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2004-04-16 16:04:22| 人氣448| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

廿八分鐘的時空旅程---Le jetee

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廿八分鐘的時空旅程---Le Jetée

Chris Marker於 1962年拍成 avant-garde sci-fi電影 Le Jetee. 全片全長28 minutes. 用定格照片剪接加上音樂及 poetic narrator便成了這部 Le Jetee. 據聞這部 avant-garde inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, 直接影響的則有 12 Monkeys.

電影開首是主角回憶中的機場, 有人好像跟他送別…….

背景於Third World War爆發前, there is a whole dark and demolished world. 由於核戰會破壞整個世界, physical space is useless. Scientists集中研究 Travel through time.

主角被選了參予實驗. 第一部份是回到過去實驗.

主角從幻覺的現像到了機場, 看到了女主角被她吸引, 女主角將她帶回童年.

主角回到過去, narrator道:
A peacetime morning. A peacetime bedroom, a real bedroom. Real children. Real birds. Real cats. Real graves.

一個 real 的世界, alive as real, dead as real.


They are without memories, without plans. Time builds itself painlessly around them. Their only landmarks are the flavor of the moment they are living and the markings on the walls.

後來二人到了動物博物館, they go to past for going to past of the past. They are nostalgic for the nostalgia.

主角在動物博物館發現, only the past is timeless.

實驗人員發現主角實驗進度良好, 便到了到未來的實驗.

主角看到人類未來, 已是第二個星球的事, 萬事井然有序, 像極Utopia.
未來人發覺主角已有到人類未來的能力, 未來人並邀請主角到未來enjoy utopian life.

但主角只留戀與女主角過去的片段, 還稱與女主角在過去已相約, 拒絕到未來. 這段使我想起 Big Fish.

主角實驗完結, 去到夢中所見的機場, 與女主角又重遇.

那時主角已知道死亡便是出路, 因主角已預示自己會在機場被暗殺……

We fight and get progress for the future, when we are more near to future, we know the past is more beautiful though future is a utopia.

We are scientifically achieving to the futurist utopia, yet this utopia is less fun and beautiful.

However, past is just a memory that we cannot retrieve.

We are always suffering from the vicious cycle in nostalgia

We degrade ourselves as we live longer. We are better dead than alive.

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