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Releasing Emotional Baggage

By Elinros Henriksdotter

We have everything we need within, but many times we also have everything we do not need, within. When we hold on to emotional baggage, it does not matter how much we meditate or how much we pray – we will block a significant part of the Universal stream of abundance, peace and happiness that we deserve and wish to receive. But worry not dear friend, the Universe knows all about the human challenges. The compassion, love and understanding directed towards you right now is limitless and there is a short cut available for immediate release of past hurts.

我們內在有任何需要的東西, 但很多時候, 我們也有很多已不再需要的東西. 當我們緊抓任何情緒上的包袱, 不管我們每天做多少冥想, 多少祈禱, 我們仍會鎖住本屬於自己值得擁有, 想要得到的宇宙中豐盛, 平靜與喜悅的能量流.

We have the possibility to eradicate our emotional baggage once a month when the earth is graced with the magical light of the full moon, through a prayer directed to Archangel Haniel. Your encounter with Archangel Haniel under the full moon will pull out the most stubborn sorrow hidden in your heart and mind, and release it all to be illuminated by the eternal love of the universe.

配合每個月的月圓時分, 我們蒙受恩典在滿月奇妙的光中, 向大天使漢尼爾祈禱, 是有可能去除情緒包袱的. 你與大天使漢尼爾相遇在滿月中, 放下最固執隱藏在內心多時的感傷, 釋放到光與愛中.

Archangel Haniel is the Angelic Mother, whose love will shine a light on your divine abilities. She is known to align those who call upon her to the vibration of the true self, where access to divine grace, intuition and awareness is granted. The immediate effects of a strong connection to this Archangel is divine compassion and patience, leading to an automatic solution of old and reoccurring conflicts; it is the energy that transforms war to peace, ego to spirit and negativity to positivity.

大天使漢尼爾是天使母親, 她的光芒會照亮你的神聖能力. 呼喚她的人能調頻到真實自我的頻率中, 感受到神聖恩典, 直覺與覺察. 跟大天使漢尼爾立即的連結是神聖的慈悲與耐心, 能讓舊有重覆的糾結矛盾得到自動的解決. 她的能量能轉化衝突為和平, 將小我負面的想法提升到肯定的方向.

Are you ready to break free? It can be difficult to release stored pain simply because we do not consider ourselves to be that kind of person who dwells on the past. By ‘going there…. again….’ it can feel like we reinforce the negativity, but if it feels like you should not go there, be sure that you should. Do not ignore the resistance, because it is only indicating that something unwanted is hiding within you. After a release we are able to look back with humour,  gratitude and relief; it feels great to be completely present, free from chains of the past. You will be so grateful to be here, not there, in your place of suffering any more  Do not be afraid to dive in; remember that thousands of Angels are supporting you on your path towards your true self.

你已準備好要投向自由嗎. 釋放舊有情緒不見得很容易喔, 因為你可能認為自己並不是那種埋在過去的人. 重回舊地感覺起來好像在加強那種負面感, 但如果你以為你不應再回首去看, 請確定你應該要. 不要忽視內心的抗拒, 這只顯示你內在仍有沒清乾淨的東西. 真正的釋放代表你能帶著幽默, 感激與釋懷去看以前的事; 能充份活在現在, 切斷與過去的鎖鍊是一件多麼棒的事. 你會感激重生活在此時此刻, 而不是活在過去還在受苦. 不要害怕去想過去, 請記住有成千的天使正在支持你帶引你找到真實的自己

On the next full moon, step outside and let the moonlight fill your being and use the following video to connect with divine Archangel Haniel. This is a short article, because all you have to do is ask, when the moon is full. However, I would like to share a dream with you that I had a couple of nights before my connection to Archangel Haniel was initiated. The stream of life is designed down to the smallest detail to answer to our needs, and when we open a door in our perception, we can walk through the next one with ease.

下一次的滿月, 找個時間站到外面來讓月光盈滿你的存在, 請看下面的影片幫助你連結大天使漢尼爾. 很短的影片, 你要做的只是在月圓時分提出請求. 我想與你分享一個夢想, 那是我在與大天使漢尼爾連結幾個夜晚前, 生命之流越分越細細到支節來回應我們的呼喚, 當我們打開大門, 我們會很輕鬆走到下一站

A Dream

I was out walking with a man whose walk was completely relaxed; all his joints were oiled like a sleepwalking acrobat. Mentally, emotionally and physically he appeared to be entirely free of tension. Suddenly he asked me to describe a person or a situation that I wanted to heal but did not know.

我跟個男的很輕鬆地散步著, 他全身軟骨靈活. 心理上, 情緒上, 身體上, 他看來都完全沒有緊繃感. 突然他要我描述一個人或一個情況, 是我想療癒卻不自知的.

The words poured out of my mouth as I ventilated my worry to my new jelly-friend, and I remember feeling proud over my analytic abilities. With no agreeing hum’s and yes’s coming out of his mouth, it was obvious that he did not catch on to what I was saying. When I had finished talking, my friend sat down on a step of stairs outside of a big empty building. The silent afternoon within him collided with the storm inside of me when he finally got to have his say.

話就這樣從我口中說出, 我想起了我一向很自豪自己的分析能力. 他聽著但沒有應和. 很顯然他沒跟上我所說的. 當我講完, 朋友在個階梯坐下, 當準備換他說時, 周遭是安靜的下午伴隨我內心的風暴

‘Too much detail, you are nitpicking on all those details. It is all brain chatter.’

太多細節了, 你檢拾太多細節了, 那都是頭腦的東西

I tried to understand what he meant and I felt the frustration over being misunderstood.

我試著瞭解他是什麼意思, 對於他沒有聽懂我的意思感到有點挫折

‘All I ever focus on is the constant ongoing healing. As a healer, it is my only focus. I do not get caught up in the details.’

我要注意的是正在進行的療癒, 做為一個治療者, 這就是我要做的, 我不會跌到細節裏

It clicked in me and I profoundly understood what he meant. The authenticity and simplicity of his wisdom elevated me to the vibration of gratitude. Brain chatter, of course; and I had thought that I was being intelligent while plowing through the analytical connections in my mind. The vibration of gratitude increased steadily and lifted me out of my dream.

內心深處好像懂他要說什麼. 他的話語的簡單真實頓時帶出我充滿感激的振動. 當然是腦裏在對話. 我一向以為自己很聰明特別有分析能力. 感激的振動持續提升將我帶出無意識的作夢中.

Prayer to Archangel Haniel

I call upon you, Heavenly Archangel Haniel To be by my side on this night when the moon is full You love me higher than I have ever loved

我呼喚偉大的大天使漢尼爾請在月圓時分待在我身邊, 你的愛遠超過我的愛

You see through me You see where my past has attached itself to me I now wish to see with your eyes

你看懂我, 你看懂我如何掛在過去, 現在我想看到你的雙眼

Your presence is that of the Holy Mother of the Angelic Realm I now surrender to you like a vulnerable child, Wide Open

你的出現是天使王國神聖的母親, 我像個稚嫩的小孩, 臣服於你, 完全敞開

Fill me with Angelic Courage Embed me in your gracious Love Lead me to the scares in my heart

請注滿天使的勇氣, 恩典的愛給我, 引領我看清內心的害怕

The waters of time has flooded my heart and my mind Archangel Haniel, you see how the past follows me Illuminated by the moonlight I have no defense I have no excuses, reasons or explanations I am hiding behind no walls I am naked before you

時間的水泛濫了我的心我的腦, 大天使漢尼爾, 你看清過去是如何尾隨著我, 在月圓的光芒的照耀下, 我放下抵抗, 沒有藉口理由或解釋, 無所隱藏, 在你面前完全敞開.

My pain stops me from expanding My pain makes me forget that I am made of Love Pull it all out now with your divine magnetism

我內心的傷害阻礙我進一步擴展, 我內心的傷害讓我忘記自己是愛中生長, 請以你神聖的磁力將這些從我內心一併拔除掉

Pull it out now I will feel it all, I will see it all I will touch it all, I will hear it all I will allow it all to be released through my heart As both the entry and the exit is the very core of my being

拔除掉, 讓我看見感覺一切, 聽見一切, 讓所有過去的傷痛從我內心釋放掉. 讓我的存在從入口到出處都是清澈的存有

In the silence Fill me with light I will explode with Love In the calm after the storm Give me more Love than I can handle Push me beyond my limits and support me to excel

平安中, 照亮我, 暴風雨後的靜定中, 請給我更多愛, 讓我有能力處理. 推我一把超越自我極限, 支援我走出任何頭腦的框框

Heavenly Archangel Haniel You are by my side on this night when the moon is full I now love you higher than I have ever loved

我呼喚偉大的大天使漢尼爾請在月圓時分待在我身邊, 你的愛遠超過我的愛

Your presence is that of the Holy Mother of the Angelic Realm I now surrender to you like a vulnerable and wide open child And so it is, Namaste

你的出現是天使王國神聖的母親. 我像稚嫩孩子臣服於你完全的敞開. 向你偉大的神性致敬

Full Moon Release Prayer to Archangel Haniel

The video at the top of the article is the Full Moon Emotional Baggage Release Prayer to the Archangel Haniel.

這段影片是月圓時分釋放掉負面情緒包袱, 向大天使漢尼爾祈禱的影片

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