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"The human vessel is "transmuting" as the lightbody frequency is literally alive with light. This light strengthens, aligns, awakens and is literally "transform⋯⋯ing" your very being as you are evolving into light. This light has always been around you, and at this time the human vessel is altering in its "transfiguration" into Homo Luminous. You are awakening and physically doing so throughout every part of you. As your vessel (body) is taking in more light there may be some resistance felt. There are many symptoms of ascending vibration and the human vessel portrays these alignment vibrations in many ways. You are guided to be still and know, that any light embodiment symptoms will soon pass as your vessel adjusts to the new frequency. There are many adjustments now taking place. You have felt this on some level, be it emotionally, physically, mentally or indeed "spiritually".

Much of which you have done in the past, which is habitual and conditioned in nature, which has found its home from within the limited consciousness, will no longer sit well within these new light Quantum vibrations. For they are of the highest, purest, most positive 'Ions" that are filtrating through your energetic systems, as what can best be described at this time as electromagnetic energy spirals, working deep into the DNA. Rainbow, metallic, sparkling, divine Source emanating as light within. You are being "illuminated".

With the "sensitivity symptoms" much can be "experienced" within the Pineal Gland/Head area. As this is the integral meeting point of higher vibrational light integration" along with the heart center, being the first point of light. We may experience:

Hightened states of awareness
Feelings of coming out of body/fluidity/liquid/dissolving/dissolution
Constant thought process

These symptoms will lessen. They serve as marker to validate the light integration. These symptoms show how much man has literally "existed within his thought led processes" and as these symptoms that are "fired up" lessen, man will begin to live from the higher light frequency, which is heart led not mind fed.

Much is occurring within the light transition. You are literally becoming Light. Yes, there remains the physical body, and when we mention dimensions we invite you to look at this as vibrational dimensionality. As your vibration is raised through the light connectivity, you are literally able to transcend above and beyond the linear stasis. That is, you are now, as you surrender unto the divine transformational process, and acceptance thereof, able to journey to higher vibrational dimensions of “reality”. This becomes real. It is not something outside of you or separate but part of you. This is why when you are meditating, you are now able to link in more swiftly and be one in to the higher realms through Quantum Connectivity.

As your consciousness expands outside of the linear, corporeal, living physicality into the embracing of all that you are through light evolution, you are awakening and becoming that which you are already “programmed” to be. Conscious Awakening into your Becoming.

Awakening unto the light, that courses through your very being. Physical shifting to liquidity, fluidity as you are one with the light.

You are programmed and divinely designed this way. There is no evading. It is and will be and is occurring now, outside of your earthly conditioned beliefs and rigidity in concept. You can choose to journey unconsciously or you can choose to journey consciously.

Shifting, aligning, awakening to your divinity as you are literally transforming into Quantisity. This is your sovereignty. Become, be still and know.

This light not only works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the human vessel, but it enhances the 5 senses, almost adding on a 6th sense. You are awakening to your infinite capabilities through cosmic light transfiguration. You are able to tap into this frequency. It is instilled within your DNA. You are without limitation. It is only the carnal structures that limit you to linear, physicality, when above and beyond you are part of the all, and have the innate ability to just be light, and all that this brings with it.

Awaken within your conscious being, to the light evolutionary process”.

Tammy Majchrzak
Metatronia Foundation of Light

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