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How should we carry our life– The Wind Will Carry Us…

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How should we carry our life– The Wind Will Carry Us…

我相信生命應該重過 21 克, but the wind will carry us.

The Wind Will Carry Us, 中譯 “風再起時”, 由伊朗導演 Abbas Kiarostami 執導, 相信喜歡 World Cinema 的朋友定比我更熟悉他, 其前作 The Taste of Cherry 更是 Golden Palm@ Cannes Film Festival 的得主.

The Wind Will Carry Us 就是那種很回歸大自然, 很 humane的那種電影. either 很悶, 或是很長氣, 少有作品是我非常感觸的那種. 我看過的電影中, “黃土地” 和 “悲情城市” 能把大自然變成一個戲中的角色, 但政治控訴味道遠超自然之美. 另一部想起的是 Peter Weir 的 “Picnic at Hanging Rock”, 但 Peter Weir 鏡頭下, 大自然比貞子還恐怖.

要我想一部能十足表達大自然的味道, 以前只有嚴浩的 “似水流年”, 和剛看完的 “The Wind Will Carry Us”. 兩部電影成功的地方, 是能把大自然與生俱來的感情和 Humanity 很和諧地融合一起.

The Wind Will Carry Us 講男主角從德克蘭到伊朗一鄉村, 為的相信是要拍攝一個相信和死亡或葬禮的有關儀式 (戲中無解釋清楚), 男主角到那裡, 就是要等人死. 男主角早知道村中有一老婦快將去世, 便委托一小童做 spy, 打探消息.

Abbas Kiarostami沒有用很批判的方式拍攝這個等人死的故事, 因為其實可能沒什麼大不了. 這部其實很慢和很悶的電影能 impress 我, 因為我也有相似的經驗. 有一暑假, 我和朋友預備去旅行, 但一名長期病患的親蜀病情突然轉差, 故家人道要等他死後, 葬禮完畢方可出發.

去旅行的期望便轉化成等人死的期望, most rudely speaking, 亦是因為那人死得太遲, 我的旅程便去不成了.

我依然記得那段矛盾的心情, 最矛盾的是我並不覺得很矛盾, 那個矛盾只在知性和理性的層面上.

每當懷疑自已時, 這段經驗是我最不願意面對, it is just a not-so-trivial experience sealed with a someone’s death in my life.

我從來沒想到有電影可以 dig up and interpellate 我這段 repressed的經驗, 更甚的是, to a certain extent, 這部電影對我來說, 算是種 liberation and recognition.

The Wind Will Carry Us 中, 是以非常 personal 的手法拍攝, 留白之處是我看電影或任何 art commodity 中最多. 電影有非常多 unseen characters, 那些 unseen characters 配合戲中伊朗的依山而建的村莊天衣無縫. 主角和 unseen character, seen 與 unseen 的距離, 就是一牆, 一個 corner, 或一上一下之隔. 戲中, 主角要駕車到山上 , with a full view of the village, 聽 mobile phone接 order(因為村中收唔到), 或到無光線的山洞中取牛奶. The Wind Will Carry us 就是利用了 seen 與 unseen, 山上山下等 geographical postion, 表達生與死, 人與人不能改變的 physical distance, 不過 humanity 可以 bridge the gap.

The Wind Will Carry Us的 seen/unseen的距離感, 跟王家衛 “重慶森林” 那 0.01公分, “春光乍洩” 中香港與 Buenos Aires, 及“花樣年華” 的 “我地唔可以學他們那樣” 的那對 unseen and unrecognized couple, 王家衛表達出的是距離兩極中間的矛盾和衝突, Abbas Kiarostami則進一步從衝突中表達出The Wind Will Carry Us那種安然.


The Wind Will Carry Us 其實節錄自伊郎女詩人Forough Farrokhzad的一首詩, 出現於片中主角無光線的山洞中取牛奶一段:

Engineer: Okay, I’ll recite a poem to you. [pause]
It will occupy us while you milk. [pause]
You won’t answer me?
Girl: [milking cow by the light of the lamp] Go ahead.

Engineer: I was saying that… [pause]
In my night, so brief, alas
The wind is about to meet the leaves.

[breaks off]
Do you understand that?
Girl: The two are meeting.

Engineer: It’s like when you went to see Yossef. [pause] At the well.
Girl: At the well?

Engineer: Bravo. [Pause]

My night so brief is filled with devastating anguish.
Hark! Do you hear the whisper of the shadows? [breaks off]
Do you understand the shadows?

Girl: That means darkness.

Engineer: [recites slowly]
This happiness feels foreign to me.
l am accustomed to despair.
Hark! Do you hear the whisper of the shadows?
There, in the night, something is happening.
The moon is red and anxious.
And, clinging to this roof that could collapse at any moment,
The clouds, like a crowd of mourning women,
Await the birth of the rain,
One second, and then nothing.
Behind this window, the night trembles,
And the earth stops spinning.
Behind this window, a stranger
Worries about you and me.
You, in your greenery,
Lay your hands - those burning memories -
On my loving hands
And entrust your lips, replete with life ’s warmth,
To the touch of my loving lips.

Girl: [referring to the milk] It’s full.

Engineer: The wind will carry us

Life and death is so foreign to me, but the wind will carry us.

有關伊郎女詩人Forough Farrokhzad的 website:

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