在台灣有設點的Dr. Brandt保養品原創者, Dr. Brandt今晨去世, 享年65歲.
現在微整型盛行, 無侵入式的美容手術, 將會有的風險大幅降低, 他就是早期的領航員, 首先引用肉毒桿菌, 以及多種注射填補, 是這個年代非常頂尖的皮膚科醫生, 對美容界貢獻良多.
因為具有勇於嘗試的精神, 任何美容新技術, 他都會親身體驗. 但, 近幾年, 他對於人們以他的臉部作文章, 感到有些受傷難過. Dermatologist Fredric Brandt, who had practices in New York City and Miami, died early this morning at age 65 at his home in Coral Gables, Florida. This is a loss for so many of us who loved Dr. Brandt for his kindness, humility, and sense of humor—and a loss for the field to which he devoted his life. ”Dr. Brandt was one of the country's leading dermatologists,” says Roy Geronemus, a clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Medical Center. “He pioneered the cosmetic use of botulinum toxins and injectable fillers with creative techniques that earned him a national and international following of patients. His artistry and sense of humor, his creativity and compassion will be sorely missed by his friends and thousands of patients.”
皮膚科醫生Dr. Brandt, 在紐約與邁阿密執業, 今早在弗羅里達家中去世, 享年65歲. 對於很多喜愛Dr. Brandt的我們而言是很大的損失, 他是那麼地仁慈, 善解人意與幽默 - 對於他一生貢獻的美容界更是一大損失. "Dr. Brandt是本國頂尖的皮膚科醫生, 紐約大學醫學中心, Roy geronemus, 一位皮膚科教授這麼說. "他是業界率先肉毒桿菌用在美容與開展注射填充技術的人. 他的技藝與幽默感 創造力, 與同理心會被所有他的朋友, 與成千上萬接受美容手術的人所追憶 
Brandt was also well known because his clients were. He treated Madonna and Stephanie Seymour, along with many other models, actresses, and socially prominent women. He had many fans at Allure, starting with editor in chief Linda Wells. “I was Fred's patient, his skin-care customer, and one of his many admiring friends. A lot has been written about Fred Brandt as the 'Baron of Botox,' and although that's fun and catchy, it doesn't fairly capture his singular intelligence, his enormous care, and his absolute excellence at his work. He had an immeasurable amount of compassion. Fred Brandt believed in beauty and wanted everyone he touched to experience it for herself.”Dr. Brandt也因為他的病人都大有來頭而聲名大噪. 他曾看過瑪丹娜, 與Stephanie Seymour, 還有很多模特兒, 女演員, 與社會上知名的女強人. 他在Allure雜誌擁有很粉絲, 從總編輯開始就是. "我是Dr. Brandt的病人, 他保養品的顧客, 也是他眾多好友之一. 有太多關於Dr. Brandt的報導, 封他為"肉毒桿菌男爵", 雖然有趣, 令人印象深刻, 但無法公平全然述說他在工作表現的才華洋溢, 大量的關愛, 與卓然的優越. 他有著無可比擬的同理心. Dr. Brandt相信美麗, 希望他接觸的每個人都能體驗到這份美麗
Brandt was ahead of his time in understanding the danger of the sun, says Diane Berson, a New York City dermatologist. She met him in 1980 in Miami when she was finishing college and he was a resident in dermatology. “I was baking in the sun by the pool, oblivious to the danger, and Fred was there in a hat to protect his fair complexion. He always wore a hat.”
Dr. Brandt領先他的年代, 瞭解到太陽對皮膚的傷害. Diane Berson說, 紐約大學皮膚科醫生. 她在1980年代邁阿密, 遇到Dr. Brandt, 那時她才剛完成大學學頁, 他已在皮膚科專業. "我在游泳池旁曬太陽, 無視於可能的危險, Dr. Brandt在那裏, 戴著一頂帽子保護他的容顏. 他一直都會戴著帽子"
Brandt also earned a reputation for testing fillers on his own face, and people remarked upon his appearance, especially when his photo appeared in stories about his famous clientele or his world-class modern art collection. In conversations I had with Brandt, he admitted that he was very hurt by comments about his face. He said he wanted to look younger and fresher. When I spoke to him recently, he was particularly upset about a character in the Netflix comedy The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, a dermatologist widely believed to be a fictionalized version of him. Professionally, Brandt was known for his light touch, and he frequently saw patients who'd had bad experiences with other, overzealous doctors.
Dr. Brandt也以常注射填充物到他自己臉上著名, 人們會在他臉上作文章, 特別是當他的照片出現在商店. 在我與Dr. Brandt的對話中, 他承認, 他有點受傷, 對於人們在他臉上作文章與評論. 他說他想看來年輕一點. 當我最近一次跟他的談話, 他對於一部叫Netfix喜劇以他為樣本的角色, 感到非常困擾. 打不破Kimmy Schmidt, 一位完全杜撰的皮膚科醫生看來應是以他為基礎寫的角色. 專業上, Dr. Brandt非常柔和, 他常會看診有過不良看診經驗的病人.
Every year, Brandt was a guest lecturer at dozens of international dermatology meetings, and his office in Miami was a major participant in clinical studies testing new cosmetic devices for safety and efficacy. The line of skin-care products that bears his name rates well with experts and has descriptive names that make you smile. Lines No More, a serum to soften frown lines without injections, is apparently the top-selling dermatologist product in the world and number five in the U.S., he told me proudly at our last dinner—sushi, of course—a few weeks ago.
每年, Dr. Brandt會被邀請到國際皮膚科會議演講, 他在邁阿密的辦公室, 在參與臨床實驗, 測試新保養品安全性與有效性的方面扮演一個積極的角色. 以他為名的保養品系列, 在專家口中享有很好的口碑, 產品命名常讓人莞爾. 比方"不再有線條", 是一瓶精華露, 不需打針, 就能柔和抬頭紋, 賣得很好, 在世界知名品牌中榜上有名, 在美國銷售則占第五位. 他在上次的晚餐聚會(吃壽司), 中還很驕傲地告訴我, 就幾個禮拜以前
I feel lucky to have had that last dinner with Brandt. He was a hard-working and very busy man. He started every day with yoga and frequently worked late. He commuted every two weeks to Miami, where his beloved dogs lived. A few years ago, I saw him there, at the Fontainebleau hotel. Every other person we passed in the lobby was a patient and greeted him warmly. We sat in the cocktail lounge with the three dogs—he’d called ahead to make sure pets were allowed—and a woman approached and asked if he was the hotel’s dog walker. He said yes, before I set her straight. Brandt was also a frustrated lyricist. He could make up lyrics on the spot and often did so when he was injecting to take the sting out the needle. “He sang Broadway show tunes while he worked,” Wells remembers. “'Younger Than Springtime' was a favorite.”
我感到很幸運上一次與Dr. Brandt的晚餐, 他是個工作認真也很忙碌的人. 他每天以做瑜珈開始一天, 常常工作很晚. 他每兩個禮拜從紐約到邁阿密, 他最愛的狗狗都在那裏. 幾年前, 我在那裏的Fontainebleau飯店與他見面. 每個在大廳與我們交會的人都是他的病人, 也溫暖與他打招呼. 我們與三隻狗狗同在調酒吧 - 他是先打過招呼看狗狗是否可進入. 有個婦女趨前問他他是否為飯店專門溜狗的人. 他說是, 在我有機會解釋之前. Dr. Brandt也很會做打油詩. 他可當場唸起來, 特別是當他在注射把針打進去抽出來之時. "當他工作時, 他哼百老匯的曲調" "Younger than Springtime是他最喜愛的一首.