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改變你一生的十七道驚人化粧術!!~ (取自美麗佳人美國版)

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1. Turn a pencil eyeliner into a gel formula with the help of a match or lighter.
Hold your black, green, burgundy, etc., kohl eye pencil (which typically creates a thin, harder-to-apply line), under the flame for one second, let it cool for 15 seconds, and then watch the consistency change right before your eyes. Finally, glide on your newly made gel liner for an instantly smudgier formula.

為了達到中楷均勻的眼線效果, 先將眼線筆以打火機薰1秒鐘, 冷卻15秒鐘, 就可均勻描繪眼線

2. Cover your eyelid with white liner to make any eyeshadow shade pop.

To make a sheer or less pigmented eyeshadow appear more colorful on your eyelid, take a white eyeliner pencil, like Make Up For Ever Kohl Eye Pencil in White, and run it over your entire eyelid. The opaque consistency of the liner will intensify any eyeshadow shade and make it pop instantly against your skin. (Tip via makeup artist Lauren Cosenza founder of Divalicious Blog.) 先以

為了眼影效果看來自然, 先以白色眼影打底. 之後會讓任何眼影的上色, 看來糖果粉彩, 更突顯你的膚色

3. Draw your cat-eye first, and then fill in the open space for a perfect winged liner application every single time.


It's much easier this way. Use this tutorial as your guide.

4. Use a spoon to create the perfect winged liner.

Holding the stem of a spoon against the outer corner of your eye, draw the straight line as the first step for your cat-eye. Then, flip the spoon so it's hugging your eyelid, and use the rounded outer edge to create a perfectly curved winged effect.  

準備湯匙, 以湯匙柄輕壓眼尾精準描出眼尾, 以湯匙口輕按眼皮, 連結眼線

5. Draw a slanted hashtag at the outer corner of your eye, and then blend it for an instantly smokey effect.

在眼尾區塊畫出井字, 混出煙薰色效果

6. Use that same spoon to avoid mascara marks on your upper eye lid.

Hold the spoon so it's hugging your eyelid, and then apply your mascara like you normally would. As you sweep the mascara wand against your lashes and back of the spoon, watch as the residue coats the back of the utensil rather than your skin.

以剛剛的湯匙傾按上眼皮, 以便能清爽上睫毛膏, 不會跟剛剛的眼線眼影糊在一起. 

7. Add saline solution to a flaky mascara formula to re-wet it. 

You're only supposed to keep mascara for three months, because beyond that point, it can collect bacteria and lead to eye infections. However, if your mascara dries up within those three months, revive it with a couple drops of saline solution.

睫毛膏一般開封用三個月, 否則容易茲生細菌, 並容易結塊. 但如果還沒三個月就結塊, 可用saline溶液混合讓它恢復可用狀態

8. Hit your eyelash curler with a hair dryer to heat it up, so your lashes curl easier.

Blowing hot air on your eyelash curler will help your lashes curl easier and stay curled longer; it works the same way heat changes the pattern of your hair and holds a curl with a curling iron. To do it, hit the lash curler with your blow dryer until it heats up, wait until it cools slightly but is still warm (you want to be sure not to burn your eyelid), and then clamp down on your lashes to curl them.

睫毛夾先用吹風機吹一下, 剛開始有點熱, 稍稍冷卻一下, 這樣可讓睫毛更捲翹更持久; 跟吹頭髮做造型的道理一樣.

9. Dust on translucent powder in between coating on mascara to plump up your lashes.

The translucent powder helps grip the mascara in between coats, leaving you with fuller lashes. Try out this tip by following this tutorial.  

沾少許蜜粉幫助睫毛膏定色, 讓睫毛看來更多更豐實

10. Apply eyelash glue to false lashes with the tip of a clean bobby pin.

Use the tip of a bobby pin to evenly disperse the glue along the base of your falsies. Then, wait a few seconds for the glue to get tacky and apply! 

用髮夾為假睫毛上膠, 稍等幾秒再黏到眼皮

11. For long-lasting lip color, swipe on your shade, lay a tissue over your mouth, and then dust translucent powder over it to set the color.

This process may seem extensive, but the payoff is worth it. Not only does the translucent powder set a bold shade, like Elizabeth Arden's Ceramide Lipstick in Rouge, making it instantly long-wearing, but the tissue acts as a shield to your lip color, protecting it from lightening or losing it's vibrancy. (Translucent powder, even though it's supposed to be clear, still has a subtle white tint to it that can alter your lip shade.) (Tip via makeup artist Lauren Cosenza.)

接著為嘴唇上色, 先上一層, 上面放張面紙, 再輕沾蜜法可幫助剛剛的唇色定色. 這過程有點麻煩但很值得. 不只蜜粉有助平衡唇色過於豔麗, 或散失原有的律動, 也會讓唇色更持久. 蜜粉帶點白色可微妙調整唇色.

12. Mix loose pigments with a salve or petroleum jelly to make your own custom lip gloss. If you have loose eyeshadow pigments that you're obsessed with and want to wear as a lip shade, blend it with a little bit of a salve, like VMV Hypoallergenics Boo-Boo Balm, or petroleum jelly in a spoon and swipe it onto your lips. Voilà! 

如果有些快用完的眼影粉, 可加點凡士林混合, 就搖身變成唇釉

13. Perfect your Cupid's bow by drawing an "X" on your upper lip first as a guideline.

To make the Cupid's bow part of your pout look perfect, the easiest and quickest way is to take a lip liner in the same shade as your lipstick and create an "X" at your Cupid's bow. Then, apply your lipstick as you normally would and voilà!

可以同色唇線筆先在上唇峰打個x記號, 之後補勻, 會讓上色的唇形更迷人

You might be a fan of dotting on your concealer in the spots you need it, but the best way is it to actually apply it in a triangular formation with the base of the triangle directly under your lashline and the point toward the bottom of your cheek. This shape helps conceal any redness at the bottom of your eye and at the sides, and then instantly creates the illusion that your face is lifted, since the brightest point is the most intense under your eye.

以前的妳可能遮瑕筆拿了, 就在想遮的地方塗抹一下, 但我們建議是區塊式地使用; 也就是在下眼線, 鼻樑側到顴骨底端拉出的三角區塊, 都使用上. 除了可遮掉臉部的泛紅, 還可創造一種臉部立即被提拉的視覺效果.

15. Make contouring look more natural by using a pencil, pen, or makeup brush handle as your guide to finding exactly where your cheekbone is.

Not everyone's face is created equal, so where your BFF might be applying her bronzer might not be the best place for you to contour. To tell where you should be dusting on bronzer, roll a pencil, pen, or makeup brush handle right below your cheekbone (directly in the pocket underneath the actual bone) to find the right angle for your face. Once you've found the correct placement, dust some bronzer on your face using a contouring brush, and then diffuse the color so it looks natural. (Tip via makeup artist Lauren Cosenza.)

不是每個人臉型都平均, 以筆類(或彩粧刷)先定位找出正確角度, 再上頰彩, 以彩粧刷將其刷勻

16. Map the contours of your face with a gel eyebrow pencil, since it's easier to apply precisely and blend in.

After you've applied your base, mark the areas you want to contour — the hollows under your cheekbones, your temples, along your hairline, jawline, the sides of your nose, the tip of the nose, and the crease of your eyes — with a deeply colored brow gel pencil, like IT Cosmetics Brow Power Perfector Gel Pencil in Auburn. Brow gel pencils are really concentrated, yet very smudgeable, and it's easy to control the placement of their dark pigment, making them perfect for contouring. Next, use an all-over cream highlighter, like Mac Cosmetics Cream Colour Base in Luna, on the tops of your cheekbones, on the center of your forehead, the bridge of your nose, the center of your chin, and on your Cupid's bow. (Tip via makeup artist Lauren Cosenza and this tutorial.)

以眉筆(膠狀), 頰骨的凹陷處, 額頭, 沿著髮際線, 下巴, 打底; 膠狀比較好推勻, 比較好控制位置. 之後以粉底霜上底粧

17. Blot your face in a pinch with a clean toilet seat cover.

Initially, yes, this sounds gross, but both blotting papers and toilet seat covers are made out of similar fabrics and will help sop up excess oil on your skin. So, if you're in a pinch and headed to the bathroom to freshen up anyway, grab one of these covers and pat it over your skin to decrease any excess oil on your face. 

以面紙吸去多餘的油脂, 讓粧感粉嫩


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