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如何選購適用的抗老保養品? (轉自美國皮膚協會臉書, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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How to select anti-aging skin care products

Dermatologists share their insider tips

Shopping for an anti-agingskin care product can feel like hit-or-miss experience. With so many choices,it can be difficult to know which products to choose. These dermatologists’tips can help you shop with confidence.

買抗老保養品的經驗可能是個大對大錯的經驗. 那麼多選項, 很難知道要選什麼. 以下皮膚科醫生的小撇步可能可鞤助你較有信心去選購



1.      Start with sunscreen and moisturizer: Dermatologistsagree that sunscreen and moisturizer are the two most-effective anti-agingproducts you can buy. Using these every day can make a noticeable difference.

Whenshopping for sunscreen, select one that offers all of the following:

  • ·        Broad spectrum
  • ·        SPF 30 (or higher)
  • ·        Water resistance

An anti-aging moisturizerhelps to minimize fine lines. It is so effective that moisturizer is the secretingredient in many anti-aging products.

Using a moisturizer withsunscreen is fine. Just be sure that the product offers broad-spectrum coverageand an SPF of 30 or higher.

If you will spend timeoutdoors during the day, you should apply a sunscreen that offersbroad-spectrum protection, SPF 30 (or higher), and water resistance. Be sure toreapply your sunscreen every two hours while outdoors.

第一步, 選防曬品與保濕品: 皮膚科醫生同意防曬與保濕是抗老產品最有效的兩個產品. 每天用會看到顯著的效果

  • ·        防曬品必需是寬頻保護(既能對抗紫外線UVA, UVB)
  • ·        防曬系數需高達30以上
  • ·        防水

2. Treat your #1 aging-skinconcern: Give sunscreen and moisturizer a few weeks towork. Then look at your skin. Is there still a sign of aging that bothersyou?By focusing on one concern, such as wrinkles or dark spots, you’ll get thebest results. Look for a product that targets your concern. There are tworeasons for this:

幾個禮拜內持續使用, 看看肌膚的狀況. 是否仍有什麼困擾你的老化現象? 先關注在某一點, 比方皺紋啦, 黑斑啦, 會比較容易看到效果. 選擇你在乎的那個膚況能對症下藥的保養品. 這樣做有兩個理由:

  • No product can treat all signsof skin aging. 沒有產品能涵蓋所有老化徵兆
  • Using more than one anti-agingproduct in a few days or weeks can irritate the skin, making you look older. 幾天內或幾個禮拜內用超過一種以上的抗老化產品可能會太刺激肌膚看來更老

3. Buy a product formulated for your skin type:
Yoursunscreen, moisturizer, and other anti-aging skin care products will work bestif they are formulated for your skin type. For example, if your skin tends tobe oily, select a moisturizer made for oily skin. If you have sensitive skin,you want to see the words “sensitive skin” on the label.
選購適合你膚質的保養品: 防曬品, 保濕品及其他抗老產品如果能針對你的膚質, 那會作用得更理想. 比方, 如果你肌膚傾向油性, 選擇專為油性設計的保濕品. 如果妳是敏感肌, 你會想要看到產品包裝上寫: 敏感肌專用的字樣

This is important because noone product works for everyone.

這點蠻重要, 因為從沒有單一產品能適用所有人

4. Read product labels and selecta product that offers all of the following:

好好研讀產品包裝與標籤, 上面會有以下資料

  • Hypoallergenic (The product can still cause an allergic reaction, butthere is less risk.)
    敏弱肌膚專用(但仍有刺激的潛在可能性 只是機會較低)
  • Non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic (does not cause acne) 不致粉刺性, 或不致痘
  • Consumer hotline (to contactfor questions) 客服專線


5. Have realistic expectations: Exaggerated promises, such as look 10 years younger overnight or quicklyreduces all signs of aging, are too good to be true. It’s important to rememberthat anti-aging skin care products deliver modest results. You cannot get theresults of a facelift from a cream. 


TIP: “Clinically proven” meansthat the product was given to consumers to try. It does not mean the productunderwent clinical trials and received approval from the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA).

要有實際的期望: 不要相信太誇大的承諾, 像一夜之間年輕十歲, 或快速減少老化跡象. 你無法借由一罐營養霜達到臉部拉提的作用

提醒: "臨床實驗證明"代表這產品有給消費者試用過. 但不代表它受過美國食藥署(FDA)檢核通過喔


6. Select a product within yourprice range: It’s human nature to think that the moreexpensive the product, the better the results. Effective anti-aging productscome in all price ranges. 根據你的預算選擇適用的保養品: 人性很自然會想說越貴的越好. 有效的抗老保養品, 在每個價格區間都有

Maximize the results you see 將你要看到的效果極大化
Once you’ve selected a product, you can maximize its effectiveness by followingtips that dermatologists share with their patients.

一旦你選了某個保養品, 可借由皮膚科醫生與病人分享過的小撇步將這保養品的效果放到最大

this article was from American Academy of Dermatology




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