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一股不尋常的背景音 地球響起鈴聲?

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一股不尋常的背景音 #你有感覺到嗎






有人有感受到上述所言嗎 11/11怎樣倒是沒印象了只是覺得好像超過一個禮拜以前偶爾會感覺到但不像這次那麼久





























「我不認為我之前看到這類的東西,」哥倫比亞大學地震學家Göran Ekström接受國家地理雜誌採訪時說。「不代表,最終,它們的成因是奇特的。」


















所有紀錄到的都是深沉共振的表面波。而且不像地震的表面波那樣『隆隆』。 而是保持在一個更澄淨幾乎像音樂的頻率。

















地震事件發生在大約9:30 UT,在法國一個小島,靠近非洲東南沿海的馬達加斯加附近。




哥倫比亞大學地震學家Göran Ekström,在接受國家地理雜誌採訪時說:「我不認為我之前看到這類的東西。」「不代表,最終,它們的成因是奇特的。」








南安普頓大學的地震學家Stephen Hick解釋說:“這是一種乒乒聲,不是隆隆聲。」













Strange seismic waves were picked up circling the globe on November 11, and seismologists are now trying to figure out why


Seismic sensors first picked up the event originating near an island between Madigascar and Africa. Then, alarm bells started ringing as far away as Chile, New Zealand and Canada.

Hawaii, almost exactly on the other side of the planet, also picked up the ‘event’.

Nobody knows what it was.

Meteorite? Submarine volcano? Nuclear test?

I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it,”National Geographic reports Colombia University seismologist Göran Ekström as saying. “It doesn’t mean that, in the end, the cause of them is that exotic.”

At the centre of the mystery is the tiny island of Mayotte, positioned about half way between Africa and Madigascar. It’s been subjected to a swarm of earthquakes since May. Most have been minor, but the biggest — on May 8 — was the largest in the islands recorded history, topping magnitude 5.8.

But, the earthquake swarm had been in decline before the mysterious ringing was detected earlier this month.

Ekström, who specialises in unusual earthquakes, points out much about the November 11 event was weird. It was as though the planet rang like a bell, maintaining a low-frequency monotone as it spread.

Earthquakes, by their very nature, usually register as short-sharp ‘cracks’. As tensions in the Earth’s crust suddenly release, pulses of clearly identifiable seismic waves radiate outwards from where the slippage occurs.

The first signal is called a Primary wave: high-frequency compression waves that radiate in bunches.

Then comes a Secondary wave: these high-frequency waves tends to ‘wiggle’ somewhat more.

Only then comes the surface waves: these slow, deep rumbles tend to linger, and can circle the Earth several times.

The November 11 event is notable in that no Primary or Secondary waves were detected.

All that registered was the deep, resonate surface wave. And it didn’t ‘rumble’ as an earthquake’s surface wave tends to. Instead, it maintained a much cleaner — almost musical — frequency.

National Geographic reports the French Geological Survey suspects a new volcano may be developing off the coast of Mayotte. While the island was created by volcanic activity, it’s been dormant for more than 4000 years.


The French believe the weird ringing may have been generated by a movement of magma some 50km off the coast and under deep water. This is supported by GPS sensors detecting Mayotte has moved some 5cm to the southeast in less than five months.

But it’s a poorly mapped region. Exactly what’s beneath the ocean’s can only be guessed at.

Ekström believes the unusually pure signal could have been caused by magma sloshing about inside a chamber, or being forced through a gap in the subsurface rocks.

But he’s not certain.




On November 11, the entire planet shook for roughly 20 minutes and yet not a single human being felt it. Though we know ‘it’ happened, we still have no idea what ‘it’ was.

The seismic event began at approximately 9:30 UT, roughly 15 miles off Mayotte, a French island located near Madagascar off Africa’s southeast coast.

The seismic waves from this event travelled as far as Chile, New Zealand and Canada, and eventually reached the US state of Hawaii some 11,000 miles away. Earthquake enthusiast @matarikipax posted images of the anomalous activity to Twitter.

I dont think Ive seen anything like it,” Columbia University seismologist Göran Ekström told National Geographic, before cautioning: “It doesnt mean that, in the end, the cause of them is that exotic.”

Normal earthquakes are short-lived affairs that produce a sudden jolt that typically subsides in seconds, followed by aftershocks which can last far longer. Throughout these standard seismic shifts, three types of waves are produced.


An earthquake will usually first trigger fast-travelling signals known as Primary or P-waves followed by relatively high frequency secondary or S-waves.

Thirdly, long-period surface waves travel around the globe multiple times following a big enough earthquake. While this type of wave most closely resembles the Mayotte mystery signal, there was no earthquake recorded that could have triggered such a bizarre low frequency in the way observed.

A sort of ping rather than a rumbling,” explains Stephen Hicks, a seismologist at the University of Southampton.


However, the Mayotte event triggered a surprisingly monotonous and low-frequency signal which further mystifies scientists; the wave was monochromatic and took roughly 17 seconds to repeat – completely different to the noisy waves emitted by standard earthquakes.

Most theories point to a seismic swarm that has rocked Mayotte since last May, with hundreds of quakes registered from an area roughly 31 miles offshore, east of the source of the odd ringing. However, no quakes have been recorded recently and the frequency of seismic activity has subsided in recent months, further confounding scientists investigating this mysterious phenomenon.

The current working theory is that there is a magma body, roughly a cubic mile in size, that is shunting its way through the subsurface of Mayotte and may have caused a subaquatic magma chamber collapse. Additional ideas suggest that what is known as a slow earthquake, which is quieter than its traditional namesake and can last minutes, hours or even days, is what is behind the enigmatic signal.



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