我們正要進入所謂的5G,但有人告訴我們,5G對人體的健康干擾會有哪些? 科學的驗證報告在哪裡?希望我們的政府要先交代清楚才能蓋基地台,一一澄清認真嚴肅檢討,再推出。我是真得有感,覺得不是開玩笑的。
作者:Catherine J. Frompovich
大約3%-5%的人會受到中度的影響,另有20-25%的人會受到輕微的影響。 不到1%的人口則會有嚴重的影響,但這樣的人口正在快速增加,隨著居家與社區電磁頻率汙染指數倍增。即使你還沒有感受到電磁頻率的污染影響,你的生理仍在遭受這種無形污染的破壞。所以,所有人在某個程度都是電磁敏感的。這樣的人某個程度是幸運的,因為他們的身體告訴他們要遠離人為環境汙染的強力來源。
◾認知下降(記憶力和注意力集中困難 - “腦霧”,感覺大腦短時間內老了30歲)
上述這樣的加熱過程,會隨著5G推出更形明顯,因為那個頻率是無限度在與人體的汗腺互動。如果你不喜歡流汗,你會不喜歡到時每隔300 到500英尺就有個5G行動電話塔台。
處理電磁頻率/ 輻射頻率最有效的方法之一,是關閉住家電源總開關。睡覺前最應關掉的是房間的電源,減少睡覺時來自電器與牆內散出的電磁,特別是如果床頭板的緊鄰牆壁有插座。這是大多數建築生物學家建議的,特別是那些沒有經濟能力重新配線或安裝其他安全措施的家庭。
Is Shielding From Electromagnetic Frequencies And 5G Necessary?
By Catherine J. Frompovich
Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) What are they?, you may be asking. EMFs are the very frequencies that make modern life possible such as electric house wiring, any electrical mechanism, appliance or microwave-run device. All electrical functions produce EMF fields or non-ionizing radiation as two frequencies: Electric and Magnetic. Each frequency produces negative impacts on the human body and ecosystem thereby contributing to, and/or creating, adverse health effects. Many people suffer with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and probably don’t realize it.
Approximately 3% – 5% of people are moderately affected, with another 20-25% of people being slightly affected. Less than 1% of the population is severely affected, but the numbers are rapidly increasing with the exponential rise in EMF pollution in our homes and communities. Even if you do not feel the effects of EMF pollution, your biology is still being damaged by this invisible pollution. Thus, all humans are electro-sensitive to a degree. People with EHS are in some ways lucky because their bodies are telling them to get away from a potent source of man-made environmental pollution. [CJF emphasis]
Common symptoms that indicate electrohypersensitivity include :
◾Headaches to the point of intolerability
◾Severe tiredness and fatigue during the day
◾Fitful sleep at night
◾High susceptibility to infection
Primary EHS Symptoms:
◾Headaches (particularly tension headaches along the sides of the head and temple area
◾Heart palpitations and a pressure in the chest (a feeling that the heart wants to jump out of the chest while at the same time the chest is being stepped upon)
◾Skin burning, redness, rashes and tingling (particularly on the face and arms)
◾Difficulties sleeping (sleep is interrupted, light, dreamless and leaves the person feeling tired in the morning)
◾Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
◾Fatigue and tiredness during the day (even after many hours of sleep, tiredness pervades the day)
◾Cognitive decline (memory and concentration difficulties – a “brain fog” and feeling that one’s brain has aged 30 years in a short period of time)
◾(Dementia will likely skyrocket in a wireless society)
Due to the proliferation of cell phones and towers, smart phones, “smart appliances,” AMI Smart Meters that measure utility usages for electricity, natural gas and water, which emit Radiofrequencies (RFs), the increase in EMFs/RFs has increased exponentially to the point where some scientists feel humans are subjected to over one thousand times greater EMFs than Nature’s background radiation. Back in 2014, Professor Olle Johansson and colleagues contended
Today’s maximum exposure standards are set 1,000,000,000,000,000 (1015) to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1018) times higher than Nature’s background radiation on Earth’s surface to which life on earth has adapted. [1]
[It’s now 2018 with dramatically more appliances RF exposures, i.e., smart TV, smart household appliances: washers and dryers, remote home monitoring, thermostats, refrigerators, air conditioners, blood pressure dock, Lockiton door locks, baby monitors, LED light bulbs, etc.!
By the way, routers often are the “triggers” for individuals coming down with EHS.
That exposure creates a huge problem for the human body, which is 60 to 70% water. Think of how a microwave oven cooks food. It heats up the water molecules.
[“Microwaves do most of their work on the water in food, Anantheswaran says. “Water molecules constitute what are known as ‘dipoles,” he explains. “A dipole is sort of like a bar magnet, with a positive pole and a negative pole. The oven’s electromagnetic field oscillates as it passes through the water molecules in the food, changing the polarity of the field and causing the dipole/water molecules to flip themselves in order to be aligned with the new polarity.” Heat is created by the resulting friction of the water molecules reversing direction millions of times a second.” (2) ]
[The above heat aspect will become more evident when 5G is rolled out, as that frequency has infinity for interacting with sweat glands in the body! If you don’t like to sweat, you may not like how your body will function once there are 5G cell towers every 300 to 500 feet wherever you go.]
[“This work shows that the same parts of the human skin that allow us to sweat also respond to 5G radiation much like an antenna that can receive signals. We need the potential adverse health impacts of 5G to be seriously evaluated before we blanket our children, ourselves and the environment with this radiation.” (3) ]
The most probable negative impact upon human health occurs during sleep when EMFs/RFs suppress melatonin production in the brain. Melatonin is a natural cancer “suppressor and fighter.”
There is much more that can be said, which would cover a book’s worth of reporting, but the above gives you the basics to get started in understanding the problems involved with electromagnetic energies and, hopefully, prompt you to do more research and learn how to protect yourself.
Probably the most difficult factors for consumers to understand about EHS and EMFs/RFs exposure are:
1.EMFs/RFs and the soon-to-be-emitted 5G millimeter waves are STRESSES, the same as any other type of stress you have to deal with but these you cannot resolve because you don’t have control over them and how they are emitted to be constant stresses for everyone.
2.Human skin is affected and before the invention of electricity, there were no voltages [a man-made electric force] on the skin.
Basics in protection
There are numerous websites, devices, and consultants who offer services and products, but if you don’t know what you should know for proper protection, you can cause more damage from increasing EMFs/RFs by doing the wrong thing thinking you are correcting the problem.
One of the most effective ways of dealing with EMFs/RFs is to turn off the power at the inside house main electrical service panel, often referred to as the “breaker box.” What would be turned off prior to bedtime should be electric power to bedrooms to reduce electromagnetics from appliances and in-wall house wiring during sleep time, especially if the headboard of the bed is against a wall with an electrical socket. That’s what most building biologists suggest, especially for families who cannot afford the expense of retrofitting wiring or installing other safety measures.
The other cautionary measure is to not to allow a TV, computer, printer, or other electronics in the bedroom, including a cell phone.