We are being initiated into the Higher Levels of our being and Light, where the intrinsic parts of our being are socializing and co-creating with the pristine and crystalline structures of our new Self. This is called our renewed Self as we are bathed in the incoming Light and with codes that restructure our whole Self and our embodiment into a deeper awareness, a more evolved consciousness and an entirely different level of existing with regards to our vehicle/embodiment.
我們被啟動提升到自身更高階的存有與光中, 那裏是水晶結構, 是我們固有的本質, 具有共同創造的特性. 這叫做我們更新再生後的自我, 但我們沐浴在大量湧進地球的光中, 帶有重構自身的密碼, 能將我們的更深的覺知具顯的能力. 一個更進化的意識, 一個全然不同層級的存有
Waves of integration along with waves of immersion into Light are bringing our focus on the merging again with our Higher Levels, our I AM Presence, our Solar Christ and our Christed Self. These initiations are assisting us in the reembodying of our Christed and I AM consciousness so as to execute the restructuring of our Light templates to be able and emanate the Pristine Crystalline Light body into which our vehicles and consciousness are changing.
一波波的整合帶進光中帶來聚焦, 我們要自身的高我相遇與融合, 我是我的存在, 我們的太陽基督, 我們自身的基督意識. 這個啟動幫助我們重新具顯基督意識與我是我的存在. 於是能夠重新架構我們的光之模組, 啟動我們的光體
As everything takes time, processes and levels, this is not different and because we are truly dealing with a physical presence here, our vehicle, it is important to focus on this process by allowing, integrating and going through the initiations that the energies and beings from on High are assisting us with during this process.
任合事情都需要時間, 過程, 與分階段進行. 建構光體也不例外, 我們在處理肉身的變化, 我們的載具, 借由意願允許, 整合與通過, 全神專注在這個過程是很重要.
It requires patience, diligence, balance, focus and awareness of a firm undertaking where you are being asked to surrender in Love and with Love to the ongoing flow of the time and space continuum. Some might begin to experience their true Divine nature as a Source, although it will be as a fractal of that Source, to give you a taste of what is to come and to allow you to already adapt to that frequency of your own Being in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
這過程需要耐心, 認真, 平衡, 專注, 覺知等紮實的用功, 你會被要求在時空流中臣服在愛中. 有些人開始感知到他們真正神聖的本質, 雖然只是造物主的一部份, 你可能會體驗到一種感覺讓你適應自身源頭的頻率, 避免太過暈絢
Focus and attention are needed in order to stay grounded and balanced through this all as the body is going to experience many shifts in order to cope with the incoming energies that allow one to continue their journey in a renewed structure of their essence. The Crystalline structures of our vehicle are under tremendous pressure in the sense that they are growing and willing to come out and play, in order to be experienced by the Human consciousness.
專注與認真是需要, 以便能深植紮根在地球, 取得平衡. 因為身體正要經歷很多變化, 以便處理到來的新能量, 讓個體能以一個更新的肉體, 繼續原有的旅程. 肉體的載具, 變成水晶光體, 初始會感到極大壓力, 透過程長與意願, 能被人類意識感知與熟悉
We are speaking of a whole new level here where you will find large scales of incoming Light being focused on your Presence and vehicle here and where you must sustain a presence in your heart at all times to be able and grow further in that experience of your own crystalline structures. The initiations into the Light vehicle and into the crystalline body go in waves of vibrational consciousness where you shall become more aware of your more pristine structure and in that moment a need arises for less food and more Light,for taking deep breaths and drinking lots of pure water.
我們說的是全新層級的能量, 當你專注在每個當下, 你會發現大量大量的光湧進, 你必需隨時用心(肉體的心)感知到存在以便進一步體驗你的水晶光體的構造. 光體的啟動是以頻率振波的意識的方式, 你會更感知到自身本質的岑在, 對食物的需求降低, 需要更多光, 需要深呼吸, 飲用大量純淨的水
We are given the time to assist our 'body restructuring' and to grow in this process. The initiations are being given by our own Higher Selves as well as by the Masters and Angels of Light who are familiar with these structures, to be able and assist us all in this grand metamorphic process. Some might already realize and experience their own crystalline blueprint and will find themselves on top of the waves, riding those waves to truly embody some particles and levels of that process and experience how it is to be that Crystalline Light body, although it might also be in waves and short periods of times, of seconds, to be able and get used to this.
這段轉化期間我們會給予大量協助. 光體啟動來自我們的高我, 以及揚升大師, 光之天使, 有些人感知道他們的水晶光體的藍圖, 與過程的進度, 以及體驗到如何成為水晶光體的感覺, 即使有些人體驗到的是能量波, 很短的時間, 甚至只有幾秒.
The Higher Templates of our bodies are truly descending in a way of merging again with our auric fields and our heart field as it becomes your resonance, your vibration. As they say vibration matches vibration, so you adapt to that vibration and that consciousness you emanate and so you come to embody this and become this as we speak.
我們肉體較高的模組確實降臨, 與我們的氣場與心融合, 變成了你的聲音, 你的振動. 人們說相符的振動會彼此呼應, 所以你會適應這個新的振動, 成為他, 將他具顯出來
This can be a time of turbulences and major shifts where there is very little room in between to recover as it were. This is so to initiate you into this reality and energy, where everything is a constant flow of vibration, to which you adapt and vibrate along with. This may be experienced as becoming more sensitive and truly high experiences of refined vibrations cross your path where you gain the understanding that vibration is what you represent, and so you attract that which you are.
可能會經過一段混亂震盪期, 但很難再回去舊的模式. 這會讓你對散發你的新能量到現實面, 所有的事物都是經常性的振波, 你會與之適應, 與之振動調和. 過程中, 可能會感到變敏感了, 特別真實感受到精微能量的波動, 你會因為波動品質的改變吸引到符合這些品質的新事物.
As the leveling up occurs, the old and lower templates are becoming more and more disfunctional and they are destined to dissolve as no one gives attention to them anymore as we transcend those layers of illusion and become aware of our truth = our essence.
當能量提升後, 舊有的, 低盪的能量模組會變得越來越沒有功用, 最終會消失, 因為注意力分散掉. 我們穿越那些層級的幻象, 變得越能感知到我們的本質.
Now more than ever you will find yourself in degrees of initiations for the Light Body Merkaba, in degrees of adaptation as you come to embody this more as well as in degrees of full transcendence as, once you become that Light body, it will be inevitable and even desirable for your energy field to let go of the old layers and energies.
從未感受過的水晶光體開啟, 你越適應就越把他具顯, 當你越變成新的光體, 無一避免的是, 你的能量場越有能力拋棄舊有的能量
Be proud of who you are, where you come from and what you represent in this lifetime as it is so immensely important to love yourself by heart. It is your heart that is yearning for peace, understanding and allowance to move beyond the concepts of time and illusion. You all are great bearers of Light and I AM so proud of you all and immensely grateful for your hearts
以你自己為榮, 以你的出身為榮, 由衷愛你自己, 是如此地重要. 你的心渴望和平, 知曉, 與應允往前移動, 穿越時間與空間的幻象. 你們都是偉大的光之工作者, 感恩於你們的心
Lady Portia Méline Lafont
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered Website Méline: http://melinelafont.com and blog Méline: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com