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Why Do All These New Foundations Come With Weird Droppers?

YSL Fusion Ink Foundation   (聖羅蘭) 恆久完美輕粉底

When I first laid eyes on the Best of Beauty–winning YSL Fusion Ink Foundation, I was a little confused. Um, what is that stick applicator and how am I supposed to use it? I wrote it off as a gimmicky play on the idea of ink—because it kind of looks like a quill and inkwell—until I noticed more and more new foundations popping up with the same kind of applicator. As it turns out, this unusual design has a very real purpose.
當我第一眼看到年度美粧品YSL粉墨粉底液, 我有點困惑. 嗯....那個沾棒是要幹嘛用的? 我寫下那是個噱頭, 就像用墨水寫字的道理一樣 - 因為是有點像羽毛筆跟墨水瓶 - 直到我注意到更多粉底會從這根沾棒釋出. 看來這根不起眼的沾棒有著很實際的作用

The new breed of foundations that come with these applicators are what we'd call milky in texture. They're as thin as water but leave a velvety, medium-coverage finish on skin (I also like Maybelline Dream Wonder Fluid-Touch Foundation and Dior Diorskin Nude Air Serum). And the applicator measures out the perfect amount of foundation. "A traditional pump would dispense way too much of the fluid," says cosmetic chemist Ni'Kita Wilson.

新一代粉底有著特殊沾棒, 質地是我們所稱的乳霜狀. 非常薄, 薄到像水一樣, 塗到臉上像絲絨般, 提供中度遮蓋力 (我也喜歡媚比琳的保溼夢幻兩用粉餅, 與迪奧的Diorskin Nude Air Serum). 沾棒會沾取適量的粉底, "傳統擠壓式會擠出過多的量"

Here's how you use it: Lift the stick out of the tube and hold it above your hand, letting a few drops fall onto your fingers. Then press a dot on your forehead, chin, and each cheek, and blend them in (four drops is enough for your whole face). No, you shouldn't wipe the foundation onto your face directly from the stick like it's some sort of spatula, and no, you shouldn't pour the liquid straight from the bottle into your palm (I attempted both before I learned the right way to use the applicator).


取出沾棒, 讓它掉出幾滴在你手指. 點一點在額頭, 下巴, 兩頰, 均勻混和 (通常四滴就夠整臉). 不要將沾棒上的粉底直接滴到你臉上, 也不要滴到手掌. 本文作者試過幾種方式後, 推薦滴在手指上, 再輕點臉上, 混和均勻

台長: 喜貓

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