One Cannot Make Fun of Faith
But “To kill in the name of God is an aberration”
教宗講話了~~~ 一個人不能跟信仰開玩笑,
For Pope Francis, there are limits to free speech.
對於現任教宗, 言論自由不是漫無邊際.
The Holy Father spoke to journalists in a broad interview on the papal flight to the Philippines about the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the controversy about the magazine’s new cover this week. Religious freedom and freedom of expression, he said, are fundamental human rights. But they are also not a total liberties. “There is a limit,” he said, speaking in Italian. “Every religion has its dignity. I cannot mock a religion that respects human life and the human person.”
教宗日前在前往菲律賓之際, 接受訪問對於查理喋血案與本周新出刊的版本, 他發表自己的看法. 宗教自由, 與言論自由是基本人權. 但不是漫無邊際的自由. "有界線" 他以義大利文說. "每個宗教都有它的尊嚴. 我不能打擊一個尊重人類生活與個體性的宗教."
The Pope also condemned the Paris violence. “One cannot offend, make war, kill in the name of one’s own religion, that is, in the name of God,” Francis said. “To kill in the name of God is an aberration.”
教宗也譴責巴黎喋血案的暴力. "一個人不能以自己信仰的名義, 亦即以上帝之名, 去攻擊, 製造戰爭, 殺人". "以上帝之名殺人是不對的"
Masses Mourn Paris Terror Victims in France and Israel Patrick Kovarik—AFP/Getty Images
He broke it down in everyday terms, something that is coming to be known as classic Francis teaching style. “If [a close friend] says a swear word against my mother, he’s going to get a punch in the nose,” he explained. “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.”
他在每天的談話會打斷, 是他經典慣常的教誨方式. "如果(有親近的友人)開了我母親的什麼玩笑, 他的鼻子會被賞一拳". 他解釋. "一個人不能挑釁, 不能侮辱他人的信仰, 不能開他人信仰的玩笑."
His words come as he leaves Sri Lanka, on a trip that focused on inter-religious harmony and inclusion. The Pope made an impromptu visit to a Buddhist temple, home of the Buddhist monk Banagala Upatissa, and he paused to listen and meditate as the monk offered a prayer. That move, along with his comments on the plane, again show his interest in interfaith engagement.
他的話語是在離開斯里蘭卡說的, 這趟旅程的主題在於宗教間的和諧與包容. 教宗一時興起拜訪佛寺, 他停頓聆聽並冥想, 當僧侶祈禱時. 這些舉動連同他的言論, 再次顯示他對於運作宗教與宗教間的和諧是想最做點事的.
Twelve people were killed last week at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris. The satirical magazine was known for its controversial cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed.
TIME’s new cover, “After Paris: Lessons from the Attacks” is out today.
Read next: Charlie Hebdo is Giving Us a Lesson in Humanity