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如果你受苦於胃食道逆流、或裂孔疝氣、或只是胃灼熱消化不良,你只要試一試這些想法。我先說,這些方法可能都改變不了或治好裂孔(或任何其他)疝氣。 你還是需要看醫生。但在等約診過程,可以讓你稍紓解一點。






3.吃易消化的食物。包括水果; 米飯; 蒸的蔬菜; 發芽的種子和穀物; 烤魚; 煮爛的豆子; 陳年奶酪,優格; 特別是果菜汁。盡量避免油炸食物。不要吃肉。(如果你無法100%控制,至少避免冷盤,火腿,燻牛肉,義大利辣香腸)


4.多種消化酵素錠可能有用,特別是如果你無法遵守步驟3。『甜菜鹼鹽酸片』也可以起作用。Jonathan Wright博士的書『為什麼胃酸對你有好處』說,50歲以上的人需要更多的胃酸,而不是更少。如果你缺乏胃酸,會導致胃灼熱(心灼熱),消化不良,胃酸逆流,脹氣。胃酸不足代表胃蛋白酶無法正常消化蛋白質的食物。






8.順勢療法(和Schuessler細胞鹽)Natrum Phos6X,可能有幫助。


9. 減壓。沒錯!說的容易,不是嗎。靜心,放鬆,音樂,閱讀,或只是靜靜一人真得有差。


10. 吃杏仁。一位讀者寫道:“我想告訴你我家每個人都曾胃灼熱:吃杏仁。不管是烤的還是生的;有效!下次有胃灼熱時,徹底嚼5-6顆杏仁。我的妹妹多年都吃抗酸劑,包括Prilosec,自從她發現杏仁後,已經一年多沒碰。我自己也試了一下,對於杏仁的效果感到很驚奇。就像市場任何產品一樣,平價又有用。我想我的祖母是對的,她總是告訴我我們需要的幫助,大自然都能提供。


11.如果你的症狀很棘手,去看醫生。你在等待門診前,你可以嘗試連續三到七天只喝果汁 http://www.doctoryourself.com/juicefast.html









錢尼G. 預防組織胺引起的消化性潰瘍。史丹佛醫學公報6334,1948

錢尼G. 消化性潰瘍的病人喝新鮮甘藍菜汁快速癒合。加州醫學,194970:10

錢尼G. 維生素U治療消化性潰瘍。加州醫學,77卷,第4期,195210月。



「當我吃得非常慢而且非常細嚼慢嚥,胃灼熱的情況會減緩很多。(除了吃得健康以外的另一道。)這是我最不想做的一件事,所以也許是我做了所有其他的事,以及這最後一個動作,讓我好起來。」M. L.


「我發現消化酵素很有用,特別當我遵循你其他的建議時。」 B. T.





Copyright 2007 and prior years by Andrew Saul. Revisions copyright 2018.


安德魯索耶是FIRE YOUR DOCTOR書的作者! 如何自己謀取健康(讀者評價http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html)以及自己當醫生:有效的自然療法。 (在http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html上查看)他的書在台灣有出版



Acid Reflux; Hiatal Hernia


The solution to a problem is not always found at the level of the problem. Chasing symptoms with antacids and other medication can be a dead-end street, unless you are dedicated to personally enriching the stockholders of pharmaceutical companies.


If you suffer from reflux or a hiatal hernia, or just simple “heartburn” indigestion, you might want to give these ideas a try. Let me say at the outset that none of these methods are likely to move, close or heal a hiatal (or any other) hernia. For that, you need to see your doctor. But while you are waiting for the appointment, it makes perfect sense to get some relief.


1. CHEW YOUR FOOD THOROUGHLY! This simple measure is the one most often untried. It costs nothing and has no harmful side effects. It does require some discipline to chew your food as my mother wished us to: 30 times each mouthful. Of course we never did that . . . but the essential wisdom endures. Try for twenty.


2. Make your midday meal your largest meal, and do not eat after 5 PM. It is amazing how many indigestion symptoms go away when you do so.


3. Eat easy to digest food. This includes fruits; rice; steamed vegetables; sprouted seeds and grains; broiled fish; well-cooked beans; aged cheeses, yogurt, and cottage cheese; and especially vegetable juices. Make a point to avoid fried food. Stop eating meat. (And if you can't manage that 100%, at least avoid the worst of them: cold cuts, ham, pastrami, pepperoni, and deli meats.)


4. Multiple digestive enzyme tablets may help, particularly if you did not follow the advice in step 3, above. Betaine hydrochloric acid tablets may also work. Dr. Jonathan Wright's book "Why Stomach Acid is Good for You" says that many people 50 and older need more stomach acid, not less. If your stomach acid is lacking, it can lead to heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, bloating and gas. Insufficient stomach acid means that pepsin cannot properly digest our protein foods.


5. Eat more dried figs, fresh pineapple, fresh kiwi fruit, and dried or fresh papaya. These foods are loaded with digestive enzymes. Good quality yogurt contains beneficial digestive bacteria. http://www.doctoryourself.com/digestion.html


6. Raise your head at night. Sleep on a thicker pillow, or stack up two thin ones. Some people prefer a foam rubber, wedge-shaped bolster pillow.

7. Chiropractic adjustments can help. Try three visits and see.

8. The homeopathic remedy (and Schuessler Cell Salt) Natrum Phos, 6X, may help.


9. Reduce stress. Yeah, right! Easier said than done, isn't it. Meditation, relaxation, music, reading, or just some plain old time alone can really make a difference.


10. Eat almonds. One reader writes: "I wanted to tell you what everyone in my family uses for heartburn: almonds. It doesn't matter if they are roasted or raw; they work! Next time you have heartburn, thoroughly chew 5-6 almonds. My sister used antacids for years, including Prilosec, and now has not used them for over a year since she discovered the almonds. I tried it myself, and was amazed at how well they worked. Just as well as anything on the market, cost effective, and very good for you also. I guess my grandmother was right all these years when she always told me nature provides for all our ailments."


11. If your symptoms are really troublesome, see your doctor. While you are waiting for the appointment, you might try going on a juice-only diet for a three to seven days. http://www.doctoryourself.com/juicefast.html I have met some people who have had acid reflux for so long that there was damage to and scarring of the esophagus. I acquainted them with the four-glasses-of-cabbage-juice-a-day hospital-tested protocol of Garnett Cheney, M.D. While originally used primarily on stomach and lower gastrointestinal conditions, cabbage juice proved has proven effective above the tummy as well. http://www.doctoryourself.com/colitis.html


Dr. Cheney found that the entire gastrointestinal tract, from throat to colon, benefits from fresh raw cabbage juice, taken regularly and in quantity. His articles are far from new, but what has changed about cabbage?


Cheney G. Antipeptic ulcer dietary factor. American Dietetics Association 26:9 September, 1950.


Cheney G. The nature of the antipeptic ulcer dietary factor. Stanford Medical Bulletin, 8:144, 1950.


Cheney G. Prevention of histamine-induced peptic ulcers by diet. Stanford Medical Bulletin, 6:334, 1948.


Cheney G. Rapid healing of peptic ulcers in patients receiving fresh cabbage juice. California Medicine, 70:10, 1949.


Cheney G. Vitamin U therapy of peptic ulcer. California Medicine, vol. 77, Number 4, October, 1952.



"When I eat very slowly and chew everything VERY thoroughly on a regular basis, I have much less heartburn. (This is in addition to eating a healthy diet.) This was about the last thing I tried, so maybe it was a combination of doing all the other things and this last thing just put me over the top." M. L.


"I've found that the digestive enzymes help me most, especially when I follow your other suggestions." B. T.


“For me, stress and anxiety has contributed to the problem. I tried taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a half glass of water, and it works! Aloe Vera juice also helps.” T.N.


I used to have tremendous hiatal episodes. I'd get progressively more intense throbbing pains that after about an hour and then would slowly diminish for another hour. About 20 months ago, I cut out soda, beer, and high fructose corn syrups and all trans-fats from my diet. After about two months, the symptoms, along with reflux, disappeared completely.” B.P.



Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html ) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html )

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