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膽固醇不是元兇, 該檢討的是身體的發炎現象(轉自Naturals News, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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Cholesterol is a natural by product of the liver and is a vital component of good health. Every cell in our body has cholesterol in its outer layer. Even many physicians, who should know better, still argue that cholesterol is evil and that sticking to a low-fat diet is good for health. But the fact of the matter is that avoiding fats is toxic to your health, and consuming the many food additives that commonly replace them – these include synthetic trans fats, refined sugars, and processed grains – are a primary cause of disease-causing inflammation.

膽固醇是肝臟代謝活動的自然產物, 對於健康很重要. 每個身體細胞的外層都有膽固醇. 即使很多醫生, 他們應該更知道, 還在爭論膽固醇是惡魔, 仍堅持低脂飲食對健康才是好的. 但事實上, 飲食中完全避掉脂肪對健康才有害. 還吃了一堆食品添加去替代 - 包括合成脂肪, 精煉糖, 以及精製米 - 這才是疾病的主要原因, 造成發炎現象

It all makes sense if you just stop and consider the native role cholesterol plays in protecting arteries against lesions and other damage. Rather than being the cause of plaque buildup in the circulatory system, cholesterol is actually the healing agent the body sends to sites that have been damaged by inflammation. In other words, if you have too much cholesterol buildup in your arteries, your real problem is too much inflammation rather than too much cholesterol, and a whole different mitigatory approach is required to address the problem.

如果你稍停一會, 想一下膽固醇原來的角色, 是在保護動脈避免病變與來自其他的傷害. 就會覺得有道理. 血液循環系統會有堆積物, 不是膽固醇造成的, 它反而是身體送到堵塞處擔任治療的媒介物, 這個堵塞處是發炎所致. 換言之, 如果你有太多膽固醇堆積在動脈, 真正的問題會是身體有太多的發炎現象, 你要擔心這發炎現象, 而不是太多的膽固醇. 這是完全不同的思考方式來陳述這個問題.

“It’s the inflammation in the vessels that starts the lesion,” says Dr. Beverly Teter, a lipid biochemist from the University of Maryland who has been researching fats and their affect on the human body for many years, as quoted by CBN.com. “The body then sends the cholesterol like a scab to cover over it to protect the blood system and the vessel wall from further damage.”

"通道發生發炎現象, 才會開始一個病變." Beverly Teter博士說,  一位脂質生物學家在馬里蘭大學這樣說, 他已研究脂肪與它們作用在人體的機制好幾年了. "身體送出膽固醇, 像是結痂狀況, 包圍著血管, 保護血液系統與通道防止破壞損傷

8 Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally


Lemongrass Essential Oil 檸檬草精油

Lemongrass  essential oil has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol.  Lemongrass is one of the most effective anti-microbial essential oils available. It possesses a variety of important substances that support the immune system. It is a analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent as well.  It can be taken internally or topically.

檸檬草精油臨床上證實能降低膽固醇. 而且檸檬草精油是抗微生物最有效的配方之一. 它含有各種不同的物質支援免疫系統. 它有止痛效果與抗發炎效果. 可服用, 也可用擦的

Cinnamon Essential Oil 肉桂精油

The primary components of cinnamon are cinnamaldehyde, gum, tannin, mannitol, coumarins and the essential oils known as aldehydes, eugenol and pinene. Recent studies have found that consuming 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon each day may reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels by as much as 20%.  (where to find)

肉桂最主要的成份是: 肉桂醛,樹膠, 鞣質, 甘露糖醇, 香豆素, 它的精油以醛,丁香酚著稱. 最近的研究顯示每天食用1/2茶匙的肉桂粉可降低血糖, 膽固醇與三酸甘油脂, 至少20%

Blueberries 藍莓

Blueberries are known to help keep your arteries clear by reducing blood levels of artery-clogging LDL’s.  Blueberries have a very high antioxidant levels, which is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. They also contain pterostilbene, which lowers cholesterol.

藍莓號稱能借由降低血中阻塞來淨化動脈. 藍莓有很高的抗氧化能力, 對於心血管有很大的助益. 所含的pterostilbene, 可降低膽固醇

Clove Essential OIl丁香精油

Clove is also known for its anti-infectious, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.  Clove also has the largest antioxidant value of any single essential oil known to man. The active essential oil in clove, eugenol, has been found to act as a an effective platelet inhibitor, preventing blood clots.

以其抗感染, 鎮痛與抗發炎功效著稱. 丁香是現存人類所有精油當中抗氧化力最高的精油. 精油中的活性成份eugenol, 是血小板抑制劑, 避免血塊發生


Magnesium activates over 300 different biochemical reactions necessary for your body to function properly. When the body is magnesium deficient, cholesterol continues to be produced in excess, which may cause cholesterol build-up. In The Magnesium Miracle, Dr. Carolyn Dean tells you how magnesium acts as a natural statin, limiting cholesterol production and preventing cholesterol build-up.   Besides getting magnesium through your diet,  applying magnesium oil topically can also be helpful.

鎂會啟動體內約三百多個生化反應, 讓你的身體更健康運作. 當身體缺乏鎂的時候, 膽固醇會持續囤積, 在鎂奇蹟一書中, Carolyn Dean博士告訴你鎂如何作用得像<他汀類藥物>, 限制膽固醇的製造活動, 避免它堆積. 除此以外, 在每日飲食中加入鎂, 或外擦鎂精油也是很有幫助的

Vitamin C 維他命C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation. Vitamin C aids in clearing the blood vessels. It triggers a enzyme that breaks down cholesterol and triglycerides into free fatty acids. This process helps prevent fatty deposits from clinging to the walls of the arteries, which are best known for reducing ir eliminating blood flow to the heart and brain.

維他命C是強力抗氧化劑, 有助降低發炎現象. 並清理血管. 啟動一種輔酶, 打斷膽固醇與三酸甘油脂. 這個過程有助阻止脂防堆積堵塞在血管壁, 讓血液能更輕鬆打到心臟與腦部

Coconut Oil 椰子油

The latest study from Malaysia showed how coconut oil can potentially reduce pain and inflammation. Coconut oil (where to find) contains lauric acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown that lauric acid increases the good (HDL) cholesterol levels in the blood, helping to improve LDL/HDL ratio levels.

Coconut oil lowers cholesterol by promoting its conversion to pregnenolone, a molecule that is a precursor to many of the hormones our bodies.

來自馬來西亞近期的研究說, 椰子油能降低疼痛與發炎現象. 椰子油含月桂酸, 有抗發炎作用. 月桂酸能提升血中"好的"膽固醇(高密度膽固醇)含量, 有助改善低密度膽固醇/高密度膽固醇的比例.

Cod Liver Oil鱈魚肝油

Cod liver oil is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that reduces inflammation and clotting. It is important that you are using a high quality oil that was created with the right type of production method.

鱈魚肝油含Omega-3脂肪酸, 降低發炎現象與結塊現象. 很重要的是你要食用高品質的魚肝油, 以正確方法製造而成的魚肝油才有幫助

台長: 喜貓

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