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大天使麥克2015年二月傳訊 - 你會在被遴選的名單中嗎? (翻譯: 喜貓)

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Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-02-2015


Beloved masters, for many of you, it is the beginning of a new year on Earth; however, when you look at the larger picture–from our vantage point–it is the beginning of a new era, and a new Golden Age. Many of you will protest, but it does not seem like a new Golden Age. In the past, any new Creation that was brought forth on the earthly plane took much effort, and often pain, struggle and strife. That is still the mode of Creation in many parts of your world; however, it need not be so. We have told you that the Light is separating from the shadows, and it is almost as if two worlds were superimposed, one over the other. One world is filled with varying degrees of fear, hate, judgment, greed, and a desire to control and conquer the lands of the Earth, as well as a desire to dominate and subjugate the peoples of the Earth by whatever means thought necessary. The billions of beautiful young Souls who are caught in the maelstrom of this ever-accelerating chaos are the ones who suffer the most. That world is swiftly deteriorating, as a blanket of all the negative thought forms descends upon those lands and magnifies the vortexes of hate that have been created. Oh yes, there are vortexes of darkness, just as there are vortexes of Light, and the foretold Armageddon has surely arrived in those places.

親愛的大師們, 對於很多的各位, 這是地球新的一年的開始; 但, 但當你從更大的視野(也就是我們的角度)看過去時, 是新的時代, 新的黃金年代的開始. 很多人會反對, 因為感覺不像什麼黃金年代嘛. 在過去, 在地球上的任何的創造都要花好多的力氣, 甚至弄到負傷, 爭扎, 大小爭執. 很多部份都是你們這世界容易有的創造模式. 但是現在已不需要再這樣了. 我們已告訴過你們, 光與影是分離的, 幾乎像是兩個世界在重疊, 一個疊在另一個其上. 一個世界充滿不同程度的害怕, 憎恨, 評判, 貪婪, 與控制欲, 想要以任何手段方式征服土地, 統治人們的欲望. 十億計的美麗年輕靈魂捲進這樣的旋渦, 逐次加快的混亂, 是受苦最嚴重的一群. 世界快速崩解, 好像一條沾滿負面思想型式的毛毯從土地上抽離, 加深了憎恨的旋渦. 啊, 是的, 有黑暗的旋渦, 也有光明的旋渦. 預言的世界末日一定到過那些地方

The world of Light that is superimposed over the world of shadows is a world of hope, a world that amplifies all that is beautiful and harmonious. This world of Light radiance is filled with brotherly/sisterly love, peace, joy and abundance–a world where Spirit and humanity have joined forces once more; where all are donning their spiritual armor as, symbolically, we march forth to show that, together, we are invincible. In this world, you are becoming proficient in using the universal laws of Creation as you bring forth greater and greater physical manifestations of what you desire in your corner of paradise. Miracles abound, both large and small, as you tap into your Divine Source and become a partner with your God Seed Atom and angelic helpers. Your Light is becoming more radiant, and you are becoming a strong, positive force for good within your sphere of influence.

光明世界疊在另一個陰影世界之上, 光明世街充滿希望, 能放大所有凡是美好與和諧的事物. 光明世界的力量充滿兄弟姐妹的愛, 和平, 喜悅與豐盛. 神性人性一起加入的力量. 我們穿上靈性盔甲, 象徵性地, 我們邁向前顯示我們是無敵的. 在這世上, 你會變得更加擅長使用宇宙創造法則, 當你不斷不斷帶入更多物質的彰顯.  當你點進神聖源頭, 成為你神性種子原子與天使軍團的合作夥伴, 大大小小的奇蹟, 不斷朝向你而來. 你的光更閃耀, 在你影響所及之處, 成為超強正面力量 

Of late, we have spoken much about the importance and the power of the Pyramid, for there are many dear Souls who are awakening to the Divine Discontent of the Soul. The Pyramids of Light, which are stationed throughout the multi-Dimensions of this Sub-Universe, are storehouses of Creator Light. They are the Way Stations on the Path that will lead you back into your true homeland among the stars. For those of you who are recent aspirants on the Path, allow us give you a simplified vision of how Pyramid Power is being used. Envision a Pyramid with steps on each of the four sides, which gradually lead to the apex. At the base, on two sides, are all those dear Souls who are caught in the web of deception and lower vibrational energy, those who are struggling to control their world of negativity in whatever way necessary, a reality which is swiftly falling apart. On the other two sides of the base of the Pyramid are all those dear Souls who are struggling to survive and to live the best way they know how. They are dominated by outside forces over which they seem to have no control. Therefore, in varying degrees, they are also caught up in the world of limitation, fear and negativity, but deep within there is a desire, which manifests as a deep discontent with life, to reconnect with their Creator and fulfill their chosen mission on Earth.

我們提過很多有關金字塔超強力量的重要性. 因為有很多親愛的靈魂因為神聖不滿而醒來. 光之金字塔, 駐紮在次宇宙多次元之處, 是創造者之光的儲電所. 他們是路徑的中途站會引你回到星際中真正的家. 對於那些最近才剛上路的人, 請容許我們給你一個"金字塔力量要怎麼用"的簡易版本.  想像一個底座四方體的金字塔, 四邊一直延伸到極點. 底部, 兩端, 有親愛的靈魂, 掉到欺騙, 低振動的網裏, 爭扎想要控制他們身處的負面環境, 這些親愛的靈魂爭扎著要生存以他們認為最好的方式. 他們以為自己被外在的力量所主導, 自己好像沒有主控權. 在不同程度, 他們掉到受限, 害怕, 負面的世界裏. 但內心深處, 有種想望, 變成對生活極度的不滿, 重新連回他們的創造源頭, 完成他們在地球選擇的任務.


At the apex of the Pyramid is a capstone of Light–here all of you will come, at one time or another, the Wayshowers, the Vanguard, the Warriors of Light/Peace– all those who have aligned with the Light and our Creator in the cosmic campaign to reestablish paradise on Earth. As we join together in our great Pyramid of Light which forms the capstone, we send forth unconditional love to the Earth and all humanity. Our combined Love/Light energy radiates down upon all who are on the base of the Pyramid at any level thereof. This gift is available to all who are willing to partake of this transforming infusion, by opening their heart centers in order for the Love/Light of the Creator to flow within. The Light is always seeking the Light within the darkness. No matter how dim a Spark within someone may seem, it can be ignited and will eventually burst into flame. In doing so, this facilitates and speeds up the healing/balancing process so that anyone, regardless of who they are or what they have done, has the potential to rise quickly up the Pyramid of ascension and into the Light. No one is excluded. With open arms, the Creator holds wide the door of redemption so that all may pass through. This is the rare gift that is being offered at this time, a gift that is only offered at the end of an era and the beginning of a new age.

在金字塔頂點, 是光的尖端, 你們所有人會來, 同一時間或其他時候, 光與和平戰士, 等等...所有那些與光校準, 與造物者能量校準的人, 重新在地球創造天堂. 當我們在光之大金字塔聚集, 會形成光的鐳射聚光點, 我們對地球與全人類送出無條件的愛. 我們的愛與光的能量合流散發給金字塔底端任何層級的人. 這項禮物給所有願意參加這項轉變的人, 經由打開他們的心接受這股愛與光的合流. 光永遠在找尋黑暗中個光. 不管光點多微弱, 仍然能被點燃, 終究能蹦出火燄 這能促使並加速療癒與平衡的過程, 不管他們是誰, 他們做了什麼, 都有潛力能快速站起走到光中. 沒有一個人被排除於外. 打開雙臂, 創造者把門打到大開, 所有人都能通過. 這是稀有的禮物, 在這個時刻被給予, 一項只在舊時代尾端新時代開端的交界被送出....

The Pyramidal energies are a vital Life Force, both within the etheric planes of expression and on the physical planes. Therein dwells the manifested consciousness of the Creator–Adamantine Particles of Divine Life/Light, White Fire Seed Atoms–which hold all the pure Life Force substance needed to transform the Earth and all life forms. You also have Pyramidal forms of Light consciousness within your body, which are activated as you balance the frequency patterns within, and begin to build your vessel of Light. As this process accelerates, you will also activate the Power Matrix Crystals throughout your bodies, the crystalline spheres of Galactic consciousness at the crown, the ascension chakra at the base of the skull, and your I AM Seed Crystal within the Third Eye. How do you access these blessed gifts? By moving into harmony within and without, into the STILL POINT of God-consciousness, whereby you function either in a mode of neutrality, or you radiate positive Life Force energy out into the world.

金字塔能量是很重要的生命之能, 在表達的乙太層與實體層都存在. 進到造物者彰顯的意識中, 神聖生命之光Adamantine粒子, 白色火燄種子原子, 帶有所有能轉化地球與生命型式的純生命力量物質. 你在你的體內也有光意識的金字塔, 當你平衡了振動頻率開始建立你個人的光的傳輸管道, 就會開始啟動. 當過程加速, 你也能啟動力量的水晶網格. 頂輪的銀河意識的水晶界面, 頭骨底部的揚升脈輪, 以及位於第三眼的"我是"種子水晶. 你要如何取得這些受祝福的禮物呢? 經由和諧, 進入到基督意識的靜止點, 那裏你不是處在一種零狀態, 就是散發正面生命力往外擴散到世界

You have often heard the saying, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” You all are among those who were called forth, or you would not be on Earth in a physical vessel at this momentous time. We will change that old phrase to: “For many are now being chosen.” Who is doing the choosing? You are. YOU CHOOSE YOURSELF. You must make the choice as to which world you will live in. You must make the choice as to where you will reside within the Pyramid of Life. No one can choose for you. These are decisions each of you must make for yourself; however, when you choose the way of Light, we will take your hand and ease the path all the way to the shining capstone. Our primary goal, during these accelerating times of transformation, is to assist you in integrating into your memory bank of higher consciousness the major required steps, universal laws and conditions of ascension into a Fifth-Dimensional environment.

你可能聽過這樣一句話: "很多人被召喚, 只有少數人雀屏中選". 你們都是被召喚的人, 不然你不會在此關鍵時刻以肉身投生到地球. 我們會把這句古老的話稍改一下: 很多那些現在正在選上. 誰負責在挑選呢? 你. 你選你自己. 你需要做出決定你要生活在哪個世界. 你需要做出決定你住要在生命的金字塔哪一塊區域? 沒人可幫你的忙. 這是你要為自己做的決定. 不過, 當你選光的道路, 我們會牽起你的手讓路徑變得容易一點, 一路到金字塔的光之頂點. 我們主要的目標, 在這些轉變加速期, 是要幫助你們整合你們的高端意識的資料庫, 宇宙法則與揚升狀況到第五次元

The ASCENSION goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining Soul Fragments of the individual Soul Self, within the Third/Fourth Dimensions, which will initiate an entry into the lowest sub-plane, Sacred Triad, of the Fifth Dimension. This is the major goal for this round of evolution. In order to accomplish this:

人類揚升的目標, 地球經驗的現在, 是要整合所有靈魂的不同面向, 整合第三第四次元, 到第五次元. 這是這一輪進化最主要的目標, 為了要完成以下:

Your personality/ego must become attuned with your Soul / Higher Self as you strive to realign your many levels of reality and become harmonious with your God-Self and I AM Presence.

你的人格自我必需與靈魂高我校準對齊, 當你試著重新對齊現實的很多面向, 變得與你的神性自我更調和時.

Going into your Pyramid of Light is the swiftest and surest way to tap into the Divine Source of Creation. Envision billions of tiny crystalline Pyramids of Light filled with Divine energy /consciousness of the highest vibrations, descending, surrounding and filling you as you bring forth new thought forms, ideas and inspiration. Tap into and use the dynamic force of the Universal Mind, and release yourself from the confines of the Earth and the limitations of the mass consciousness beliefs.

走進你光之金字塔, 是最快速最確定的路徑以便點進創造的神聖源頭. 想像當你帶進新的思想, 新的想法, 新的啟發, 你光之金字塔充滿數十億的小碎鑽閃閃發亮, 充滿神聖能量/神聖意識, 都是最高振動頻率, 圍繞著你充滿著你. 點進去利用這個宇宙心智的力量, 把自己從地球處處受限的集體意識中釋放出來.

Learn the basic laws of Universal Creation/manifestation. Learn to distinguish between the desires of Spirit and the ego-desire personality. Ego desires, wants and needs have emotional foundations, whereby you look outside yourself for something, someone or some event to fulfill an inner craving. The ego is never satisfied, and it continually looks for something or someone new to satisfy the cravings, which often become addictions. When you are in harmony with Spirit, all your physical desires/needs are waiting for you to claim them–expect and demand that it be so. However, you must be an active partner and take the physical action necessary to bring your dreams to fruition. You must activate and draw to you the positive vibrations needed to manifest your visions in physical form.


學習辨識靈魂想望與小我的欲望. 小我想要的帶有情緒, 讓你想往外看往外找東西找人或找任何戲劇事件去滿足小我的渴望. 小我怎樣都不會満足, 會持續找新鮮的人事物來滿足, 常常變成上癮. 當你與靈和諧相處, 所有物質身體的渴望會等待你去把它們釋放出來. 然而, 你必需是個活躍的夥伴, 採取必要的動作與步驟, 把你的內在欲望夢想轉變成真實的果實. 你必需啟動正面振動吸引彰顯你內在的夢想向外化為物質形式.

The Earth plane is a world stimulated by action and reaction. In a world of polarity and duality, the forces of opposition have been your best teachers. Negative experiences bring into your consciousness your own truth via valid experiences. It is time to put aside indecision. Feel, sense with your heart and inner-knowing what are correct or incorrect action or thoughts. As you learn and gain wisdom from an occurrence or an interaction with another person, no longer will you have to experience the cause/effect syndrome of your negative actions (otherwise known as Karma).

地球實相是行動與回應構成的. 在一個兩元對立的世界, 反作用力是你最好的老師. 負面的經驗將有關你是誰的真相帶進你的意識. 現在是時候了, 該把猶豫不決擺到一邊. 用"心與內在知曉"好好去體會與感覺什麼是對的/不對的行動與思想. 當你從所發生的事或與他人的互動中學習獲取智慧時, 你不需要再重覆經歷一次你的負面體驗. (換句話, 不需再經歷一次這樣的業力)

It is vital that you understand the true meaning of life and death. The guise you have assumed in this lifetime is just a minuscule facet of who you truly are, what you have been, and what you will be in the future. The passage or death of the physical vessel is only a transition into another state of Being. Be bold in your endeavors to change the old belief patterns regarding death. Release the Souls of your loved ones with love, and do not bind them to Earth planes with your grief. Yes, you will miss them, and you will experience a time of grieving, but know that they will always be with you in Spirit. By sending them your loving energy, you will assist those who have transcended to move quickly into the realms of Love/Light. Beloveds, they do not go to an amorphous place, but to a wondrous world more real than the one in which you reside, where they can live in joy, be of service, learn and experience all the things they have desired, but could not attain on the Earth plane. If you so desire, at some future time, you may communicate with them; however, you must clear the path for telepathic communication with those who reside in the unseen realms. Many are choosing to leave your planet during these times of great turmoil. Know that they are, or will be, in a place of great joy, where peace and harmony reign supreme, and they will assist you in many wondrous ways from their heightened state of Being.

瞭解生與死的真實意義很重要. 你這一生所經歷的只是你曾經是, 現在是, 將來是, 之真實面向很~小的一部份. 肉體死亡的通道只是轉移到另一個存有實相的過渡. 以愛釋放掉你所愛的人的靈魂, 不要以你的貪婪把他們把在地球次元. 是的, 你會想念他們, 你會經歷悲傷期, 但知道他們以靈魂面一直與你們同在. 送給他們愛的能量, 你能幫助他們很快超越移轉到愛與光的次元. 所愛之人, 他們會到達奇異之地, 比你現在所在之地更優. 在那裏, 他們喜悅, 經驗擁有他們在地球得不到之物. 如果你如此想望, 在不久將來, 你可以與他們溝通, 然後你必需致力清理心電感應的路徑.  很多人選擇在這段大混亂期離開地球, 知道他們會身處在充滿喜悅和平和諧的地方, 他們會以很多奇異方式協助你們.

You must learn patience and understand that time as you know it is rapidly changing. Build your visions in harmony with Spirit, and then know that all will manifest in the proper time. When you align with Spirit, all will manifest with perfect timing, and under the right conditions. You must have patience with those around you, and strive to see the best in all people and all things, thereby magnifying the positive energy and repelling any negativity that has been created. You will rise above the mundane world and return to balance and harmony within. Your radiance will expand exponentially, and you will consistently radiate Love/Light from your Solar Power Center. It becomes a natural state of Being, and you will begin to view the world and events from a higher vantage point–that of a master. You have experienced many cycles of poverty and wealth, in all areas of expression, which will eventually lead you to the conclusion that true wealth is in regaining the wisdom of your Soul / Higher Self, and in reunion with your God Seed Atom. The treasure chest which holds your Divine Birthright will open wide as you bring all into harmony once more.

你必需學習耐心, 並知道很多事正快速轉變. 建立你與靈的和諧視野, 知道所有一切將在適當時間彰顯圓滿. 當你與靈調頻校準, 所有事物會在最佳時機實現來臨, 並以最好的方式發生. 你必需保有耐心, 在萬事萬物所有人身上看到最美好的事物.  放大正面能量, 趨逐負面能量. 你將回到平衡與和諧中. 你的光芒會以指數擴展放大, 你能持續從你的太陽能量中心散發愛與光. 這變成正常的狀態. 你會開始從更高觀點, 以一位大師的角度, 看這世界與事件. 你在很多表達面, 經歷了貧窮與富有交錯的循環期, 這條路會讓與你的神之種子的原子結合, 並獲得靈魂與高我的智慧, 帶你走到真正的富有.

Your sensitivities are increasing, and your needs/desires are changing. You are becoming a person of peace, and you will greatly value your solitude. You will feel uncomfortable and no longer desire to be in social situations of lower vibrations. You must experience aloneness in order to discover who you truly are. You are unique and must learn to act from an intuitive level, not an emotional level. This must start within as you begin to withdraw your energy streams from others, and go through the process of cutting the cords or energy streams that others have attached to you via your solar plexus. Remember to bless them as they follow their own path, and you follow yours. You will be at peace in any situation when your beliefs are based on truth. You will know that you have moved into harmony with your Soul Self when you have no reactions of an emotional nature to the seemingly negative events in your life.

你們的敏銳度會提高, 你的需求在改變. 你正在成為一位內在詳和的人, 你會大為珍視你的獨處. 你會感到很不舒服, 並不很想常常處在低振動的社交場合. 你必需經歷獨處才能發現你真正是誰. 你很獨特, 必需學習從直覺的層級去採取行動, 而不是隨著情緒. 必需從你內在開始, 將留在他人那裏抽回你的能量流, 切斷他人有意無意搭在你太陽神經叢的能量索. 記住祝福他們當他們追隨他們自有的道路, 而你走你自己的道路. 你會任何情況保持平安的心, 當你的信仰根植於事實. 當你有能力對於一個看來負面事件的情緒本質不回應時, 你會知道你移進了與自有靈魂的和諧

You will transcend your astrological influences as you integrate the positive energies of all twelve astrological signs. During your nightly sojourns, you will visit the Seven Spheres of God-Consciousness, to assist you with the integration of the positive energies–all the virtues and attributes of the Seven Rays–thereby balancing and activating all the major and minor chakras within the physical body. The five Higher Rays of Galactic-consciousness are also being integrated within, and they are transmuting, activating and redefining your DNA, and are accelerating the process of building your vessel of Light.

你會超越你的天生星盤的影響, 當你整合進十二個星座的正面能量. 在你晚上睡覺時, 拜訪基督意識的七個面向幫助你整合正面能量 - 所有七道光的美德與特質, 平衡與啟動主要大小的脈輪. 另外五道銀河意識的光也正在整合進來, 他們能質變, 啟動與重新校準你的DNA, 並加速建立你光之管道的過程

Many of you have begun, or are ready to embark on, your true mission, whatever that may be. Please keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to become a conveyor of Love/Light. You must live your truth, as you learn to traverse the higher Path and fly your vision. You must claim and acknowledge every facet of your Being, as you strive for harmony and unified consciousness.

很多人已開始, 或正準備開始, 執行你的真正任務, 不管那任務是什麼. 請記得最終的目標是要成為愛與光的傳達者. 你必需生活在真理中, 當你開始踏入更高路徑飛越你的觀點. 當你努力保有和諧與合一意識, 你必需宣稱與認知你存有的每一個面向

Beloveds, we know there will be some pain, discomfort and fear, as you move through this accelerated process, as all the radical changes take place within your world. Know that, together, we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to Heart-centered, Soul-focused harmony. Know that each of you can and will make a difference. Dear ones, when you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your Pyramid of Light, and we will give you courage, lift you up, and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center, and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.

親愛的, 我們知道加速的過程有時不好受, 不舒服與一些些不安, 讓我們一起來克服. 我們的任務是要打開一條路給任何表達要重返心之故鄉的靈魂 . 知道你們每個人能夠也將有所不同. 親愛的, 當你懷疑, 需要力量需要啟示, 到你的光之金字塔, 我們會給你勇氣, 提升你, 啟發你. 當你感到不安被遺棄, 移進你的神聖之心, 我們在那裏等候將我們父神母神的燦爛光輝充滿你的心


I AM Archangel Michael.


註: 網路上大天使訊息有人翻譯, 我習慣看原有文章以自己的話翻出. 謹作參考.


 I have been receiving new information for quite a long time. Information which will be presented in the form of a booklet: THE MAGIC AND MAJESTY OF ASCENDING HUMANITY, and will be presented at our seminar (of the same name) on October 3 and 4, 2015 in Reno, Nevada.


Transmitted through Ronna http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.


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