚焦安靜自己的心神, 在想法與想法當中找到靜定. 當想法來時看著它放掉它, 回到呼吸. 你也可配合CD做冥想, 能幫助你提升振動與連結天使王國的光之存有

3. Practice Present Moment Awareness練習臨在

Your point of power, and source of energy is always in the present moment. When you’re worried about potential future realities, or re-living the past, you’re losing out on the energy available to you in the moment. Forgive others and release the past to unhook yourself from lower vibrational energies, and to open yourself up to experiencing the magic and beauty present now.

最有力量的時刻永遠在當下, 當你煩惱未來可能有的困難, 或回想曾經的過去, 你都在失焦當下的力量. 原諒別人放下所有, 將自己與過去完全脫鉤, 將自己充份展現在神奇與美麗的現在, 此時此刻

4. Spend Time In Nature 與大自然相處

Nature is a natural mood elevator and a great way to increase your vibration. You don’t have to take this to the extreme unless you want to, but do make a point to appreciate and commune with nature in some way on a daily basis. When you make the time to walk in nature, work in the garden, meditate under a tree, relax at the beach, or gaze up at the stars, you’re rewarded with clarity of mind, a grounded state of being, and an increased vibration. Time in nature will help you to remember the beauty of the natural world and to experience your oneness with all that is.

大自然是天然的心情轉化器, 是提升能量最棒的方式. 你不需做到極致除非你想, 只要養成日常生活中輕鬆去欣賞存在身邊的花草樹木. 當你去散步, 做園藝, 樹下靜思, 海邊放鬆, 或凝望星空, 你會有澄澈的心思, 很根植於大地的踏實感, 以及增加的振動頻率. 會幫助你想起自然王國的美麗, 經驗到與天地的合一

5. Be Mindful About The Information You Ingest很清醒自己在吸取的資訊

Everything is energy, including information, and some of it vibrates with a far higher or lower frequency than others. Be mindful of the information you’re ingesting and surrounding yourself with. Pay attention to the vibration of the material you’re reading, listening to and watching, and notice how it makes you feel during and after you experience it. Information does impact your vibration, and so much of the information we’re bombarded with on a daily basis is negative, so be sure to counteract this with positive, inspirational, and uplifting material.

萬物皆能量, 包括資訊, 有些是高頻振動, 有些不是. 所以對自己在看什麼報導? 讀什麼資料要很清醒. 感覺自己在讀在聽在看的東西是怎樣的振動, 留心它們帶給你怎樣的感覺. 資訊確實會影響你的振動喔, 我們每天被轟炸的訊息很多是負面消息, 所以要很清醒看它們, 以正面思想, 啟發性思考與提升的資訊蓋過它們

6. Eat Fruits, Vegetables, and Drink Water


Food and water are both essential forms of life force energy. When you choose to ingest fresh whole foods and plenty of water, you’re not only giving your body the nutrients it needs, but you’re effectively helping your body to flush out toxins which raises your vibration. Drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and avoid frozen, processed, sweetened, and chemically altered foods to increase your vibration. Vibrationally speaking, you are what you eat… Be aware of what you’re feeding your body, and choose healthy, high vibrational meals and snacks.

食物跟水都是生命必備的能量. 當你選擇新鮮的食物與水, 你不只給身體所需要的滋養, 你也在幫助身體排掉毒素. 多喝水, 吃健康食物, 而不是加工甜味化學轉化過的食品. 振動層面來說, 你就是你所吃的整體. 留意你餵給身體什麼食物, 選擇健康高振動能量的食物.

7. Take Action採取行動

Procrastination is a sure fire way to lower your vibration. When you have things you’ve intended to do, but you keep putting them off, they pull at you, lowering your vibration until you get them done. Start taking small action steps now. When you’re actively moving in the direction of your dreams it feels good. Set goals for yourself, focus in on your hearts desire and your soul’s intention and then start taking action today!

8. Claim Responsibility 對自我負起責任

Blaming others and looking outside of yourself for the reasons why you’re in a low vibration is a sure fire way to lower your vibration even more. Regardless of whatever has or is happening to you, you are ultimately responsible for your vibration. Yes there are outside circumstances and people which may challenge you and cause pain, but it is your choice as to how you react. Take responsibility for yourself, and do what you need to in the moment to support yourself in raising your vibration. Set boundaries and claim your personal power to create blessings in your life. Come up with strategies and habits which will refresh your energy, lift your vibration, and support you as you walk a path of love, consciously increasing your frequency.

9. Work With Your Guides and Angels


Your guides and angels are powerful allies in increasing your vibration. Call in Divine white light to surround you and to lift your frequency. Invite in your angels and ask for their assistance by simply thinking or saying: “Angels help me to raise my vibration now and to hold a new level of love and light in my daily life”. Breathe, relax, and open your heart to connect with further insight and encouragement from your angels. Your angels will help you connect you with the infinite supply of energy and light available from the Divine, and will offer insight, healing and guidance for you as you walk the spiritual path of increasing your frequency.

Click here for a free angel message with Archangel Uriel which will help you in increase your vibration by infusing your aura with Divine Love.

Remember that increasing your vibration is an ongoing process, and there is always room for improvement. There will be times where you really feel like you’re getting somewhere, and then you slip back a few steps in response to an outside trigger or challenge. Don’t worry when this happens, be patient with yourself, treat yourself with love and care, and refocus on the simple things you can do now to raise your frequency now.

Listen to your intuition, follow your heart, laugh, play, take good care of yourself and do what is right for you to respond to life with love. Keep moving in the direction of an increased vibration and remember to enjoy the journey.There is a huge opportunity for growth available to you in this lifetime, which happens one moment at a time.

This list of vibration raising activities is a good place to start, but is by no means an all encompassing list, what other activities do you use to increase your vibration?

With many blessings of light and love,

台長: 喜貓
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