大天使麥可2015四月傳訊內容 - 微調你的靈性覺知 (轉自Ronna Herman臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)
Beloved masters, let us pause for a moment before we begin our discourse. Close your eyes and allow the sense of time and space to fall away. Envision streams of Love/Light radiating from within the wellspring of your heart center, and see them flowing forth to encompass everyone and everything on the Earth. Via your inner vision, watch as billions of various size streams of Light radiate back to you from every sentient Being on Earth. Let go of your fear, judgment, and your different beliefs as you connect with the Core Essence of your brothers and sisters around the world.
親愛的大師, 開始今天的傳訊之前, 且讓我們先暫停一下. 閉上眼睛, 允許時間與空間去散. 觀想萬道的愛與光從你們的心擴散出來, 看到這些光流包圍每個人, 包圍萬事萬事. 透過這個觀想, 看到千千萬萬大小不同的光流. 從每個有情眾生又散發回給你, 當你連結這世上的兄弟姐妹的核心時, 釋放掉你的恐懼, 批評, 與不同的信念
Every person on Earth is unique, and yet, deep within your Heart Core, you are all the same. Every Sentient Being is composed of the same substance as that of our Father/Mother God: the pure Divine Essence of the Supreme Creator. You, as a manifested physical Spark of Light, are encoded with a Divine Blueprint, which consists of specific vibrational patterns and enough Divine Light Substance to fulfill your current earthly destiny. 每位地球上的人都是獨特的, 不過, 在你們的內心深處, 你們又都相同. 每個有情眾生都是由同樣的物質, 亦即父神母神的同樣物質所組成: 最高造物主的純粹神聖本質. 你, 身為肉體顯化的光之火花, 內鍵神聖藍圖的編碼, 包含特殊振動模式, 與足夠的神聖光質, 充滿你現有在地球的命運
Allow your consciousness to be lifted to a rarified place where you are a soaring, radiant Being of Light, connecting to every other Being of Light within this solar system. There is no separation. There can be no separation, no matter how far you journey forth from the Heart Center of the Creator. It does not matter what assignment you have accepted down through the ages, or the appearance of the cloaks of flesh you have assumed; it does not matter how many times you have divided your Soul Ray into smaller and smaller fragments, you have always been connected to your God-Seed Atom, your Divine I AM Presence, and ultimately, to the Creator. There is also a minuscule Stream of Creator Light which connects you, one with another.
允許你的意識提升到一個地方, 你是強大燦爛的光之存有, 與每個在這太陽系的光之存有連結. 沒有分離. 也不會有分離, 不管你現在離造物主的心有多遠. 不管你幾世下來承接怎樣的功課, 或肉體的形式是怎樣, 也不管你把自己的靈魂之光切到多小多細碎, 你一直都連到神之種子原子, 你的神聖本有, 最終, 連到造物主. 從造物主也有條微細光線連結你與他人
這個連結從未切斷, 也永遠不會切斷
Breathe deeply and slowly, as you sense multicolored, luminescent waves of Light, filled with the Love/Light and the virtues of our Father/Mother God, surrounding you. Within these rarified streams of Light are all the energy and components you will ever need to build your field of dreams; to establish your personal foundation for the New Age to reclaim your Mastery of Self. Know that the barriers between us no longer exist, even though we were never truly parted. Because of the pre-ordained evolutionary process now in progress, for many years now, we have been strengthening our connection with each of you, moment by moment, day by day.
深而長地深呼吸, 你感覺到多彩光燦的光波, 充滿了愛與光, 與我們父神母神的美德, 包圍著你. 這些光線內有著所有你需要的能量與組成, 供你建構你的夢工場, 與迎接新時代的個人基地, 以宣稱你的大師身份. 要知道我們之間的障礙不復存在, 即使我們從未分離過. 因為事先安排的進化之旅已在展開, 從現在開始的很多年, 我們一直在加強與你們的連結, 每一刻每一天 No longer are you children stumbling through the dark on a path to nowhere. You are awakening, and you are remembering that your many past worldly experiences have all been a part of a grand experiment. You are aware that the era of the past several thousands of years is swiftly coming to a close. No longer do you feel as if you are pawns of fate. As you fully claim your God-given rights as a cocreator, no longer will you create that which brings pain and suffering. Why would you when just as easily you may create joy, peace and abundance? All you have to do is give us permission to become an integral part of your life. Will you open your heart and your mind to the possibility that we are real and that we are ready and willing to guide, direct, inspire and protect you to the limit of Universal Law?
孩子, 你不再會是在黑暗之路巔簸而不知道去向. 你正在醒來, 你正在記起, 你的好多前世經驗一直是一場大實驗的一部份. 你知道過去幾千年的世界會煞然截止. 你不會再覺得自己是命運的祺子. 當你全然宣稱自己的神屬性, 與共同創造者的身份, 你不再創造任何痛苦與受害. 當你能輕易展現喜悅, 平靜與豐盛, 為何你要表現楚楚可憐的樣子? 你要做的只是允許我們融進你的生活. 你會打開你的心, 你的腦, 看到這個可能性嗎? 也就是, 我們是真的, 我們準備好, 我們願意指引, 啟發與保護你們展現宇宙的法則
Make it your goal to move into the magical realm of harmlessness, whereby you no longer feed the negative-energy, Astral Plane force field of the Third and Fourth Dimensions. Instead, add your vibrant, loving energy to the auric field of Love/Light that surrounds the Earth‒the Iridescent, Crystal Grid of Illumination.
移進無害的魔幻世界, 將這個成為你的目標, 你不再餵養星光界較低沉濃密的負面能量. 取而代之的是, 增加你愛的能量到地球的愛與光的氣場, 強化啟蒙水晶網格
Your old world and limited reality are swiftly slipping away. The negative thought forms of the mass consciousness belief structure that were captured within the lower Astral (emotional) Planes are swiftly being dissolved. The broad-spectrum game of duality / polarity is gradually losing its hold on you as you slowly return to balance and harmony, thereby loosening the grip of your shadow-self, which allows you to project more and more Light into the darkness. The rules of the game also change as you move up the Path toward en-Lighten-ment. It is often called the narrow Path, and this is true. Each of you is held accountable (not judged), according to your level of awareness. Your Guardian Angels and Higher Self constantly present you with opportunities or challenges to assist you in your awakening process. As you become the observer and begin to operate within the Universal Laws of Creation and the rules of cause and effect, you begin to see the wisdom and justice in all that occurs within your life.
舊有世界, 與限制性現實很快在溜走. 集體意識的負面思考正在快速消融. 當你不斷回復平衡與和諧時, 二元性的廣泛面正在鬆脫, 你的陰暗面也在鬆脫, 因此你能散發更多更多的光消融黑暗. 當你不斷進化, 持續啟蒙, 遊戲規則會改變. 路很窄, 真得是這樣. 根據你的覺醒程度, 你們每個人都有責任. 你的指導靈天使與高我會經常帶給你機會與挑戰, 以協助你覺醒的過程. 當你變成觀察者, 開始以造物者的宇宙法則, 與因果法則工作時, 你會開始在你的生活中看到智慧與正義
If you are to become the master of yourself and of your world, you must begin to fine-tune your spiritual awareness. Constantly, you will be presented with many levels of choice. Know that no choice is wrong, unless it harms you or others. You will find that there are good choices, better choices, and the highest / best choices. Your choice spectrum will change as you move up the spiral of higher awareness
當你變成自己與世界的大師, 你會開始微調你的靈性覺知. 經常性地, 你會被給予很多不同層次的選擇. 知道沒有一種選擇是錯的, 除非它傷了你傷了別人. 你也會發現有好的選擇, 更好的選擇, 與最高的選擇. 當你螺旋地沿著更高覺知往上走時, 你選擇的光譜會改變.
Allow us to give you several examples. We will designate the range of choices (or choice spectrum) as one percent to one hundred percent. Becoming a master of your destiny means your choices will become more subtle, and not so easily defined. Therefore, you must sharpen your discernment and objectivity, and please take into consideration that you may have to rise above a situation in order to get a greater overview and clearer picture. Compassionate detachment is also required.
允許我們給幾個例子. 我們會講到選擇的範圍, 從1%100%. 成為一位命運大師, 代表你的選擇會表現得更微妙, 不是很容易界定. 因此, 你需要磨亮你的辨識力與客觀性. 請考慮到, 你要練習將自己從一個情況拉高來看全局, 看清楚全局. 非常需要<慈悲不執念>
Our first example will be a person who has chosen an existence of deprivation, who is functioning mostly within the frequencies of the instinctual nature / sub-conscious mind as he strives to learn the lessons of the Third and lower Fourth Dimensions, and as he struggles to survive. His negative choices would have a vibratory rate of up to 50%, and his positive choices would be in the range of 51% to 70%.
我們的第一個例子, 是一個人選擇被剝奪的人生, 他經常性以天生本能, 或潛意識的頻率去生活, 以學會第三第四次元的功課. 以便能爭扎求生. 他的負面選擇振動頻率到50%, 他的正面選擇是51~70%
Our next example is a person who has chosen a lifetime in which there is an opportunity to experience the riches of the Earth Plane, and she is ready to begin the process of spiritual awakening. She has stepped onto the Path of higher awareness, and as we explained some time ago in a message called The Golden Promise, she has drawn forth a greater amount of the Essence of Self, which her God Self / I AM Presence will hold in reserve until she is ready to begin integrating the multiple Facets of her Higher Self. Because of this, gradually over time, her choice spectrum increases in refinement and vibration to, let us say, 70% to 85%.
第二個例子, 是一個人他選擇經歷一個富裕人生, 她準備好開始靈性覺醒的過程. 她走進更高覺知的路徑, 而當我們解釋這個黃金承諾, 她提取大量本質, 她神聖存有的本質, 她一直存有直到她準備好要整合進她高我的多重面向. 因此, 隨著時間, 她的選擇光譜微妙地增加, 她的振動頻率是70~85%
Greater awareness begets greater opportunities, but also requires more responsibility. The spiraling journey homeward can be a gradual climb or a swift one: however, it entails making the right choices within your current level of enlightenment, as you strive to enhance your abilities to the highest obtainable potential.大覺醒產生大機會, 也代表擔負更大的責任. 螺旋而上的回家之旅, 可以是逐漸攀爬, 也可以是陡坡直上, 不過, 意味著在你現有啟蒙的階段做正確選擇, 當你正在強化發展更大潛能的時候
Our last example will include most of you who resonate to our messages. This group includes those of you now firmly on the Path‒those of you who have experienced many trials, tests and battles with the ego-desire body in order that your personality could become honed and disciplined, and once more, become a servant of the Soul. You have sought, tested, rejected and refined what you now accept to be your truths, thereby creating your new reality along the way. Through trial and error, you are learning to become proficient in the use of the Universal Laws of Manifestation. The results of your choices are quickly being brought into your awareness so that you will know that the laws of cause and effect are immutable, and that you really are the creator of your reality, and the world around you. As you become a Master of Self and your world, your choice spectrum changes so that the frequency range of choice is of the highest order: from 85% to 100%. When you accomplish this, the blessings of our Father/Mother God will surely be showered down upon you.
我們最後一個例子包含大多數與我們訊息有共鳴的人們. 包括已走在路徑上的人, 經歷了試煉, 考驗, 與自我衝擊, 以便讓人格我甘願為心服務, 再一次, 成為靈魂的僕人. 你已經找尋, 試驗, 拒絕, 磨亮, 當你接受成為自己的真理, 因此, 沿路創造你的新實相. 透過嘗試錯誤法, 你學習到成為彰顯大師. 你選擇的後果很快帶給你覺知, 你會知道因果法則一成不變, 你真得知道你是自己實相的創造者, 與這個世界的創造者. 當你成為大師, 你的世界, 你的選項光譜會改變, 選擇的振頻會有最高秩序: 從85%到100%. 當你完成, 會給你我們父神母神的祝福
更高意識的橋在心裏. 更高意識的三個層面如下
As you become attuned to the higher frequencies of Light, you will become accustomed to the flow of Sacred Fire Breath, which has been called the River of Life/Love/Light. There is a hidden, powerful, radiant current of knowledge encoded within this Living River of Life. It is a code of creative genius; however, you must tap into the wisdom of the Sacred Mind and your Soul Self in order to access this inborn power.
當你越來越與光頻調頻校準, 你會習慣神聖火燄呼吸的流動, 稱為生命光愛之河. 有一股隱藏, 有力, 活力四射的知識之流, 編碼進這道生命之河. 它是創造天才的密碼, 但是, 你必需點進這道神聖心智與你靈魂自我的智慧中, 才能進到這股內鍵力量
We also wish to remind you that your hands are one of the most highly developed links to your brain, for there are etheric generator crystals embedded within the palms of the hands. They were designed to be some of the strongest, electromagnetic impulses of the physical vessel. That is why those who have activated or developed the healing power within their hands are so effective in the healing arts. In the future, you have the potential of redeveloping the memory cells within your fingertips so that you may access conscious and subconscious information through touch. 我們也想提醒你, 你的雙手是高度發展與腦相連的工具, 因為你的手有乙太水晶發動器就內鍵在你的手掌之中. 這個掌中水晶發動器具有最強大的電磁力脈衝. 這也是為何, 那些已啟動或已發展療癒力的人, 他們的手是那麼地有效. 未來, 你有潛力能重新發展指尖的記憶細胞, 透過觸控, 就能進入意識與潛意識的資料庫....
A good exercise would be to hold a crystal which you have Self-programmed as a generator healing crystal in one of your hands as you focus on activating the healing abilities within the palms of your hands. Via the Infinity Breath exercise, concentrate on sending/feeling the Adamantine Particles of Light within your palms. Your palms may become very warm or begin to tingle. It may take a while for you to feel the sensations; however, you will gradually gain the ability to send healing Creator Light to localized parts of your own body. Future healing will include en-Lighten-ed, dynamic healers with the ability to send almost laser-like healing beams of Divine Light to their patients. Reiki and other energy modalities are based on this ancient, esoteric knowledge.
有個練習, 你可握住一個水晶, 放在其中一手之掌心, 專注啟動其療癒力, 代表已自我程式化的, 可以產生療癒能量的水晶. 利用無限呼吸練習, 專注在送出或感覺你掌中的Adamantine光粒子, 你的手掌會變暖, 或有點刺癢(痛). 或許要花點時間才能感覺到, 不過, 你會逐漸獲得送出療癒力的能力, 你可送出療癒力給你身體各部份. 未來的療癒可以包括, 啟蒙療癒者有能力送出像雷射光般的強力治療光射到病人身上. 靈氣或其他種療癒是根據古老神秘的知識.
You, the StarSeed, are awakening to the awareness of your Celestial Heritage, which has been encoded within Atom Seed Crystals and stored within your Sacred Mind. Also, be aware that there is a magnificent history of bravery and excellence woven into the violent and often tedious journey of human evolution. You are experiencing a resurrection of extra-sensory abilities and higher consciousness abilities, which have been dormant for many ages. However, it takes dedication and effort to open the sealed door to your inner wisdom, the Sacred Mind. It is vitally important that you learn to trust your own inner guidance once more. A loving and grateful heart purifies the consciousness, and creates tranquility and peace of mind. It develops into a constant State of Being and not just an occasional practice.
你, 星際種子, 正在覺醒到自己原有的神秘傳承, 原編碼在種子水晶內, 就儲存在你的神聖心智內. 要知道, 人類的進化是一頁勇敢優秀與暴力細鎖交織而成的歷史. 你正在經歷一個新生的過程, 正在配備超感應, 與高意識的能力. 不過, 但要打開位於神聖心智, 封印的內在智慧需要花一點工夫. 你學會信任內在指引是很重要的. 一個充滿愛心與感激之心會純化意識, 創造內在寧靜與和平. 發展出經常性的存在狀態, 而不是偶然發生的狀態
It is apparent in every facet of earthly existence that humanity is awakening from the illusional dream of past ages as the refreshing Light of God-consciousness permeates all Creation. You are laying the foundation for the coming decades of change. As we observe, we can see the energies which form your probable futures, and how they change through the use of your free will. That is why no one, and we repeat no one, can predict the future with certainty, for the use of free will is always the determining factor. We fervently ask you: “Are you willing to take full advantage of your God-given gift of free will? Are you willing to endeavor to make the highest choices available to you?” In doing so, you will add your energy to the highest potential future for all humanity. You are much more powerful than you realize. As you join together in prayer for the greatest good, you have the potential capabilities to divert wars, stop the devastating destruction of the Earth, and assist in creating peace and abundance for all.
在地球生存的每個面向, 當基督意識之重啟之光滲進所有創造物時, 人類正在從過去世代的幻夢中覺醒, 你為即將來臨的幾十年鋪下基礎. 我們看到這些能量構成你富潛力的未來, 以及它們如何透過你的自由意志而改變.這是為何我們說, 沒有人, 重覆一遍, 沒有人能準確預測未來, 因為自由意志永遠是決定因素. 我們問: "你願意全然運用你自由意志的天賦嗎? 你願意做最高選擇嗎?" 這樣做, 你能為全體人類增加能量到具備最高潛能的未來. 你比你知道的還有力量. 當你加入為全體至善的祈禱時, 你有潛力能停止戰爭, 停止毀滅性力量, 幫助創造和平與豐盛.
Each and every one of you is responsible for the energy you draw forth from the Cosmic Bank of Divine Life Substance, the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. How are you spending your spiritual inheritance? As we embark on this important phase of evolution together, please take time to define your commitment to yourselves, and to your spiritual family.
每個人對於他從神聖宇宙銀行提取的能量負有責任. 你要怎麼花你的靈性傳承? 在我們開始這段進化之旅之際, 請花點時間界定一下對自己的, 對自己靈性家族的承諾
When you allow the shackles of time / space, and the density of the lower Dimensions to fall away, your visions become sharp and clear, and you will place no expectations or restrictions on how or when they will manifest. Your resolve will gain strength, and you will confidently move forward with ease and grace, for your constant mantra is: “I ask for the greatest good for all.”
當你讓時空體, 讓低次元密度消散之際, 你的視野正在銳利清晰中, 你不會去界定或限制住如何, 或什麼時候他們會彰顯出來. 你的決定是有力量的, 你一派優雅輕鬆自信往前, 因為你經常性的座右銘是"我祈求全體的至善"
Join us, beloveds, in manifesting the highest choices within the Creator’s Divine Plan for the coming Age. We began this journey together in great joy and expectation, and when we come together again in our victory celebration, we will add: Well done, brave warriors of Light, well done! I AM Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths.
加入我們, 所愛的, 在未來世代的神聖計畫中彰顯最高選擇. 我們一起以最大的喜悅與期待開始這旅程, 而當我們聚在一起歡呼我們的勝利, 我們會加一句: 做得好, 光之勇士, 做得好....我是天使長麥可, 我帶給你們真理!!~
Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from :