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蓖麻油 可促進毛髮生長(轉自Natural News臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency.  However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several common skin and hair complaints, then castor oil is definitely worth your time.

蓖麻油對皮膚對毛髮的好處常被忽略, 可能因為它的黏酬感. 不過, 如果你正因為皮膚毛髮的尋常煩惱, 在找尋平價天然的配方, 那麼蓖麻油絕對是可考慮的

Castor oil contains fatty acid triglycerides (more than 90 percent of them belong to ricinoleic acid). This compound makes castor oil one of the best healing products that are among natural oils. It has been scientifically proven that ricinoleic acid has the ability to prevent and eliminate many viruses, bacteria, molds, and yeasts.

蓖麻油含三酸甘油脂(超過九成屬於蓖麻酸). 這個化合物使得蓖麻油在很多天然油中成為最好的解決秘方. 這是有科學驗證的,  蓖麻酸可預防, 掃除很多病毒, 細菌, 黴菌, 與酵母.

It has been used since ancient times in people who have had problems with constipation first orally. But, since it is modern times, castor oil is mostly applied on troublesome areas on the body and it is taken orally only in rare cases. Castor oil is not expensive and it is highly effective.

蓖麻油 從古代就開始用, 有便秘的人, 服用蓖麻油. 不過, 現代的人, 不吃, 幾乎是擦用的, 抹在有問題的部份. 不貴, 又很好用.

This oil comes from the plant Ricinus Communis and t originated in India. Scientists recognized this plant as one of the most beneficial plants when it comes to human health, but it is also one of the most dangerous plants in the world because of its strong toxic properties. Because of the extraction process, castor oil is not dangerous.

產蓖麻油的植物, 姑且稱蓖麻木, 源自印度. 科學家認為這種植物是對人體健康最具效益的植物之一, 但也是世界上最危險的植物之一, 因為它有劇毒. 不過, 在萃取的過程, 已徹底去除, 所以沒有危險

The Many Castor Oil Benefits and Uses

Castor oil has a long list of useful properties.蓖麻油的多個好處如下:

  • Helps the intestinal system with dysentery and inflammatory bowels.幫助腸道系統,痢疾腸發炎
  • Menstrual Disorders. Castor oil is known to relax the muscles involved in menstrual cramps. 經期症候群. 蓖麻油以能舒緩經期肌肉收縮著名
  • Athlete’s Foot 腳氣病
  • Ringworm
  • Regrows and thickens hair. Castor oil is loaded with omega 9 fatty acids, which nourish the follicles and hair. Castor oil is able to penetrate into the pores and follicles that produce hair. Just massage a couple of  drops of castor oil into your hair. 幫助毛髮生長與強靭. 它含有脂肪酸Omega9, 滋養強化髮根. 蓖麻油能滲透到頭皮, 毛囊, 有助頭髮新生. 使用方法: 滴幾滴, 按摩一下
  • Skin Problems 皮膚問題
  • Improves Lymphatic Flow. According to Dr David Williams, “No drug exists that has the ability to improve lymphatic flow; however, the job can easily be handled through the topical application of Castor oil.” 改善淋巴循環. 根據David William博士所說: "沒有任何醫藥有能力改善淋巴循環; 但是, 蓖麻油只要擦在該部份卻可輕易達到效果
  • Anti – Castor oil consists of ricinoleic acid, which has anti – inflammatory properties. It is used for reducing swelling and inflammation of tissues and joints. 具抗發炎特色. 用來消腫, 舒緩組織與關節發炎
  • Yeast Infections. Ricinoleic acid found in castor oil is able inhibit the growth of bacteria, virus and yeast’. 酵母感染. 蓖麻油所含的蓖麻酸能抑制細菌病毒與酵母的生長
  • Dandruff and Hair.  Due to germicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties, castor oil is an effective treatment for dandruff and helps protect the scalp  from microbial and fungal infections. 舒緩頭皮屑現象. 因為具殺菌功效, 所以是頭皮屑很好的對治方法.
  • Due to its anti – inflammatory properties, castor oil promotes regular bowel movement.因為抗發炎特色, 蓖麻油能促進經常性的腸道蠕動.
  • Gastrointestinal Problems 舒緩腸胃問題
  • Due to the ricinoleic acid in castor oil, many skin problems can be treated with it.很多皮膚問題都可對治
  • Migraines 偏頭痛
  • Sunburn日曬後的護理


livingtraditionally, buynongmoseeds, science.naturalnews

台長: 喜貓

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