You're in the shower, and you receive a brilliant idea! Why is that?
你在淋浴洗澡, 收到一個很棒的想法, 為何?
1. Water promotes meditation, because it's symbolic of the emotions and unconscious mind. So water's meditative qualities open us up to hearing and listening to guidance.
因為水能增進冥想, 因為水是情感的象徵, 與無意識心智. 水的冥想特質能打開我們聽見內在指引的管道
2. Water relaxes us with its negative ions, particularly from running water like showers, waterfalls, and waves. Negative ions bring about feelings of bliss.
因為水的負離子讓我們放鬆, 特別是淋浴時的持續水流, 水柱, 與波浪. 負離子帶來幸福的感受
3. Water has healing properties. There's a reason why healing wells like Lourdes, France, have documented miracle healings. Water has long been used in healing ceremonies and health treatments.
因為水有療癒特質. 像法國Lourdes的療癒井有神奇的療癒效果, 為什麼? 水被用在治療儀式與健康治療已有很長的時間了
4. Water is magnetically attractive, and will hold the energetic properties of prayers and positive intentions.
因為水具有磁性吸引力, 能吸住祈禱的能量與正面意向
5. Water is restorative and cleansing. Not only does water wash away physical dirt, but it also cleanses you of any negativity that you've absorbed.
因為水有恢復與清潔的力量. 不只能洗去外表的髒污, 也能淨化你一天所吸附的負面能量
If you're feeling stuck and in need of guidance, go take a shower or soak in a bathtub with the faucet running. Moving water has more negative ions and electric charge than stagnant water. If you have access to a beach, waterfall, or moving river, these are also powerful places to receive inspiration and answers.
如果你感到卡住, 需要指引, 洗個澡或泡個澡是個不錯的idea, 讓水龍頭的水不斷流動. 流動的水流比靜止的水有更多負離子與電子. 如果你到海邊, 瀑布, 與河邊(流動的水), 都是能收到靈感與答案的有力量場所.
Then, hold your question in mind, and send the question heavenward. Releasing the question is important, because that frees your mind to be able to hear the answer you're seeking.
將你的問題置心中, 往天堂送出; 將問題送出這個步驟很重要, 這樣能淨空你的心智去聽到你所問的答案
Answers come to you as thoughts, feelings, visions, or words. So notice any impressions that come into your mind or body. If you don't understand what they mean, ask the question, "What does this mean? Please explain further," and then notice insights you receive as clarification.
答案會以想法, 感覺, 畫面或隻字片語給你. 所以注意任何到你心中或身體的印象. 如果你不清楚那代表什麼, 可以這樣問: "這是什麼意思? 可否解釋更清楚? " 再注意內心所收到更澄清的洞見
Some of the insights you receive may not make sense at the time, but they will later. So, write notes of the ideas which come to you, because they contain answers to your questions. You may also receive guidance which intimidates you, because you don't feel qualified or ready to pursue a new project or a different direction. Again, notice the guidance and trust that you'll soon understand.
有些你收到的洞見一時之間看來有點可笑, 一段時間後再回看就可看出意思. 可以把它們寫下來, 因為這些洞見跟你提出的問題有關. 你也可能收到讓你嚇一跳的指引, 因為你覺得不值得收到, 或還未準備追求一個計畫或不同方向. 再一次地, 注意指引, 信賴它, 很快你會懂得它的內含意思的.....
For more information on how to receive clear guidance, please read "How to Hear Your Angels."