Carbon, also known as Activated Charcoal, Carbon, or it’s more common name, Activated Charcoal has been around for thousands of years. It was even used by Hippocrates and Pliny in their day.
碳, 也以活性碳著稱, 已存在世上數千年.
Carbon is 100% alkaline and is spinning with electrons making the substance highly electrical. Carbon’s negative ionic charge attracts positive ionic charges (of toxins and poisons) causing them to bind and then escorts them out of the body via the eliminative channel of the intestines.
碳百分之百鹼性, 電子環繞, 讓碳非常導電. 碳有負離子價, 可以吸引正離子價(那些有正離子呢? 比方: 毒性物質, 毒藥) 它們一結合, 就能幫助身體排出這些有毒物質
Charcoal is “activated” because it is made to have a very small particle size. This increases its overall surface area and absorptive capacity. Activated charcoal is produced by adding acid and steam to carbonaceous materials such as wood, coal, rye starch, or coconut shells. To understand just how effective this substance is at absorbing toxins, one standard 50-gram dose of activated charcoal has the surface area of 10 football fields. It also encourages bowel movements, so it can help to rid the body of toxins rather quickly.
碳活性化, 因為它粒子很小. 增加整體接觸面積, 與吸收能力. 活性碳是加入酸, 蒸氣到含碳物質, 如: 木頭, 煤, 黑麥澱粉, 與椰殼中製成. 給讀者一個概念, 活性碳如何有效吸納毒素, 標準50g劑量的活性碳, 有相當十個足球場的接觸面積. 能刺激腸道運動, 有助於快速帶離毒素
7 Benefits of Activated Charcoal
1.Just like baking soda, charcoal absorbs odor and works great for the refrigerator. Put your charcoal in either a perforated bag or an empty bowl and place it in the back of your refrigerator. You can change it out every time you clean your refrigerator.
就像小蘇打, 活性碳能吸附臭味, 對冰箱除臭效用很大. 你可放一小塊在冰箱後方, 每回要清冰箱就換一次.
2.No substance removes acidic plaque from the teeth like Carbon. It will greatly clean your teeth and help to remove stains on the teeth (especially stains derived from drinking coffee).
沒有東西像碳一樣, 將黏附在牙齒的酸性物質移掉. 所以能徹底清潔牙齒, 幫助有效移除污垢(特別是喝咖啡產生的污垢)
3.Using activated charcoal, you can make a face mask that helps pull the toxins and impurities out of your skin. Open 3 charcoal tablets into a bowl, a little warm water and a squeeze of honey and stir until it becomes a paste. Then apply it to your face, making sure to avoid your mouth, eyes, and nose area.
使用活性碳做面膜, 將皮膚的毒素與雜質徹底帶離. 將三顆活性碳錠丟到一個容器, 一點溫水, 與一點蜂蜜, 和一和, 直到濃稠像個塗料. 使用在臉上避開唇眼鼻部四周
4.This majestic substance helps to heal all colon diseases and greatly benefits the intestines. Carbon will greatly counteract flatulence (gas) and help to eradicate foul odors in the colon or intestinal tract.
能治療結腸的主要物質, 有助於腸道健康. 活性碳能消除肚內脹氣, 有助去除結腸或腸內殘留造成的腐臭
5.Another good use for Carbon is in the area of accidental ingestion of poison, drugs (legal and illegal), and household chemicals. All you have to do is add a teaspoon of Carbon to a glass of water, stir it up really good, and have the person who ingested the poison to drink the glass full of Carbon water.
活性碳另一個妙用, 是偶發的毒素殘留, 藥(合法, 非法), 與居家化學的毒性污染. 你要做的只是放一湯匙的活性碳到一杯水中, 攪伴, 讓有中毒現象的人喝下去
6.You can use those small pieces of your all natural hardwood lump charcoal at the bottom of the bag of or break it up into 1 inch squares as a substitute for mulch. If you cover your soil with it, it helps reduce weeds and keeps the moisture the soil so you don’t have to water as often.
你可用整塊碳的小部份, 小細塊(約一平方英吋), 放在一個小袋子的底部, 做為護根的替代品. 上面再覆蓋住土壤, 能有助降低雜草叢生, 幫助土壤保水, 你就不需要常澆水了
7.Scratches can be a big eyesore on your hardwood floors. For a quick fix, use your charcoal as a temporary corrector. Just color in the scratch and wipe it off to make sure you don’t have a lot of excess. This works best on dark wood floors.
木質地板有刮痕看來很礙眼, 快速的修整, 使用碳做為臨時的修整. 用碳擦拭有補色效果. 特別是深色木板地面